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In this interview, I spoke with Chris Reynolds.
Michael Smith: Welcome back, and I'm here with Chris Reynolds from Entrepreneur House.
Chris Reynolds: Hello. Good to be here.
Michael Smith: Yes. We're in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He's running the Entrepreneur House here in Thailand. What is Entrepreneur House, for people who haven't heard of it?
Chris Reynolds: The Entrepreneur House is a business accelerator for established entrepreneurs to come to a new city for a month at a time with other established entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level, live in a similar environment, go to workshops, mastermind together, be productive together, co-work together and bond and have an incredible time in a new city.
Michael Smith: All right. Well, I went to the one in Barcelona. It was great. Today, we're going to talk about some different uses of intuition in business, and look at how you can use visioning to create your day and your business, and the use of dreams and your board of advisors of your mind. All kinds of cool stuff that we're going to look into in more depth. Tell us a little bit about how you use intuition in your business, Chris.
Chris Reynolds: I use what they call, a similar method that they talk about in Think and Grow Rich. It's called the Workshop or the Office of the Mind. What you do is, you close your eyes and, in your imagination, you create an office there where you have access to pretty much anything in the universe that you could use as a tool to create a better life, a better business, to help other people in their lives or their businesses.
Basically, I have my Workshop where I can bring in anybody to talk to about advice about business in my Workshop. I have two big, round tables where I sit down and talk to people about business or decisions in life that I need to make. I have a nice lounge area with sofas and some plants there, but we can sit and do some masterminding there. I also have a big screen in my Workshop where I see myself as I am today, then I see a picture of where I want to go or what I want to do. Then, I'll play that in a movie mode from where I am today to where I want to go, to see all the actions that I need to take to create whatever I want to create. I also have a room of infinity, I guess you could call it. I can go in there and just as any questions, basically yes-or-no questions, should I do this, should I not, and get either green lights or red lights that shows me if it's the right direction.
Michael Smith: Wow. This is more than an Office of the Mind. It's like an executive lounge you've got.
Chris Reynolds: VIP, yeah.
Michael Smith: VIP Office of the Mind you've created. Any other features you have in there?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, lots. I actually have a couple beds where, if there's friends or friends-of-friends that are sick or have physical ailments, they can come lay on the beds and then I'll have doctors from all around the world that can come in and work on them to help heal them. If I have any limiting beliefs, there's a big trashcan in the corner of it where I'll just dump any limiting beliefs and it just kind of boils away to nothing.
Michael Smith: Oh, I love it.
Chris Reynolds: What else do I have? Sometimes I see my younger self in my workshop. If I ever need to talk to my younger self because … As we were talking earlier, our subconscious mind is controlled by beliefs that we create before the age of eighteen. Sometimes as an adult we don't understand why we still do the things we do because still eighty-five percent of our actions are controlled by that subconscious mind. Sometimes I'll talk to my younger self and just ask questions, like, “Why am I doing this?” Then my younger self can say, “Oh, that's because of this event that happened when you were this age and this created this belief in your subconscious mind which you're now repeating over and over and over again, which actually happened from my father or my mother who had that same belief and they got that from their parents, and then it's just an ongoing passing of beliefs.”
Michael Smith: I love this Office of the Mind that you use. Let's just walk through this. You visit this daily, or how often do you visualize this?
Chris Reynolds: Well, I meditate and visualize about five times a week.
Michael Smith: You get quite; you get in a meditative space.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. When I wake up, usually I'll do some breathing to get to Alpha state of mind and then usually my last five minutes I do the visualization part and the Workshop.
Michael Smith: Then you're solving problems in your business and your life, healing people, visualizing how you want your day to go. All these things and using the tools that you've created in this Office of the Mind to help you.
Chris Reynolds: Yep.
Michael Smith: Can you give us an example of something that you did there recently?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Well, we're in the Entrepreneur House Chiang Mai right now. I always go into my Workshop to see what I want to create, how many people I want to attract to the event, how I want it to run, how I want to feel and act during the event, what type of experience the attendees and the advisors have, what type of money that I want to create from the event, and what type of prices do I want to charge. It started, well, it was last year but I didn't start doing it more on a daily basis until probably four or five months ago when you were in Barcelona, then I could open up that space to work more and focus more on Chiang Mai. Any major business move that I do, I use that technique. Any major business questions or challenge, I use that technique.
Michael Smith: Walk us through a major business question that you had and who you brought in to advise you on that in your Office.
Chris Reynolds: Entrepreneur House Chiang Mai, it took me a while to … I'm a bit insecure sometimes about choosing what dates we want to do it and what dates will be right, because we do it after DCBKK.
Michael Smith: That's a big conference a lot of entrepreneurs go to.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, in Bangkok. We do it after DCBKK and how much time the DCBKK would need before they start the Entrepreneur House. Then, I bring into my Workshop Tim Ferriss, Dan Andrews, other successful- Richard Branson's been in there. Just other successful entrepreneurs that I can sit and have a talk with and they can give me feedback on what to do.
Michael Smith: You can actually talk to them and say, “Hey, what do you think about this date? Why would it be good?” You hear what they …
Chris Reynolds: They say.
Michael Smith: They say. Their replies.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Wow. That's really cool. Do you have to ask their permission before you do this?
Chris Reynolds: No. Because you can tell, like if somebody comes into my Workshop, I'll shake their hand and say, “Welcome.” I also ask them a lot of times if they would like me to send any good thoughts to anybody in their life or challenge in their life to help them work on. It's a value exchange. I guess you could say a metaphysical value exchange.
Michael Smith: You're talking to their spiritual self.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: You don't send them an email saying, “Hey, I'll give you this, you give me that.”
Chris Reynolds: Well, if I have the ability to send them an email, I do it. Yeah. I know Tim Ferriss though I can't …
Michael Smith: Right, but you can talk to his spirit and his spirit is happy to come there and you help him out with stuff, spiritually.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Wow.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Exactly.
Michael Smith: You only invite entrepreneurs into your Office of the Mind?
Chris Reynolds: No. Not always. Gandhi's been in there. Jesus. Mother Teresa.
Michael Smith: Now wait a minute. You said Jesus. He's dead. So is Gandhi for that matter. Mother Teresa I think died as well.
Chris Reynolds: Yep.
Michael Smith: You're not limited to living people.
Chris Reynolds: No. Just anybody. I mean, it's basically just closing your mind, or closing your eyes and going into a vision state of your mind and talking to whomever you would and gain advice from where you want to get advice from.
Michael Smith: Do they have to be real people?
Chris Reynolds: No, I don't think so.
Michael Smith: You could invite some of the X-Men in [crosstalk 00:09:02]
Chris Reynolds: He-Man and Superman and Batman, and all the cool people.
Michael Smith: Other deities like Ganesh or Lakshmi.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Why not?
Michael Smith: Anyone-
Chris Reynolds: Santa Clause.
Michael Smith: Santa Clause. Yeah, he could be good around Christmastime.
Chris Reynolds: He's good. Yeah.
Michael Smith: Well this is great. Do you find you get good advice doing this?
Chris Reynolds: I do, yeah. I used this technique for most of my life, I think. Most all of it.
Michael Smith: Wow. It's sort of like a super advisory board you have, but it's a spiritual advisory board.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Just the mastermind of the mind, and whoever I want to mastermind with, I can mastermind with them anytime I want.
Michael Smith: Right. You mentioned you have your younger self available there. Do you have your future self in here as well?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, actually, that's what I do a lot. I have a life plan, so what I'll do a lot of times is I'll talk to my ninety-five-year-old self.
Michael Smith: How's he doing?
Chris Reynolds: He's great. He's happy.
Michael Smith: All right.
Chris Reynolds: I just say, “Okay, the goals that I'm setting now, are those in alignment with what you might want?” In times where I experience a lot of distress, I'll sit and talk to him and he's just like, “Calm down kid. Everything's going to be okay. You're going to have a great life. Everything's turning out really well.” He's cool.
Michael Smith: Pretty reassuring.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. I like him. He's cool.
Michael Smith: Do you have other guides or spirit helpers or angels?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, sometimes I'll bring some angels in to heal. I have a little group of blue angels. I don't know why they're blue. They're just blue. They come in and they'll usually surround the people that have aliments that are in my Workshop and just consistently send prayers to them and healing thoughts to them to help them overcome whatever they're overcoming.
Michael Smith: Do you have an application criteria for joining your Workshop of the Mind?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. I mentioned earlier, I used to bring Donald Trump into the Workshop of my Mind until he started running for President, and I thought … Learning more about him. There's a lot of entrepreneurs who consider him an amazing business mind.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Deal-maker.
Chris Reynolds: People may call him deal-maker, negotiator, salesman, brand …
Michael Smith: You could still bring in his younger self, even if you don't like his current-day self.
Chris Reynolds: Well, the more we learn about his younger self, the more we realize that would be a bad idea.
Michael Smith: Well, here's the other thing. You don't have to bring in the whole of the person.
Chris Reynolds: Exactly.
Michael Smith: If you've got, not to pick on Donald Trump, but if you like how he was at making deals but you don't like how he was with other things, just filter in. Say, “I'm only taking in that past,” or if you have someone else, like Genghis Khan. Maybe you like how he ran his corporate structure but you don't like how he killed a lot of people. You just bring in his genius of organization but you don't bring in the violence.
Chris Reynolds: Exactly. Yeah.
Michael Smith: You're in control of the Office of your Mind.
Chris Reynolds: Great point.
Michael Smith: Genghis can really get things moving, you know.
Chris Reynolds: I don't know too much about Genghis, but maybe I ought to bring him in and have a chat with him.
Michael Smith: Have a little chat. See if he's up to help out with the Entrepreneur House. Maybe before long you'll be expanding in Mongolia.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Anything else you do in this visualization you do most days?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, I get a lot of help, I guess, or benefit from my, I call it my Room on Infinity. It's just a door in my Workshop where I'll go in and I'll ask. It's just an infinite room of pretty much nothing and I'll go in and ask a question, and if it's something I feel like … If it's something I should do or should not do, sometimes I'll get a green light or a red light on whatever particular [crosstalk 00:13:04]
Michael Smith: Green light means go, yes. Red light, no.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. I've actually-
Michael Smith: Has that helped you out?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, quite a bit and I've actually done it where I've gotten red lights but I still went in that direction anyway and ended up not regretting it, but probably not in the smartest [crosstalk 00:13:18]
Michael Smith: Can you share an example of-
Chris Reynolds: For dating. For dating, or …
Michael Smith: You said, “Will I be happy dating this person?”
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, “Should I continue to date this person?” and got a red light, but I still continued to date that person.
Michael Smith: That didn't work out so good or there were negative things.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. There were some challenges there.
Michael Smith: Challenges.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Then you do the same thing in your business? You say, “Should I do this marketing thing or that one?”
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Yep, definitely. On Facebook ads. I recently did those. I definitely got a green light for Facebook ads. It ended up being a good lesson in my life but I didn't end up making money off of it, but I think it's [crosstalk 00:13:58]
Michael Smith: This is the important … The quality of the question determines the quality of the answer. “Should I do Facebook ads” is a simple level question. “Will Facebook ads be profitable for me in the next year” would be another question.
Chris Reynolds: That's a good point.
Michael Smith: Different answers come from the intuition depending on what questions you ask.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. I use that a lot too when driving.
Michael Smith: Driving?
Chris Reynolds: Like if I'm going to a destination and traffic's busy this way or there's a detour, or should I-
Michael Smith: Yeah. Use your intuition to say which way should I go to get there?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Oh. That's clever. Better than GPS.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. More accurate.
Michael Smith: More accurate. Yeah. I love it. I know you also said you heal the relationships there. You had a table in your Office of the Mind?
Chris Reynolds: Oh, yeah. I had a table for relationships. Meaning when I was looking to get into an intimate relationship, I would have a group of people that would sit there and kind of coach me on ways to attract the right person into my life. Then when I was dating a person, whether or not that person was really the person I should continue to date or not, or not to date. Yeah.
Michael Smith: Wow. Do you share this with people you're dating? You let them know?
Chris Reynolds: Sometimes, yeah. If they're open to it. Sometimes. I'm in a relationship now, and she's definitely open to it, so I share that.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Have you ever used that same technique for hiring people?
Chris Reynolds: I haven't done a lot of hiring, but the little bit of hiring I've done-
Michael Smith: Or picking clients. That's the other way to use it.
Chris Reynolds: Picking clients, yes.
Michael Smith: “Red light, should I work with client or not?” You know? “Would client bring me profit and joy?” Red light, green light.
Chris Reynolds: Yep. Exactly, yeah. Picking clients. For sure. I've done that.
Michael Smith: Yeah. “This client is getting a little challenging. Should I continue with them or not?”
Chris Reynolds: Or partnering with other people in the business.
Michael Smith: Yep.
Chris Reynolds: Do you remember when you were in Barcelona and we were talking about doing a house in Bulgaria, and I was having challenges with the people that had the accommodations?
Michael Smith: Yeah.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, I was using that. Also spoke to you guys before making a decision.
Michael Smith: Yeah, so you decided not to go ahead with that that year. You could just feel intuitively it was not going to work out well.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. It was just the wrong time.
Michael Smith: Yep. That's great. This must have saved you a lot of headaches and time and money over the years. Any idea how much time it saves you doing this?
Chris Reynolds: I wish I knew, but I don't think [crosstalk 00:16:30]
Michael Smith: Well maybe you need to ask some of these advisors.
Chris Reynolds: We could, yeah. Go into the Workshop and see how many [crosstalk 00:16:35]
Michael Smith: They probably have a little spreadsheet up there that you could check. “Okay, I've saved ten million dollars and seventeen thousand hours.”
Chris Reynolds: I think I need to bring a good accountant into my Workshop because sometimes I'm challenged in that part of my life.
Michael Smith: Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I love it. Then, you also use this to create, when you're doing tasks in the day. Tell us about how you use that there.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, so when I go through my meditation, the last five minutes of my mediation, I'll usually visualize and I'll see the things I need to do for that day just to-
Michael Smith: Maybe you're writing an article or you're hiring or your-
Chris Reynolds: Doing a podcast or …
Michael Smith: Oh, right.
Chris Reynolds: Whatever.
Michael Smith: [crosstalk 00:17:15]
Chris Reynolds: You'll see the tasks for the day go by easily and effortlessly. I'll have each task written on a piece of paper on a table, and just see them just going buy like it's easy as wind blowing a piece of paper off a table.
Michael Smith: Yep.
Chris Reynolds: It really works, actually. Because when I do that, my days just seem to …
Michael Smith: Really easy?
Chris Reynolds: Easy and productive.
Michael Smith: No stress.
Chris Reynolds: Very little stress, yeah.
Michael Smith: Right people meet you at the right time.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. At the end of the day, I think to myself [crosstalk 00:17:49]
Michael Smith: Task gets completed easily. Do you get inspirations how to do tasks better as well?
Chris Reynolds: I'm sure I do but I've never really analyzed it.
Michael Smith: Yeah. I do something like that. I'll ask, what will it take to have this task be successful, easy, and abundant for me?
Chris Reynolds: That's a good one. Yeah.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Not only does that clear the energy to make it happen easily, but it also, often I'll get inspiration. Oh yeah, I could delegate this to someone else, or I could do it some other way, or whatever the thing is.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Yeah. I know you also mentioned some interesting stuff. You went to start a workshop psy-seminar, I think you called it.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Tell us about that and what you learned about intuition there.
Chris Reynolds: it's psy-seminar where I kind of got the foundation for all of this, using my intuition for business because they teach us actual techniques in the workshop on how to apply that. I think one of the exercises … They have many exercises throughout the weekend for their fist class. Communication exercises, the Workshop of the Mind exercises, abundance exercises, and different ways to achieve goals and work with the subconscious mind to create that.
One of the ones we did is, this is a group of a hundred people who've never met each other, and so what they do is they get a partner and they sit down with the partner, and they're instructed to, for the partner to think of somebody who is in their life that has a physical ailment or a sickness or something like this. You think of the person in your life that has a physical aliment. Right now, I could say Jason [Pie 00:19:41] who's going through … But I don't say their actual physical aliment. I tell my partner, “Jason [Pie 00:19:47], who's sixty-one years old and lives in Southern Missouri.
Michael Smith: That's all the information they get?
Chris Reynolds: That's all the information the partner will get, yeah. The name, location, and age of the person.
Michael Smith: Got it.
Chris Reynolds: Then the partner closes their eyes, brings that person into their Workshop, then the actual-
Michael Smith: Their Workshop of the Mind?
Chris Reynolds: Their Workshop of the Mind, yeah.
Michael Smith: Yeah.
Chris Reynolds: Then they actually start to describe what that person looks like. I'm sitting here and writing what my partner is describing about my friend who they have never met or seen or they just met me minutes ago many times. I write down how my partner is describing Jason [Pie 00:20:29]. Then they go on to describe their ailments or their sickness or whatever they're going through. It's amazing. Out of a hundred people, I'd say somewhere around seventy, seventy-five percent of people are describing this person and their physical ailment.
Michael Smith: Wow.
Chris Reynolds: Many times there's people just getting it dead on, like ninety-nine percent correct.
Michael Smith: These are people who haven't trained in how to do psychic things.
Chris Reynolds: No, not at all.
Michael Smith: They just come to this seminar and …
Chris Reynolds: The majority of the people are … Well they're-
Michael Smith: Just think of how accurate and good you can be after practicing.
Chris Reynolds: Practicing. Yeah. Absolutely.
Michael Smith: That's fabulous that you're able to get information, but let's apply this to business. Just think how powerful and time-saving this can be in your business.
Chris Reynolds: Absolutely.
Michael Smith: If you just had the name and where someone was from for a job candidate, you could look through and check in. Is this person going to be a good fit? Is there some pattern they have in their life that's going to mess up the company?
Chris Reynolds: Yep.
Michael Smith: You know? You could get all that information without having to talk to them at all.
Chris Reynolds: Exactly. Yeah.
Michael Smith: The same thing with clients, you know?
Chris Reynolds: Yep. Exactly.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Very powerful.
Chris Reynolds: It's fantastic.
Michael Smith: Yeah. What about using this in reverse? What about saying, “I want to find an ideal client for my business,” and then finding their name and location?
Chris Reynolds: In your Workshop. Yeah, that's a great idea.
Michael Smith: Yeah.
Chris Reynolds: Then I'm going to find that person and connect with them. Yeah.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Exactly. I mean, the Workshop of your Mind sounds like a really smart way to access your intuition. Some kind of structured way.
Chris Reynolds: That's what it is. For me it is, yeah.
Michael Smith: That has a lot of applications to all parts of your business.
Chris Reynolds: I agree.
Michael Smith: Just make things go the way you want them to be. Which in my case is abundant and easy.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: I think this is in incredible tool that you're sharing here for us.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, well thank you. I hope everybody else can use it and you can use it as much as possible.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Anything else you want to share about business intuition?
Chris Reynolds: For me, intuition is just like a muscle. The more we use it and work it, the more we exercise it, the stronger it's going to be.
Michael Smith: Yeah. You need like a gym for the intuition. Like a regular workout for it.
Chris Reynolds: There's many different ways to use that. I like the Workshop of the Mind, but it's all a visionary or visualization process and just …
Michael Smith: Do you have to actually be able to see this Workshop of the Mind, or can you just hear all these people talking or know what they're saying?
Chris Reynolds: You can do whatever you want. Yeah. You can hear them.
Michael Smith: Because some people are blocked on visualizing. They just have difficulty with that, but they hear things or they know things.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: You can just imagine you've got this Workshop of the Mind and Gandhi is just giving you … You can ask, “What would Gandhi say?” It's sort of like about What Would Jesus Do, but now you've expanded this out, What Would Gandhi Do? What would Tim Ferriss Do? What would the nice part of Donald Trump do? You know?
Chris Reynolds: Yes.
Michael Smith: What would the non-violent part of Genghis Khan do?
Chris Reynolds: Exactly, yeah. I mean, we're all in tune with it, and just some people aren't taught to use it as much. We can use it in different ways. Some people, it's just as simple as a gut feeling. Then some people just need a Workshop of the Mind or something else. The biggest thing I would tell anybody is, just tune into yourself a little bit more on the decisions you make for your life and your business because the more you do, I think the better results that you'll create.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Anything else that makes this work better? You said practicing helps, but anything else that turns up the volume on the intuition, so you can hear it better?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, sure. I mean, meditation, because you're quieting your mind. Prayer. Living a balanced life really does.
Michael Smith: What do you mean by a balanced life?
Chris Reynolds: You're not working sixteen hours a day, seven days a week and kind of destroying other parts of your life. Maybe relationships or your health or whatever it may be.
Michael Smith: Or not having space and time to hear your intuition.
Chris Reynolds: Exactly. Yeah. Because you're so in your mind all the time focusing on just work or whatever it may be. I set four goals every quarter. Mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional. This is like four tires on a car to keep a balanced life. If one tire's flat, I give it a little bit more attention. That helps me live that balanced life because I'm not always focused on the mental or the business part of it.
Michael Smith: I'll have to show you the wheel of business and wheel of life thing I do.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, definitely.
Michael Smith: A similar concept, but more wheels.
Chris Reynolds: Okay, cool. Yeah. I'd love to see it. Yeah, and that helps me live a balanced life so I can be in … I'm working on those four different goals throughout almost on a weekly basis, you know? All my attention isn't going into just one thing.
Michael Smith: You find that helps you be more open to your intuition as well, is having a more content life?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, because you're leaving space for it and because you have a time to work, you have a time to be with friends or family, right? To be social. You have a time to exercise your body or to put good things into your body, and you have the time to connect to connect with the spiritual side of yourself.
Michael Smith: Are you okay sharing some of these goals that you set for the quarter four that we're in?
Chris Reynolds: Q4, yeah, so I want to have all the … Basically, a laid-out plan for 2017 for the Entrepreneur House. The next Entrepreneur House ready to go, including a marketing plan and a said process. We're creating a promotional video for the Entrepreneur House. My other goals; physical goal is to exercise or practice jiu-jitsu twice a week. Excuse me, three times a week. Weekly calls to my parents. Christmas is at the end of the quarter, and I always do a lot of preparation for Christmas, both emotionally and spiritually because it's a big event in our family. It's probably the main event for our family and I don't see my family eleven months out of the year, but I spend one month back home, so I just get myself mentally and emotionally ready to be with them and being in a different environment than I'm used to being in. That's part of the goal. Let me see, spiritually. I meditate every morning and then I pray every evening. That's my spiritual goal, my physical [crosstalk 00:27:40]
Michael Smith: Are you okay sharing some prayers that you've used or not?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, in the evenings, what I do is I'll get down, and actually I guess it's a Christian form of prayer, but I'll get down on the side of my bed and bow on my knees and just put my arms on the bed. I just say what I'm grateful for for the day and in my life. Then I'll send some prayers out to people that need a good prayer or a good thought. I pray for my business, the people that are affected by my business. I pray for the DC, the people that are at the events in the DC, the people that I'm surrounding myself with at the time, family members that are sick or passing or just need some good thoughts.
Then I talk to God quite a bit and I consider God more like a brother or a best friend as opposed to a father-figure. For me, God's like a partner in my creation for what I want to create in this world. That's part of the intuitive communication because sometimes I'm like … I call God dude sometimes, or buddy or whatever. I'm like, “Hey dude, what should we do right now?” I just think in my mind what would feel right to do.
Michael Smith: What Would God Do?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Have you ever invited God into your Mastermind of the Mind?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, well I mean, that's kind of funny you say that because for me everything's part of God. The Mastermind of the Mind is God.
Michael Smith: Yep, and so is the reality that we have in the wake state.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, and all the people in my Mastermind of the Mind or mastermind of the physical reality is God too. I see God as a actual physical brother or best friend to where we can just banter back and forth about shit. Sometimes I get pissed off at him and cuss him, and sometimes he just laughs and whatever. He sweats it off like it's nothing.
I read this book often quite a bit. It's called Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, which was a neurosurgeon who died. Well, he went into coma for seven days. Went to the other world and then he came back. He talks a lot about his experience while he was there and why he came back. He said one thing that we really don't understand is that all of our struggles and challenges and pains that we have in our life, God experiences those just as much as we do times seven billion, because there's seven billion humans. Times even more than that because there's probably life beyond this Earth.
Traditional since, we see God as some dude up in heaven playing chess with our lives, like Zeus, right? Saying, “I'm going to move you this way and I'm going to tease you a little bit and give you a bad partner in life and laugh at you when you don't do what I think is right,” but the way way this book communicated it is God's a co-creator or partner in our life and he's here to guide us and he feels everything we feel. All the pain, all the happiness, all the joy, all the struggles ten times, a hundred times, a billion times that we feel. Those pains, he doesn't necessarily want us to experience those, but he's there to help us and to communicate with us to go different directions to help create more joy and happiness and peace in our lives and in everybody's lives.
Michael Smith: Wow. I mean, I'd take that a step further. God is in everything, including each of us. Each of us is God with a body on this planet in this time-slice that we're in.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Same thing.
Michael Smith: Therefore when we experience something in our life, God is experiencing that and that's part of the point. Before the universe was created, it was just spiritual energy and it wasn't divided up into different pieces and types. It was a different kind of experience. God could experience what it's like to be in a body on a planet. That's how come we're incarnated here, so we are different little holographic pieces of the God-force, and we're having all our experiences so that we can experience the stuff that you can't experience in a spiritual realm.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It's funny because people say, they go to victim state a lot of times and they'll say, “Why me? Why me?” Well, maybe you chose this life and to go through the struggles [crosstalk 00:32:38]
Michael Smith: Absolutely. You know Neale Donald Walsch?
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: He's a famous spiritual teacher. He wrote a book, The Little Soul in the Sun. It's written as a children's book but it's really good for adults. The Little Soul is in quote “Heaven”, decided to incarnate and it's like, “Well, this time around I really want to experience something a bit more meaty in my incarnation and I'd like to experience deep betrayal.”
Chris Reynolds: Oh wow.
Michael Smith: “But I can't do it on my own. Anyone else here up in Heaven, will you incarnate down with me and really screw me over?” Someone else would say, “I love you so much Little Soul. I will lower my vibration so much that I will be able to do that with you.” Little Soul is like, “Yeah, yeah. Let's do it!” Then the other soul said, “Well, I'm a little concerned that I might forget that I'm a spiritual being when I'm incarnated down on Earth. Would anyone else come down with us and just remind both of us that we're both spiritual beings having a human experience, not humans having a spiritual experience?”
All three of them incarnate down onto Earth. They have the betrayal, you know. Little Soul gets to experience this emotion and experience they've never had before and they're all happy spirits.
Chris Reynolds: I like it.
Michael Smith: Yeah.
Chris Reynolds: He's a great author. He did Conversations with God.
Michael Smith: He wrote Conversations with God too, yeah.
Chris Reynolds: Deep book. Really good book.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Probably I should be interviewing him as well.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah, you should.
Michael Smith: Anyway, I love that story because it gives such perspective to the situations we create in our lives.
Chris Reynolds: It's a great story for kids to learn at such a young age. It'd be amazing.
Michael Smith: Yeah. Because there's no need to create victim-hood or suffering in our life. That's a meaning we put on those experiences.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. Exactly.
Michael Smith: If you do the visualization, this Office of the Mind or other techniques you use to create your day, create your year, create your business, it's not necessary to create any of that stuff in your business.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: It can just be really joyful and smoothly running and abundant. You can have it all.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. That's why I always do the [crosstalk 00:34:53]
Michael Smith: Yeah, now I just want to explain to the listeners what Chris is doing here. His feet are running like they're little horses or mice that are running down the track.
Chris Reynolds: I have this picture of me with my daily tasks on a paper, or on a table as a stack of papers. Each paper is a stack. I use my hands to just shuffle them off the table really quick and get them done easily and effortlessly.
Michael Smith: Excellent. I love that visualization.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Well, it's been great talking with you. If people want to find more about you and Entrepreneur House, where would they go to find that?
Chris Reynolds: The best place is, we have our contacts-
Michael Smith: Now it's The-
Chris Reynolds: The Entrepreneur House dot com.
Michael Smith: Okay.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah. We have a contact page. They can get a hold of me there. We have podcasts of people that have attended the House and they give great business advice on the podcast, also called The Entrepreneur House. Those are the best two sources, for sure.
Michael Smith: I was at the Entrepreneur House in Barcelona. It was an amazing experience and one of the components of that is I saw Chris speak there at a Nomad Entrepreneur event, and you're a great speaker, Chris.
Chris Reynolds: Thank you.
Michael Smith: If you ever need a motivational speaker, then bring him in and explain how he was shoveling snow in, was it Montana?
Chris Reynolds: Iowa.
Michael Smith: Iowa.
Chris Reynolds: Yeah.
Michael Smith: Five-foot high snow or even higher.
Chris Reynolds: Michael was a presenter at one of the events that the Entrepreneur House went to in Barcelona, and he did an amazing job. Actually, I've seen Michael speak many times and he's a very smart guy.
Michael Smith: Well, thank you. Okay, well, thanks so much for joining us.
Chris Reynolds: Thanks for having me, Michael.