Making decisions for some people might be a very hard and stressful process. It involves so many things, like thinking about consequences on how it will affect me directly, indirectly, and how will it affect my business.
It’s not the same when you are running your business, right? How many times it happened that you had to make some serious cuts, and do it fast? A test for a serious leader is to make decisions that no one else can and wants to make. Sometimes they might not even be able to make.
Making bad decisions is one thing everyone did so many times in their life. It’s impossible to not make them ever again. I created a list of ways where making decisions should come somewhat easier and will bring more benefits than delaying and/or not making any decision at all.
I have to say one more thing before you continue to read about these principles. You will find different options and different choices. It is up to you to learn and use one or more how and when you think it’s appropriate. I don’t want to affect your decisioning process, but I would like to help you in making it easier. One thing I deeply believe is common for all of them is intuition. Call it a gut feeling, voice, an inner- voice, or something else, but being able to listen and hear it, is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself.
In every scenario there are two steps I recommend taking:
- First, connect to the light (TLC) above and below and expand my heart as big as the universe (so I am connected to the bigger truth than just my ego).
- Then ask myself: WWIT (What Would It Take) to know which option easily brings me profit and joy?
1. Spirit–yes or no? Usually that simple
Lots of people say it’s that easy. First impressions are the ones that are strongest, and therefore not affected by ratio. And it shouldn’t take too much time to make a decision. By prolonging it, you only make things worse. What this means, is that in their opinion, you take more time, more energy and at the same time there are more ways this could go wrong.
I've had a pleasure of talking with some of the very successful entrepreneurs on this subject. Here are the most common ways:
- If it's not a HELL YES, it's a HELL NO!
- I make decisions.
- Instinct meets gut feeling meets enthusiasm
- How do you get into the process? Is it going to be another painful and stressful process or is it going to be easy and abundant?
- Ready, fire, aim principle– do first and adjust later.
- Impulsively make a last minute decision that changes everything
- This is very similar to intuitive decisioning, but the thing is here that it puts you in the spot where you don’t have a backup plan or any alternative. If you’re comfortable living with mistakes you’ve made (and be sure there will be some). But, at least you haven’t lost time in dealing with doubts.
2. What my body is saying vs. listening to my mind
Splitting these two is a very common thing. Sometimes the ratio is taking too much time and not enough action. On the other hand, body still has kept that primal response and might be right even before you are able to think it through.
- When I am in that process, and it is concerning my life's path, I usually give myself time to drop in and listen to what my body is saying vs. listening to my mind. The body has so much internal wisdom. And finally, ask yourself “how would this make me feel?”
- It is a very good process that only requires knowing what your body is saying. To start being better at this, I recommend starting using and Intuition Journal.
- Some people like to get into the stillness and listen, to their gut, intuition, or a higher self.
3. Why Intuition is your most powerful tool
There is that first instant response that we talked about previously, and it is a gut feeling or what some might call Intuition.
I personally prefer to take more time and dive deeper. Not every decision is time-sensitive, and I use the two-step process mentioned earlier:
- First, connect to the light (TLC) above and below and expand my heart as big as the universe (so I am connected to the bigger truth than just my ego).
- There are many ways you can do this. Someone likes to walk in the forest, swim in the ocean, meditate etc. whichever you choose, it’s good if it helps you.
- Then ask myself: WWIT (What Would It Take) to know which option easily brings me profit and joy?
- At this stage, you might find useful using Nested WWIT’s.
- After these two steps, it might be a good time to go into your Board Room with your own Spiritual Advisory Board. Consult with your board members and make a decision based on that.
Here are other suggestions that I've found some of my friends use:
- Take a deep breath. Close my eyes. Ask “is this for my highest good?” Then listen to my body.
- SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) and how does this align with my purpose
- The very first question is what is the cost/impact if I change my mind? The energy i put into making the decision is directly proportional to the cost of changing my mind. My focused energy is my biggest asset so i focus it on the big/most important/major impact areas…
- I use the ever faithful “eenie meanie miney mo” method… it's a classic, especially when making such important life choices as: pizza or tacos? I always end up eating something delicious.
- Think . . . Sleep . . . talk it out . . . figure out the deadline. . . . Does it align with my who and what I consider most important
- I've been experimenting with decision making based on my Human Design since September. For a Reflector, that means waiting a moon cycle or about 28.5 days and in that time feeling into the decision each day and expressing my thoughts around the decision to others. I haven't been able to make every decision based on this because, life. But where I have been able to, it's been very eye-opening for me. I feel less rushed and for most of them, the decision came to me as a knowing before the 28 days was up.
- Pick what's gonna cause the least damage and be the most beneficial to all party's..- pretty simple.
- Even if you make a decision that you are like WTF why did I make that decision!!? Know that you made that decision so that you can have that specific AWARENESS!!! That alone is Golden!! From Awareness, you can make another Choice. Aligned choice/decision. As you know, life is all about the choices we make moment to moment.
- In all the books, interviews, and studies, dating back to the original grandaddy of awesome books, Think and Grow Rich” from 1935, it's been noted that successful people make decisions fast and change their minds slowly, in order to stay focused on the initial gut feeling. People who are struggling tend to make decisions slowly and change their minds and change courses of their focus frequently. I used to make decisions slowly, but since making them more quickly and staying focused things are much much better and easier. How do I do it? I follow my guy, and use my mind to assess, but if the feeling I have is a “yes” I go with that feeling. Life is way easier and much more fruitful this way.
- If it's a complex life decision, I usually use the Tony Robbins decision making model.
What is your process for making decisions? Please comment and let's discuss it further.
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