By now you have probably heard so many times about WWIT (What Would It Take). I might agree on that if it weren't for the questions that I get so many times over and over again about it (WWIT). Today I want to turn your focus to the WWIT Vs. How.
Once you face the problem or have a goal in mind, WWIT and how you can solve the problem/how you're going to achieve your goal are quite different.
Steps in solving the problem
When you ask (your brain) “how to solve the problem” it immediately starts focusing and thinking what are the steps to do that. It also brings the question “Do I know all the steps?” and it goes into details. Your logical mind starts gaining a momentum. You can feel the billions of neurons lightning up and putting their energy into these thoughts and problem-solving mode.
Logic Vs. Intuition
You don't necessarily need to know all the steps. Yes, that is possible. How, you might ask.
You don't need to know all the details. That is even better sometimes. Asking WWIT will open the doors for your intuition and let it answer freely and without restraints. Maybe you simply delegate your work and avoid the problem. Maybe you are over-thinking and creating a problem when the answer is so simple.
I would love for you to try WWIT today already and see what inspired actions you get from your intuition.
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.