I’ve written at length about how intuition is our most valuable business tool, but, how can we access it? Can we train ourselves to recognize that whispering voice, even when the pressure of business builds?
Yes! Keeping an intuition journal is an excellent way for your inner voice to speak up. Intuition is our personal guide and is a well of wisdom within us, but sometimes we need help in deciphering the messages.
What better way than writing? The pen is mightier than the sword after all, so take up your weapon and write! Let’s look at how keeping an intuition journal can improve your business life and decision-making process.
What is an intuitive journal?
An intuitive journal is more than keeping track of those ‘Dear Diary’ moments. It is a written record of the gut feelings and hunches you experience throughout your working life.
It can be a notebook or a document on your laptop, whichever one you are most comfortable using. All that matters is that the words flow quickly and without much conscious thought or effort.
The point of the journal is to keep track of your inner voice, when and how it speaks to you.
What kind of things should you record?
As leaders in our businesses, we make decisions, large and small, every single day. Start to record what the challenge is and how you FEEL about it.
- Write about what action you decide to take, and then later, what the outcome was.
- It’s also a great tool to write down our WWIT (What would it take) questions, and write down all the solutions that come from your intuition.
When the inspiration hits, pay close attention and write it down. It is your creative energy firing straight from your intuition.
- Write about any moments where you ignored your gut feeling, and what happened. There are real lessons you can learn from every experience, good or bad.
Your intuition is also sensitive to incoming energy. To heighten this sense, write down any incidents of coincidences. For example, did you think of someone and then they call you?
When hiring new staff, write down your first impressions- how did your intuition communicate this to you? Did you get a gut feeling or experience any other signs? It is especially useful to go back and review or add to at a later stage to see how far the candidate has come, and how accurate your intuition was.
As well as keeping track of these moments, let yourself muse over what these things might mean. You may not know the answer there and then, but a later review will reveal the answers.
The more you write in your journal, the easier it will be to reach an understanding with the power of insight at the moment, rather than hindsight after the event.
How does keeping an intuition journal better my business?
It may be difficult to keep up with it at first, but once you start to open up on the page, the subconscious mind will take over. Keeping a journal for your personal or business life can help declutter your mind. It clears out the mental clutter allowing your intuition to speak freely and will enable you to reap the rewards.
Better, easier, quicker decision making
In an article for Psychology Today, Ray Williams states that you must,
…learn how to use your emotions productively in making your decisions.
- Writing about a decision in your journal gives you this opportunity. I liken the intuitive journal to having a conversation with my inner-self. I begin with the conscious mind, but as I continue, the emotional responses start to come through. As they do, I can begin to question them and delve deeper to uncover my truth.
- Writing your dialogue can help you come to a decision. Write down what happens when you follow that gut feeling, it will act as a sort of map to your inner guide. With more practice, you’ll be able to access your intuition much faster, and with little effort or time when it comes to those critical business decisions.
- It allows you greater insight into deciphering your emotions. Many people find it difficult to tell if what they are feeling is a genuinely intuitive message or, is in fact, fear and self-doubt. By writing down all the ways you receive these messages, questioning them and investigating them further, you can distinguish between fear and intuition.
Put a stop to bad habits and replace with positive ones
We are creatures of habit, and quite often we have specific routines and ways of doing things that aren’t the most productive, easiest or the healthiest.
Journaling allows you to identify patterns which may be harmful to yourself, your staff and colleagues, and your business as a whole.
By making your intuitive journal a ‘keystone habit,’ positive changes will start to occur in all areas of your business life. Charles Duhigg, author of ‘The Power of Habit,’ describes keystone habits as,
Small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.
For example, someone decides they are going to go to the gym three times a week. With this, other changes begin to happen. They eat better, drink more water, go to bed earlier, etc. By introducing that one keystone habit of going to the gym, other positive habits followed.
Think of writing in your intuition journal as taking your intuition to the gym for a workout!
Recognise and trust your intuition
- Keeping a journal helps us to formulate and clarify our thoughts, but the actual physical act itself also forces us to pay more attention to our inner voice. Studies which look at writing with a pen versus typing on a computer or mobile device indicate that the old-school way is more efficient in journaling.
- The act of writing stimulates a particular part of the brain which makes us give more importance to what we are doing. Therefore, writing in your journal helps us focus on our intuition and recognize the guidance that stems from it.
Evidence gives confidence
We can all feel a little lost at times when self-doubt creeps in, especially when the stakes are high. The journal acts as real, physical evidence that your intuition is working, and this is such a confidence boost!
You have a written record that you DO know what’s best and you are your fountain of knowledge and wisdom. You can flick through your notes and say with confidence,
I was right! I do know what I’m doing! I’ve got this.
As your confidence in your intuition grows, you’ll find making business decisions is a more natural and quicker process. Instead of giving in to fear and second-guessing, you’ll know with certainty that the answers you found within you are the right ones to guide your business.
Add some TLC to your intuition journal
Before writing in your intuition journal, I recommend some TLC. To the Light, Connect is a great meditation tool which, when used in conjunction with WWIT, allows you to perform better in your business.
- To TLC place both feet on the ground to firmly connect with Mother Earth, concentrating on your breath, take your consciousness to the realms above, where truth and beauty reside. Harnessing this power and light, slowly bring that energy back down and let it course through you.
- When you connect yourself to that light, you can channel that into your WWIT questions and your journal. Your mind, body, and soul are in greater harmony and truth can resonate through you and onto the page, and into your business.
To find out more about how to perform TLC, check out the video guide in the link.
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.
WWIT to start using your business intuition more openly?
Learn more about this powerful technique and how it takes only 10 minutes to learn a new technique that makes running your business 3x easier