Ho! we were strong, we were swift, we were brave.
Youth was a challenge, and Life was a fight.
All that was best in us gladly we gave,
Sprang from the rally, and leapt for the height.
Smiling is Love in a foam of Spring flowers:
Harden our hearts to him — on let us press!
Oh, what a triumph and pride shall be ours!
See where it beacons, the star of success!
Robert William Service, Excerpt from “A Song of Success”
Everybody wants to succeed, but why does it seem that some are better at it than others? What is holding you back? Did you know that there are intuitive tools out there to help boost your success at work? Today, we will discuss what is needed to achieve business success and a tool to help you along. That tool is WWIT or What Would It Take? Let’s find out What it Would Take for you to have greater business success and greater work satisfaction.
Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. –Wayne Huizenga
What is WWIT?
So what is WWIT (What Would It Take)? WWIT is an intuitive tool used to help you access your business intuition and help you succeed. Let’s take a quick look at how it works.
First, we clearly define the problem.
I want to succeed.
Next, we ask the WWIT question.
What Would It Take for me to succeed?
Sounds simple enough. But, where do you receive the answer? Well, that’s where your intuition comes in to play. You will hear and feel what your inner self has to say. Take those answers and break it down even further to achieve a higher degree of clarity. Now, back to the example.
Q: What would it take for me to succeed?
A: To place myself in a physical and mental state of positivity towards business.
Now, ask a follow-up WWIT question or a nested WWIT question.
Q: WWIT to place myself in a physical and mental state of positivity towards business today?
(Add today at the end to modify your WWIT question. It adds even more specificity to your intuition’s answer.)
A: By establishing a routine, improving my time management, and increasing my job performance.
Let’s talk about that.
Related:Modified WWIT–
Establish a Good Routine
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.
Your daily routine can really define who you are. So, what exactly is a routine? A routine is a habit or sequence that does not vary and happens at regular time intervals. Essentially, it is what you do every day. Some people have a morning routine that involves waking up, making their bed, and having that first cup of coffee before starting the day. Others have evening routines in which they take a bath, brush their teeth, and then cozy up in bed with a good book. Routines are… routine. What is yours? Does it make you productive? Or does your routine consist of lounging and lazing about? Routines can determine who you are and vice versa. We can set ourselves up for success by establishing a good routine.It will take some practice, but it gets easier each day.
Q: What Would It Take to establish a good routine that I can start using today?
A: By establishing a proper schedule for
- diet,
- exercise,
- hygiene,
- work, and
- sleep.
Diet and Exercise
There is no miracle diet and exercise routine that works for everybody. Each person is unique. There are, however, some good general guidelines most doctors agree upon.
Everybody’s individual needs are different, yet our bodies are equipped with sensors that will tell us if we are eating properly or not. Listen to your intuition on what nutrients your body needs at any given moment. When you do this, you will not only feel healthier, you will also feel happier because you eat the foods that your body actually enjoys.
You can ask yourself these WWIT questions to help you determine what food to eat:
- WWIT to get proper nourishment in my body now?
- WWIT to feel good about the food I eat?
- WWIT for me to have the right food to give me energy for the day?
Physical activity is equally important. This could be an hour of yoga, a walk in the park or 10 rounds of muay thai. Exercise is great for a number of reasons. Firstly, exercise can help to stave off many illnesses such as Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. It is a very good way of taking your mind of your daily worries and habits. Simply, it helps with your focus and promotes positive brain activity. But, make sure you don’t overstress your body with exercise. Start slow and listen to what your body tells you.
Good Hygiene
Good hygiene isn’t just for those around us.
- Self Esteem Booster
- When you look good, you feel good. Maintain a positive body image and boost your self-confidence
- Health Benefits
- Proper hygiene drastically reduces the chance of sickness.
- Social Improvements
- Being the “smelly kid in class” often drives others away and brings negativity.
Q: WWIT to have proper hygiene?
A: Bathe daily, shampoo regularly, brush teeth two times a day, wear clean laundry
Q: WWIT to attract more attention?
A: besides being clean, maybe you should start projecting an image of a tidy and neat person. Who would give you control over their money if you can’t take care of that outdated shirt or a tie? Would you?
Put simply being clean is not the same as being tidy. We tend to judge others by a lot of hidden factors, and looks can be deceiveing, but the person at the other end of the table has already made their decision based on your lack of willingnes to do that. There’s an anegdote about an American who was hired by a Japan company as a CEO. he was fired two hours after he landed in Tokyo and just 5 minutes after he came to company HQ. the explanation was simple. You’re overweight, and don’t seem to care about your well being. “So what? I was THE man at Harvard and every company would be lucky to have me!” asked the guy. “Well Mister, that might be the case. But if you don’t take care of yourself, it’s only natural that this will reflect on your work”. Game, set, match.
Balance Work and Downtime
The most common thing people tend to neglect when establishing a routine is their downtime. Downtime is important. Your body and mind both need rest to recover from the stresses of life and work. Shoot for an average of 8 hours of rest every day to ensure you are ready to tackle the next day’s tasks.
Learn your Limit and Stick to It
WWIT to learn my limits for my recreational activities?
Sometimes during downtime, we participate in alcohol-laden activities. If you are of legal age, there is nothing wrong with imbibing in a drink or two. However, don’t go overboard. Know when you have had enough. Getting sloppy drunk affects your body, soul, and mind. If you feel like you have had enough, stop. Don’t let peer pressure force you into making bad decisions.
Binge eating can be another issue you may encounter. Who doesn’t love an all-you-can-eat buffet? Or junk food feast accompanied with 12 episodes of your favorite television program? Occasionally these activities can be fun. However, don’t turn these into habits. Find healthy alternatives as well. If you do go to the buffet, be sure to load up on healthy fruits and vegetables at the salad bar. Instead of pizza and ice cream, turn your junk food feasts into something else entirely. Make a nice fruit salad ahead of time and munch on healthy foods such as nuts and raisins.
Lastly, sex can be healthy. A protected active sexual lifestyle is good for your mind and body. However, like any pleasurable activity, it can become addictive. If you begin to lose focus on your goals, stop and seek help through meditation or therapy. There are groups out there to help with addictions of all sorts. Be sure to practice safe sex if you are sexually active. Failure to do so can result in a slew of nasty illnesses and unexpected pregnancies.
So, how does this affect my journey for business success? These “joyeux de vivre” can become vices and make you lose your focus. They will distract you from your goals. Practice moderation when turning to these methods of enjoyment. Do not use these things as coping mechanisms either. If you do feel stressed, there are other ways to relieve it. Exercise, productive hobbies, and talking with trusted friends are much better ways to deal with issues. Refrain from any of these or other distracting acts if your intuition deems it so.
Scheduling and Time Management
“I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date! No time to say ‘hello, goodbye,’ I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” – White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland
We all have that one friend who is perpetually late. Without fail, you will be waiting and waiting for their arrival. Is this really so bad though? In a business world, there is no such thing as being fashionably late. The early bird really catches the worm. Proper time management leads to more free time. Free time that you can use taking advantage of learning and advancement opportunities. It also helps you lower stress and improve focus. By asking our WWIT questions, we can find out some tips to maintain proper time management.
WWIT to improve my time management today?
- Clarify your goals.
- Know your business goals. Everything that is not helping you achieve those are time wasters.
- Learn priorities.
- Some tasks are more important than others. Be sure to accomplish these first whenever possible.
- Learn to say no.
- By being a “yes man”, you accumulate more and more items on your to-do list. This eats up valuable time that could be spent on other things.
- Have a plan and stick to it.
- This is a big one. Plan ahead. Creating a plan and sticking to it maximizes your amount of productive time.
- Delegate tasks when possible.
- When you delegate a task to a trusted individual, you free up more precious time for yourself.
- Maintain a daily schedule and keep appointments.
- This can be made much easier through the use of daily planners and smartphone apps.
Related :
- https://www.kenyaplex.com/resources/13878-important-role-of-time-management-and-good-business-planning-as-a-major-skill-to-an-entrepreneur.aspx
- https://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/employees/8-tips-for-effective-time-management/
Improving Your Job Performance
There is little more rewarding than a job well done. Doing well at your job brings a myriad of benefits. First, your success can bring you further career opportunities such as advancement or pay raise. You may receive offers from other firms or clients previously unavailable to you. Along with great business benefits, you will receive more joy and happiness in your life by being proud of your accomplishments. So, how can you determine ways to improve your job performance?
Ask your intuition.
WWIT for me to start improving my job performance?
- Organize, Organize, Organize
- This is simpler than it sounds. Keep a daily planner handy and keep up with your tasks. Checking your email every 30 minutes and creating a filing system are just two more ways to organize. Small adjustments can make a big difference.
- Stop Multitasking
- By allowing your focus to be pinpointed on one task, you will find that your tasks will be completed with a higher degree of quality.
- Learn your Boss
- Take time to put yourself in the boss’s shoes. How do they like things done? Why do they want things done a certain way?
- Practice Office Politics
- Allow yourself to become acquainted with those outside your immediate work circle. Make friends with Bob in accounting. Bob may be able to assist you at some point down the road.
- Learn to Listen
- Pay attention to directions given. Also, be an active listener. Listen to instructions and ask questions.
- Never underestimate the power of research.
- Doing proper research and preparations before a task can turn a daunting activity into something much simpler.
- Be humble, yet assertive.
- Self-promotion is great. Know the value of your worth. However, avoid embellishment when talking about yourself. State the facts.
Through the use of this simple intuition accessing tool, you can learn to succeed in your business life. Remember, you have the power to change. You just need to look inside and ask yourself, What Would It Take?
What are some tips you have to succeed in business? How else do you your intuition at work?
Join the conversation in the comments below.