What happens when you don't have a clear idea on what to next in your business?
Where do you go for help?
Barbara is an entrepreneur and she has very good idea about her next steps.
But, still, there is uncertainty. Her goal is to go deeper with it, and feels that the time is right for her to do that.
The first question is:
Why don't you just do that?
In this Case Study Michael helps Barbara to answer to this question. Even though it sounds simple, very often it's not.
What exciting new options do you have?
Are you aware of possibilities to market your product and your business?
Are too many choices making it harder to decide?
Can you find your flow and start creating abundant surroundings for you, so you are able to focus?
When you start looking at the problem from a different perspective, you will be able to solve it. Here is an example:
- WWIT to solve my problem? More money
- WWIT for me to earn more money? To sell more______
- WWIT for me to sell more_______
- WWIT for me to earn more money? To sell more______
Continue asking yourself WWIT until you have reached the end of the desired action.
You are now ready for the Part 2 of the Barbara Case Study, where we'll discuss early adopted patterns and ways to solve them. Plus, much more!
*WWIT= What Would It Take
*TLC= To the Light, Connect