Nathan Rose, bestselling author of Equity Crowdfunding
- How do you decide your business- quit vs persevere vs mothball vs pivot vs something else?
- Joy and profit graph
- WWIT to make this task joyful
- Joy audit
- Testing different numbers
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Helping startup first biz
- First biz resistance to making money or market suck
- Clearing blocks on resistance to making money or market suck
- Equity crowdfunding vs kickstarter- ask the biz what it wants
- 2 chairs method to help with decision
Tools used from the book in this session
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Testing different numbers
- Which item stands out
- Joy and Profit graphs
- 2 chairs method
*TLC=To the Light, Connect
*WWIT=What Would It Take