Got an idea for a business? Or an idea for a new service or product? Wouldn’t it be great to know before you pour loads of cash into your business idea if it will work or not? Read on to find out how you can use your intuition to know if your business idea is big bucks or bust!
One of the biggest challenges for CEOs and entrepreneurs is figuring out which ideas to chase and which to run from. Wouldn’t it be great to have the ability to look into the future and see which business ideas worked?
Well, you can through the power of your intuition. Learning how to listen and trust messages from within, you can look beyond the here and now. It also helps in knowing which business ideas are the ones that will work for your business future.
The Power of Intuition to Predict Your Business Future
Your intuition is more than past experiences and can reach far beyond the present. The more we use our intuition, the more powerful it becomes and the more receptive we will be to incoming energy.
A recent study found that successful entrepreneurs use ‘nonlocal intuition’.
“Nonlocal intuition is the perception of energetically encoded information about a future event by the body’s psychophysiological systems, which informs entrepreneurial decision and action.”
By paying attention to their non-local intuition, these entrepreneurs were able to locate future business opportunities, repeatedly!
As Dr Jonas Salk, responsible for the polio vaccine, once said,
“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”
Steve Jobs used his intuition to foresee and design what customers wanted, giving them the iPhone.
So what’s stopping you from doing the same?
Business Ideas Stuck By Fear
I meet so many entrepreneurs who gets struck by ‘the fear’ when it comes to launching new business ideas.
- Fear of failure
- Fear of wasting time
- Fear of losing money
- Fear of being laughed at by peers
Entrepreneur, R.L. Adams talks about his own fears and failures in his article for, stating,
“That fear is blocking you from an abundant path.” -(R.L Adams, Entrepreneur)
Overcome Fear
Your business idea COULD be the one that makes you an abundant entrepreneur. Don’t let fear keep it in the dark. The first thing you have to do is remove the things that are blocking your potential.
We can use our intuition to clear any obstacles from our past and present that are causing fear and limiting your success. Here are a few techniques I use regularly:
TLC, To the Light Connect
This is the most important intuition tool. To the Light, Connect (TLC) lets us open our heart and mind fully and connect to the light above and below. TLC is a simple meditative technique which clears a direct path between the universal truths and our intuition. By following these simple steps to TLC you can invite all that is good and pure in, and remove any sense of fear we may have.
If confused about a business idea, or have many of them floating about in your head, TLC it and shine the universal light and truth on each one. Notice how your body feels when you consciously bring each idea forward.
Cord Cutting
As we go through life we can become attached to negative energy cords. They can attach you to another person or a past trauma. These cords drag us down to make us feel the lower emotions on the Hawkins scale, such as fear.
Cord cutting frees up more of your precious energy which you can redirect to achieve your business goals. First, TLC and then imagine a sword or scissors cutting the cord and allow that negative weight just fall away.
Look Into the Future With Intuitive Visioning
Intuitive visioning is a wonderful technique which can help us to realize the future we dream for ourselves and our business. Intuitive counselor and author, Jeanne Mayell uses meditation to aid her intuitive visioning,
“Not only does this meditation increase your intuitive acuity by sharpening your ability to see your inner images more clearly, it will enable you to make your dreams come true by sharpening your ability to visualize your goals.”
The sharper your visions, the more you can make them happen. Intuitive visioning is the most powerful weapon in our business intuition toolkit. It gives us access to future energy, and we can harness it to make decisions in the here and now.
Here are some of my favorite intuitive visioning tools which can help you predict your business future:
Meet You +3
Meet you+3, is where you envision meeting you but you plus 3 years of experience and knowledge. They are the person you want to be in three years time.
You+3 is very happy, successful person, who was able to follow their goals, and is living your dream, so why not ask them for advice?
First you TLC, and visualize yourself in 3 years’ time sitting in front of you. Then ask yourself the following questions. Give the first answer that comes to you, don’t analyze your answers, just let your intuition speak freely.
Here are the questions to ask you+3:
- What have you achieved? (Money, fame, awards?)
- What has your business achieved? (Products released, recognition, revenue?)
- What are the exact steps that your future self took to create all this?
- WWIT (What Would It Take) for me, to get there with ease and grace?
The answers you receive will be from your intuition and will guide you in your present decisions about your business idea and how to proceed.
Letter From Your Future Self
Another method is to write a letter from your future self to your current self. This letter will tell you exactly how they got to where they are from where you are now.
Write the letter in the past tense. For example:
I did…
I invested in…
I hired…
I shifted my business by…
Now, consider, WWIT (what would it take) to make this all happen?
If you would like to know more about intuitive visioning, check out the podcast with Kundan Chhabra about how he uses visioning to run his company.
Your Intuition Knows Best
Our intuition can only give us the truth, and it will always give you the best advice.
By using these techniques you can first, rid yourself of the fear that holds you back and makes you doubt yourself and your business ideas.
Then, with a clear heart and mind you can use visioning methods to find the answers that you need now. Learning to listen to your intuition you can gain a real sense of confidence and clarity in all aspects of your business.
If you like to learn about more intuition tools, check out this 10 minute cheat sheet!