Running any sort of business can make you feel like you’re the ringmaster in a circus juggling multiple jobs all at once. If you’re stressed out and physically exhausted, you can’t perform at your best. So how can you avoid the burnout?
With these 5 simple steps in utilizing your business intuition, you can reduce stress and increase the productivity of your business with more ease and joy.
1. Unplug from the internet and ‘connect to the light’
The internet may be your business lifeline, but it can also kills productivity. Our inner voice is drowned out by constant distractions, instant messages and email notifications.
We’ve all uttered the words, “I’m too busy to take a break!” However, you’ll get more done if you do. According to a study published in The Muse,
“…the secret to retaining the highest level of productivity over the span of a workday is not working longer—but working smarter with frequent breaks.”
So, disconnect and plug into your intuition.
How to TLC properly
TLC (To the Light, Connect) is my favorite business intuition tool and the place where everything starts for me. TLC is about allowing your conscious mind to travel to that higher place of purity and light. Allow it to fill you completely and bring that pure energy back down to your earthly body and mind.
TLC is a simple process which can be completed in 2 minutes! I’ve previously posted full instructions on how to connect to the light with a helpful video guide to talk you through the entire process.
Here’s a brief summary of the steps:
- Feet firmly planted–ground yourself
- Close your eyes and allow your consciousness to soar up beyond the confines of this world until you’re in the presence of pure light.
- Feel this energy fill you and bring it back down to earth.
- Let it fill every part of your body, heart, and soul.
- Feel it resonate through you, the room, and the universe.
TLC brings clarity, inspiration and awakens the consciousness. This can also give you more energy. More energy means more productivity.
2. Ask your Spiritual Advisory Board for help
We all need help from time to time, but who can you trust? Your own spiritual advisory board of course!
What is a SAB?
A spiritual advisory board is made up of whoever you want. You can invite people from the past or present and whether real or fictional. The point is to elect those with qualities that you believe would be useful in your business.
How Does it Work?
When you have a stressful business issue, you can ask your board members what they would advise. Visualize your Board table, who’s sitting around it? You can even invite your future self, as entrepreneur Chris Reynolds does by inviting his 95 year old self to the table.
“In times where I experience a lot of distress, I'll sit and talk to him and he's just like, ‘Calm down, kid. Everything's going to be okay. You're going to have a great life. Everything's turning out really well.’ He's cool.”
For a more in-depth discussion on choosing your board members, check out my video chat about SAB.
Knowing that we have such a talented Board behind us allows us to tackle stressful situations with confidence.
3. Simplify Decision Making with WWIT
Making rash decisions in business is frowned upon. So what can we do?
First, TLC and then direct that light into your business using WWIT (What Would it Take?).
What is WWIT?
WWIT is a business intuition tool which acts as a clearing question. It strips away problems and obstacles standing in your way and focuses your mind on finding actionable solutions.
For example you may ask yourself, “What Would It Take to win this important contract this week?”
Instead of wasting time stressing about the situation, you are focused only on solutions.
I take it one step further by adding modifying words to my WWIT questions.
“What would it take to win this contract this week with ease and joy?”
Nested WWIT questions
Focus your intuition even further with nested questions. For example, say your initial WWIT question is “What Would It Take to grow my business by 10K this year?”
Perhaps your inner voice whispers for 3 more clients. Use another nested WWIT question to explore.
“What Would It Take to gain 3 new customers?”
Your intuition may tell you to send a mass email to your prospect list. Perhaps, it will tell you to attend that networking event next week or get in contact with that old friend from college. Be sure to pay attention, take note and take action.
What Would It Take to Stress Less and Increase Productivity?
Multitasking is often considered a positive attribute, but in fact it’s counter-productive. According to the Harvard Business Review, multitasking can actually damage your business.
In reality, our productivity goes down by as much as 40%. We don’t actually multitask. We switch-task, rapidly shifting from one thing to another, interrupting ourselves unproductively, and losing time in the process.
Constant switching affects our memory causing us to make more mistakes, slow us down, and stress us out.
What Would It Take to Stop Multitasking and Be More Productive?
Swap the “To-do” for the “I did” list! An “I Did” list is a much more honest view of your productivity. Replace that feeling of guilt with a sense of achievement and inspiration.
4. Take it to the Room of Infinity
Sometimes with a business decision, we approach a dead end and have no idea which way to begin again. Go to the room to infinity! This visualization tool is a great way of taking the pain out of the decision-making process.
Imagine a door within your mind leading to an infinite void. Inside this room put your dilemma into yes/no questions. In your mind, you will see a green light for “yes” and red light for “no”.
It’s a clear-cut way of accessing your inner guide. The more focused your questions are, the better the answers will be.
5. Build YOUR Business From YOUR Intuition Up!
Often stress in business comes from external factors. An underperforming employee or a delinquent client can definitely be stress-causing factors in the workplace. When we employ ill-fitting staff or sign difficult clients, it has serious negative effects on the productivity of our business.
Avoid the stress by leading with your intuition.
First impressions
When we meet people for the first time, our intuition is working overtime. As William Armstrong explains in an article for Smart Business,
“…intuition helps factor in current conditions, timing and the decision’s relevance to the organization’s strategic initiatives.”
Pay attention to first impressions and make notes in an intuition journal. This can help you start to recognize how your intuition is speaking to you. Decisions made on intuition can help you avoid stress further down the line.
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.
Comment below and let us know how you use your business intuition! As always, great advice is always appreciated!