- What is the true cost of hiring the wrong person?
- Time
- Bad moral
- Opportunities
- How many sales= $$ have you lost during that time?
- Bad team communication
- The incompetent staff doesn't just create a technical issue of poor work quality and missed deadlines, but they also tend to demoralize the other people on your team.
Hell YES! rule
- Hire the person only when it's a Hell YEAH! and only then
- Every other thing is a NO
- If you get any
Are you ready?
- Have you cleared any resistance?
- Is the job description clear enough to understand and avoid any issues in the future?
- Adding a new position or changing who does this job.
- Often a new hire won’t go smoothly or will fail (quit or fired) because you have old patterns of self-sabotage in the way.
- If you notice any discomfort during the hiring process then use the Youngest Age Pattern Recycle tool
Clarify your ideal candidate
- What kind of personality will they have
- More important than the skills
- They will learn that, but being a bad person can't be learned
WWIT to attract your ideal candidate?
- All you need is one ideal candidate
- Avoid going through 100s of CV's and losing time and energy
When you ask yourself WWIT (What Would It Take), you want to TLC (To the Light, Connect) first to get the best results. Then ask the question and see what inspired actions come to you.
WWIT for your job ad to stand out?
- You want your job ad to stand out so that it attracts ideal candidates
- Phrase the languaging accordingly
- Just feel their energy
Use gates and delegated process
- Easter eggs
- Intuitive applicant scanning
- Ego Vs. Intuition
Intuitive candidate evaluation
- Two-chairs method
- Visualize the Joy and Profit graphs
- Simple body reactions
Intuitive job offers
- How much would they be happy with the offer?
Always be hiring
- Every week ask yourself “WWIT (What Would It Take) to find an ideal candidate this week?”
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.
Useful resources
- Find useful hiring and other tools here
- Willo O' Brien on Smart Hiring