Remember that one time when you had to make a quick decision about the future of your project/team member/ investment?
You just started weighing pros and cons, and it was easy to decide. It was easy, right?
But, as you start growing, your company also starts bringing more and more business. And, with more business, you also get more things to think about. This leads to having more things to worry about!
What happens when you come up with multiple ideas on how to solve your problem and cannot decide which one to do?
Ask for intuitive signs
Ask your intuition to give you signs to help make a decision or to confirm you have made the right decision. Ask yourself “WWIT (What Would It Take) to know the ideal decision for me to solve this problem?” You might get the information in different ways:
- Ideas come into your head
- a knowing that a certain choice is true for you
- animal signs
- messages from dreams (see more on this below)
It is easier to access your intuition in dreams or in the just-woken state of mind because the ego part of the mind is quieter then. To get answers from your intuition in dreams you can ask yourself before sleep:
WWIT (What Would It Take) for me to dream of a solution for this problem?
“WWIT to know the ideal decision for hiring my marketing manager?”
Make sure that you have a pen, a pad of paper and a small flashlight next to your bed, because dreams or thoughts on waking can be hard to remember even 5 minutes later. Write them down as soon as you wake up, either in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Write clearly enough so that you can read it later when you are fully awake.
You might get clear words or images on what to do, or get messages in images that you will need to interpret.
You may need to do this for several nights in a row to get answers. But since it only takes an extra minute to ask the WWIT before sleeping there is no great difficulty in adding this into your evening routine.
Ask your future self
Your future self already knows which decision gave him or her the most joy or profit. Why not ask them for advice?
To do this, get in a quiet place and imagine your future self in front of you. Then ask them which option gave them the best result. You can clarify “best” by asking for which gave the most joy, the most profit, the most success.
Ask Angels and Guides
Ask one of your angels or guides whom you feel is best to help with this decision to come in front of you. You might hear an answer or receive a sign or just get a deep knowing on the answer.
Other intuitive decision methods
There are many other ways to access your intuition. I encourage you to play with the different methods and pick the options that work for you.
Other methods include:
- tarot cards
- pendulum
- picking rune dice from a bag
- animal signs
The important thing is to learn to listen to your intuition. Nobody can tell you what to do unless you are not sure of yourself.. Practice having quiet moments when you can sit down and listen to your intuition. You’ll know when your intuition starts answering to you. Then you can take action and trust your own decisions.
*WWIT= What Would It Take
TLC= To the Light, Connect