It is very easy to forget your emotions, and just focus on the physical parts of your life. But eventually, you will notice that this hurts you more. Physical is something we experience every day. Emotional and meta-physical is your next best change!
The most important intuition tool is TLC. TLC stands for To the Light, Connect. TLC helps you perform at a higher level in your business and makes your WWITs more powerful.
Measuring your Vibration level
Let’s look at a tool to measure your vibration level in detail. It will let you know when you are more likely to be successful in your business manifesting.
The Hawkins vibration level scale goes from 1 (very low) to 1000 (very high). From shame at 20, through fear (100), Desire (125), Love (500) and Enlightenment (700+). (From the book “The Eye of the I”).
To manifest, you want to be at 500+. It is hard to manifest anything when you are in a state of shame (20) because shame means “I am not enough.” While Desire is a major motivator for many people to change, the downside is that it can lead to addiction to things such things as sex, money, prestige, or power. So it does not make for effortless manifesting. There are other issues preventing effortless manifesting at the levels before 500. When you get to a vibration of 500 or above, you can easily manifest what you want in your business using your intuition.
Here are the common emotional levels on the Hawkins scale
Notice that Love is in the middle.
To measure where you are on the scale you can…
- Notice what emotion(s) you are feeling and the lowest one on the scale is your level.
- You can run your hand or eye down the list, and where it stops is your level.
- You can just ask your intuition what level you are currently at on the scale and see what number you get.
- Scan the sheet and your gut reactions to it. Which one attracts the most positive and/or negative vibes?
Related: The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale
Once you have your vibration level raised to 500+, then take those inspired actions out into the physical world. Make the phone call, send the email, or start the work that emerged from your intuition when you did your WWIT.