Owners of small and medium businesses often get intimidated by the possibilities of huge companies in their industry. Big Business has a near insurmountable amount of resources at their disposal accompanied by an ever-growing list of high value clients. However, there are some simple things that you can do to make your company more competitive in today’s market. Envision Yourself Winning Personally before tackling any large issues, I center my frame of mind using a TLC (To the Light, … [Read more...] about 4 Simple Mindsets to Help You Land Major Accounts
Increase Sales (Beyond Your Inner Limits) with Martijn Reintjes
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Martijn Reintjes about how to "Increase Sales (Beyond Your Inner Limits)". Here are the episode highlights: Set goal for 10 new clients this quarter for his business TeamCroCo Didn’t feel good saying it as an affirmation I realized that I have is a subconscious block Previous sales was 2 in a quarter, max 4 Anxious, queasy in stomach Terrifying, alien to me, heavy I don’t believe I can do it … [Read more...] about Increase Sales (Beyond Your Inner Limits) with Martijn Reintjes
Powerful Intuition Tool- Youngest Age Pattern Recycling tool
I have been in situations where I am making a mistake more than once. Even more than 3 times. We should be smart enough and able to learn from our mistakes. Sometimes, that's not possible. This doesn't mean that you're incapable of learning or improving yourself, and the reason is much deeper. When you notice a pattern of behavior in your business that you want to change, or when you just feel lower emotions on the Hawkins scale such as guilt or shame you can use the following tool to … [Read more...] about Powerful Intuition Tool- Youngest Age Pattern Recycling tool
045 Intuition and Overcoming Scary Thoughts with Erica Blair
Erica Blair talks about “Intuition and Overcoming Scary Thoughts” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. “So how do people make the decision? How do people decide which coach, which consultant, which teacher they want to work with? It's done primarily through an intuition. It's done primarily through understanding that this person is just on the vibe, is on the level that I am looking for. This person just speaks to me because the way that they … [Read more...] about 045 Intuition and Overcoming Scary Thoughts with Erica Blair
044 Why The Words Your Prospects Say Can Lie And Their Body Says What They Are Really Thinking with Vicki Fitch
Vicki Fitch talks about “Why The Words Your Prospects Say Can Lie And Their Body Says What They Are Really Thinking” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. “I have a thing, and I call it the buying threshold, that we have this buying threshold. It's an invisible number. Now, in a company, it might be a specific number that they've identified, but there's this number that people won't spend without either feeling guilty or without consulting … [Read more...] about 044 Why The Words Your Prospects Say Can Lie And Their Body Says What They Are Really Thinking with Vicki Fitch
043 Intuition, Writing and Creating in Business with Janet Murray
Janet Murray talks about "Intuition, Writing and Creating in Business" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. "When you're in that kind of lovely place, then your writing will just flow, and it's your voice, but when you're trying too hard, when you're pushing, when you're trying to be clever, or you're trying to use big words or whatever, that doesn't produce the best copy, and as a journalist, I spend a lot of my time encouraging people to pull … [Read more...] about 043 Intuition, Writing and Creating in Business with Janet Murray
042 Business Intuition and Unlocking the Ability to Lead with Christopher Avery
Christopher Avery talks about "Business Intuition and Unlocking the Ability to Lead" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. "Dynamically you can't just start stuff. You have to end stuff so that you have space to start stuff." - Christopher Avery Show notes The Responsibility Process: Unlocking Your Natural Ability to Live and Lead with Power by Christopher Avery Does following your intuition lead to bad decisions A knowingness … [Read more...] about 042 Business Intuition and Unlocking the Ability to Lead with Christopher Avery
The Power of WWIT Has Reached New People via HuffPost
Recently, I’ve had a pleasure of talking to Edie Weinstein from Huffington Post. The main topic of the conversation was WWIT= What Would It Take. What Would It Take, a powerful intuition tool WWIT is a way to shift the focus of your mind away from the problem and onto solutions. I believe it also activates our intuition and subconscious to jump forward to finding big answers, rather than working hard to figure out solutions made up of logical steps. The phrasing of WWIT is interesting as it … [Read more...] about The Power of WWIT Has Reached New People via HuffPost
041 Intuition in Public Speaking and Business Communication with Marjorie Saulson
Marjorie Saulson talks about "Intuition in Public Speaking and Business Communication" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast. "To be an effective communicator you need three things that I call, "What, how, and allow," and the 'what' is the message. That comes out of your heart and your mind and your intentions. What is it that you want to communicate? What is important? What do you need to share with people who need to hear what you have to say? That's the 'what'. The … [Read more...] about 041 Intuition in Public Speaking and Business Communication with Marjorie Saulson
Book Creation and Launching Case Study, with Ying Han Cheng
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Ying Han Cheng. She talks about her Book Launch Process. This is a follow-up on her Case Study we did a few months ago before she's written a book. We wanted to see how the book did! It is a bestseller, by the way... ;) Episode highlights Book launch process Book creation process Hero’s journey Emotional journey Polarizing your audience to create dedicated fans Scared to commit to … [Read more...] about Book Creation and Launching Case Study, with Ying Han Cheng