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Michaela Light 0:02
Welcome back to the show. We're here today with Tricia Barker. And we're going to talk about how she died and came back and the experience she's had, and how this totally changed her life and her business path, and what you could learn from her about your intuition and how to better run your business. Welcome, Patricia.
Tricia Barker 0:22
Thank you so much. I'm excited to talk to your audience.
Michaela Light 0:27
Yes, it's great to have you on the show. Trisha is the author of a book, which is all about her experience of meeting angels in the OHA, or operating room. When she did die for a few minutes and two and a half minutes, she was gone.
She's also appeared in a lot of newspapers and magazines. She's been on the Dr. Oz Show and has lots of videos on our YouTube channel, which we'll put in the show notes. So very interesting person. She is a spiritual healer, teacher. She does mediumship. She's also a regular teacher at a college in Texas. Lots of things. Welcome, Tricia.
Unknown Speaker 1:16
Thank you so much.
Michaela Light 1:18
So I think we've got to start with what is it? You had a near death experience? Or N D? What exactly does that mean? Because not everyone listening may not know that?
Unknown Speaker 1:27
Yeah, so a lot of skateboarders often say, Oh, I nearly hit a wall, I had a near death experience. And I'm like, No, you did not. You were not in the hospital for 10 days, your heart did not stop you did not bleed out. So yes, I technically was dead for two and a half minutes during emergency spinal surgery, I had a major car accident when I was a senior in college. And, you know, I was very driven materially, I wanted to be a lawyer. I grew up poor, you know, so that was my path. And I was on my way to run this Austin 10k When I had a head on collision. And during that surgery, I lifted up how to my body, and I had a full profound near death experience. And it changed, it altered everything about my consciousness. And I don't know if you want to jump in and tell that story or if you have some questions around that.
Michaela Light 2:21
Well, I will go into what your experience was, and more and later in the episode, but I guess the first question I have related to that is, you know, how did you know this was real? And you weren't just having wacky dreams on the anesthesia?
Unknown Speaker 2:36
That's a great question. And a lot of people asked me that, because some people are vivid Dreamers. And some people do contact their ancestors at night during their dreams. And they do have very profound psychic dreams. So how do you know what's real I, I tell you from my experience, that I felt it was more real than anything I'd ever experienced. So in college, I tried mushrooms and hallucinogens. And I understood the difference between a dream and this near death experience. And this near death experience felt like a portal had been opened. Like suddenly, my brain was not my brain, it was connected to a consciousness greater than my own. So the way I was perceiving things outside of my body was just astronomically different. And there were these angels or light beings, whatever you want to call them in the room. And they had this ability to heal through their light through the light they sent from their eyes, through the surgeons into my body. So I saw everything working at one time. And I understood like, Oh, this is kind of theater in a way we put on these body suits, you know, and we, we journey here, and there's something much larger at play going on. So that's how I knew it was real from the moment and I was agnostic. So I have to tell you that I was sighted. The first few moments outside of my body, I was like, Oh, we go on, I want to jump back into my body and tell all my agnostic friends, like you're wrong, you're wrong, and we go on.
Michaela Light 4:09
Now, I just want to come back to that. That's all a great subjective experience you had and I totally believe you. And also I from having read your book, I think there was some objective things when you're out of your body looking back down on your physical body, and the operating room. And then even outside of the operating room as you traveled around. Didn't you see some things you couldn't have known?
Unknown Speaker 4:32
Yes. So researchers like ions and various groups and ions is the International Association of near death studies. They love anything that's a verifiable detail or vertical perception. So sometimes people who are in surgery, remember a lot about their particular surgery. I happen to leave that operating room I saw how bloody my body was, and that was verified later. You know that internal injuries caused me to bleed to death. And so that was the cause of death. And so, you know, that was one verifiable detail later that, you know, I understood, but the main one was I saw my stepdad in the corridor, and he was such a health nut. Like he was one of those people who criticized you if you had a coke or Diet Coke, you know, how could you dare drink that, you know, you must drink things that are pure and healthy. And he was eating a Snickers bar, and he was getting candy out of the vending machine. And later, I asked my mom about it after recovery. And she said that at that moment, her and my dad were on their knees praying certain I had died. And he came in with a Snickers bar and said, Hey, lighten up, you guys need some food he about to pass out or something he was kind of is kind of a funny guy. And so she was amazed to know that I saw that Snickers bar. And then I was amazed more from that perspective that my parents were psychically tied to me, they understood that I was literally out of my body at that moment. So But researchers love it because it's verified.
Michaela Light 6:08
That is great. Yeah, I mean, that helps us understand this really happened. And, you know, it wasn't just some vivid dream you had. And the same thing is true for past life stuff. I don't if you've met, people have had past four or five plus life at the same thing. Researchers in that field often want to know details that you can't look up in, you know, on the internet, or online. I remember reading a book about someone who was I think Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player. And he knew details of this guy's life that only his the baseball players family knew. But he was very clear what his previous life was about.
Unknown Speaker 6:47
Yeah, University of Virginia does a great job of studying past lives and near death experiences. And so yeah, those there's lots of stories about children who have remembered unusual things, and even connected with some people from their lives. So it's very cool.
Michaela Light 7:05
Yeah, so that's it. All this is evidence that we do have a soul or we do have an afterlife or an in between life or before life. And we're not just like, you know, a collection of chemicals, following physical laws, like little robots, which is, I'm exaggerating slightly, but that's the rationalist view of humanity. Right? And really, you know, we are spiritual beings. I think we're spiritual beings having a human experience with these bodies, or what did you call them earlier wetsuit or some of the spacesuit? spacesuit, yes. So it's not it's not that we're human beings that occasionally have spiritual experiences. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And I think it's a profound shift on how we work in our businesses in our lives.
Unknown Speaker 7:55
And it amazed me that these angelic beings were working through these profound ly intelligent neurosurgeons and communicating with me at the same time, like they were assisting in the surgery, the neuro Wow, we're not aware of it. But you know, there is this outside help, that is available to us. And I think when we call on it, we do see our life shift. And that's what yeah, that's part of what I learned later, is that connecting with that realm does indeed, you know, add more light, add more beauty add more connection to this experience.
Michaela Light 8:30
So that's something everyone listening can do in their business in their life, they can call on their spirit guides, whether it's angels or ancestors, or maybe it's totem animals, or whatever it is, and help them in a particular way. I mean, I, I'm in a kind of mastermind group, that way, we have two week sprints, and we speak we pick up an animal or a plant, or currently we've got Greek gods and goddesses. But we look at what what particular abilities does this animal have. And right now this current sprint is for the god Apollo, who was apparently an Archer and was really good at aiming and have various other qualities. So how can I use that in this problem I have today and ask them to come in to help on that. So it's just an invitation for everyone listening to you know, maybe you've got some tasks to do today was maybe challenging. Perhaps you can follow Tricia as lead and have your angels come in and just help with that and ask them pacifically Could you please help me write this paper or, or whatever the thing is,
Unknown Speaker 9:32
yeah, and you know, it's their energy. Sometimes we feel a little drained and frustrated by this world. And the minute you tune in meditate and ask to be connected to that unconditional love from your angels from creator, then things do begin to shift and a lot of times we can't, with our logical mind see the right answer, but the answer is usually simple. It's usually one of great healing and it's usually one of Have great love. And I honestly do believe that our ancestors are over there cheering us on, even if they weren't our biggest supporters in life. Like once they're over there, they kind of see the bigger picture. And they really, they really are our cheerleaders, they see that what we signed up for is difficult in many ways. But it's a beautiful experience. And it's worth giving our all too.
Michaela Light 10:23
I think, you know, when we say we're wearing a space suit, or a body suit, or a meat suit, or whatever the phrase is, the thing is, human beings often have trauma, and they're wounded in childhood, and they may not behave in the nicest way. You know, I know my mother had some trauma, and she had a tendency to, you know, she could snap or be mean or worry a lot or, but as a spirit, she died five years ago, and I connect with her on a spiritual level, she's just this loving spirit, you know, and that was inside all the time when she was a human being. But the light kind of gets covered up by these traumas. And so it doesn't always come out, you know, is that loving presence all the time.
Unknown Speaker 11:06
Right. And you know, we are just that pure love. And that's what I saw. You know, one of the first messages that I heard from creator is Love is all that we take with us. So all of that trauma, and all the things created from that trauma is kind of what we leave behind the fear, the pain. And in that realm, we take the love that we give, and this is, I mean, this is often misunderstood, because people often email me and say, but I'm not loved. And it's like, no, it's you loving your dog, it's you loving the world. It's you, you know, choosing love, love for yourself, love for this day, I wake up, you know, I feel creative. I feel, you know, like love coursing through my veins, how can I be kind to people around me, that's the love that you take with you. So if infused every moment of your day, as much as possible. With with love, you're taking that day with you, in a sense, that you never lose by loving.
Michaela Light 12:04
And I totally agree with you there. And I think what I and a lot of people do we search for that experience of pure love or joy or connection outside, you know, by achieving goals in our business or acquiring more things, or toys, or getting the perfect relationship or whatever that thing on the great haircut or whatever. And yeah, those things can bring a feeling of love and joy. But really, the key is always inside.
Unknown Speaker 12:35
Yeah, so have you noticed that a lot of times big breakthroughs, or, you know, a great love, or something happens when you totally give up on it? You know, like, I mean, we've heard it so many times, when people say, I totally gave up on this business, I totally gave up on ever finding a partner. And the minute they do, that's when it lands in their lap. Because that energy of just being you with joy, you know, just being totally you with a connection to that other side and moving forward with that joy. That is what brings that magic to you. And, you know, the near death experience taught me to give up everything. I mean, I get from my life, oh, my body, my goals, my plans, like literally everything was wiped, and I had to learn to walk again. And yet it was the most beautiful, transformational moment of my life. And you know, I wouldn't take it back all the pain and people who who've had these experiences, and I've, I've interviewed a few of them, and they have great physical suffering, even today, wouldn't take it back, you know, they wouldn't take back the plane crash, they wouldn't take back any of it because without that insight, they wouldn't be who they are, which is generally I'm not saying all the time. I'm not saying that you don't suffer from depression after a near death experience you do? A lot of times, but there is this giving up on what you thought life was an embracing, you know, a different way of being.
Michaela Light 14:08
What do you think life is then?
Unknown Speaker 14:12
You know, I think in our culture, and I'm talking about the American culture and who I was in the 90s when I was in college, I bought into I would heal all my childhood wounds. If I made enough money. If I was smart enough if I was successful enough if my relationship look good to the world, you know, if there was this facade, like I was pretty superficial, you know, to be honest, and and as I embraced all that though, I felt emptier and emptier at times, like I didn't understand it, but that was the feeling and as and when I had that near death experience that was completely wiped, I was given a different mission. And that mission was not necessarily one Oh, that would be lucrative, I was literally told to go back and teach in schools for a certain amount of time. And since I had grown up with abuse, in my past, I was certain that this was what creator wanted from me. And so I spread a lot of healing and real world ways, you know, through through public schools, because there's a lot of issues, you know, in public schools, community colleges.
Michaela Light 15:29
Yes, there's a lot of children who have trauma and bad experiences, maybe you saw a bit of your child's own childhood in some of their experiences, or you had compassion for what they were and how did you know what to say, when you were with someone, you know, maybe you had an adolescent who was not interested in studying English. And lots of I must have happened.
Unknown Speaker 15:53
Lots and lots of them. But you know, what I found is that so few people are seeing are truly valued. And so few people are told, Hey, this is really beautiful about you, Wow, you really have this talent, or, Hey, look at yourself, and let's see what you want to do in your future. Like most people are told what not to do, how to behave, this is what you need to do, you know, all of society is not opening them up to their own creative, creative power. So no matter how dire the situation was, I always asked students I was like, okay, so it's really bad. So, you know, most of your siblings are in gangs, you know, crime is your family's way of living. Is there anything you like doing outside of this? And this one kid was like, I love fixing cars. And I said, let's imagine, you know, just how fantastic this could be? What if you started remaking old cars into fantastic new cars and selling them? What if this was your business? Hey, what if you had a TV show? And did this? What if, you know, like, what's your dream, as far as you can, you know, down this road, and how good would you feel to be on the right side of the law, and to not worry about going to prison and you know, not worry about these things. And it was fun to just watch people's minds change. So sometimes I just worked on their minds, sometimes, you know, there was so much trauma, it was stepping in with CPS and, and really just working with those kids and talking directly to them. And I trusted that, hey, this was my mission from the other side, then something is going to work through me kind of the way those angels work through those neurosurgeons maybe something is gonna give me the right thing to say. And, you know, believe it or not, sometimes I feel that energy come through. And, you know, some people might call it channeling, they might call it something else. But it's like giving up yourself to this higher intelligence. And there have been times that I don't even know what I'm saying in the classroom, because now I lecture at a community college. And I'll have students come up crying after a lecture and say, Hey, I decided to join the Peace Corps, or, Hey, you know, I've, I've, you know, changed directions in this way. And so, I really believe that the light can work through this, and probably more times than we realized when we're just paying attention. And we're kind and we're focused on other people. And actually, you know, that's the key to a great business, or getting rid of depression is like less self focus and more focus on the world out there.
Michaela Light 18:34
I think that definitely is a good thing to do to help get into that space of love. And also, it helps you to set that intention, I want to connect to my angels or to my guides, or to God, to the light. And I find if I do that for a business meeting, the meeting usually goes a lot better. So, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:54
yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? Just the simple thing of setting an intention for your day, setting an intention for your meetings, setting an intention for everything that that you experience?
Michaela Light 19:07
Yeah, it makes a lot of difference. So coming back to your intuition, how was your intuition before you had this car accident and left your body came back? You know, I was
Unknown Speaker 19:20
a sensitive child and not gonna say that I wasn't and I was raised in, you know, evangelical home. So about seventh grade, I really just kind of saw through, for lack of a better wave of putting it that particular religion and turned against it and call myself agnostic even at that age, until my near death experience. So I just I saw that, you know, I didn't like the judgments that I felt in churches. I didn't like the politics and there was so many things I didn't like, you know, that I just thought, okay, you know, I need a better science education. I need aid, you know, a different way of being. So intuition was not a part of my life at all. Even though I would have deep emotional feelings around things. So, you know, before my near death experience, I felt as if my first boyfriend was cheating on me. And he was, but I wouldn't call that intuition. I just call that, you know, an emotional connection to another human being and realizing that something was off. And it took actually going to see a psychologist who turned to me and she was like, that's your intuition. Trisha. You know, da, he's cheating on you. And the minute I went, and I told him, I was like, Look, I know you're cheating on me, it's time to break up, he started crying, if needed, that was the end of it. But that's the extent of my intuition. Before the near death experience after the near death experience, like when I came out of that surgery, I hardly was contained in my body. I felt like my energy expanded into the room. I felt depersonalized. So when the nurses asked me, What is your name, I said, her name is Trisha. And I didn't really want to be back in this broken body, it was very easy for me to jump into the consciousness of the nurses, different people around me to read people. I was never able to read people like that before, or just even pay attention to them. I think I was so self focused, and insecure, and you know, focused on myself. And the minute I came out of surgery, I was I was amazed. I saw my family differently. I was like, wow, they're really modest. You know, they run to the bathroom to change, and they're concerned about the physical world. Why does no one want to talk about where I've been? I just met God. Like, come on, people wake up. And they wouldn't, they wouldn't. It would make jokes like, wow, she's on good drugs. And I was like, it's not drugs. You know, I promise you, I've been somewhere I want to talk about this. And so eventually, I just started writing it all down. Nurses would try to understand a little bit of what I was talking about my surgeon, she actually stepped back and I could read her well enough. And I could tell that she was looking at me, like, don't make me write a prescription for mental health issues. You know, like, you know, please, your surgery has been successful. You've had many blood transfusions, you're going to walk, this is just excellent news. Let's focus on your recovery. And she kept bringing me back, you know, to, to the good job that she had done on my back. And I kept wanting to say, hey, but angels were working through you. didn't go over so well. There were only a few friends of mine, who came later, who were spiritual, and they actually listened to the story. But most people who were religious
Michaela Light 22:41
it is it it is life, you know, to to understand there is really a God, there are really angels around everyone helping them. That's the kind of world shattering viewpoint change for many Americans. Yeah, even if they go to church, they may not really believe it. Well, I think they
Unknown Speaker 23:01
want it to be exactly biblical, but the experience is different for each person, because of course, God meets us where we need to be met, you know, for our soul journey, what we need to learn. And so, you know, I had points and since you read my book with my mom, I was like, Look, you're loved, and I'm loved. You're wrong, and I'm wrong. You know, we're both wrong. But hey, we're both loved. And, you know, in her mind, I could see her going, No, I'm right. And you're definitely wrong. And you should have gone to hell not have it. You know, you did drugs, you know, in college, you're, you're promiscuous, you're not you don't deserve having, like there's, I could see all these judgments and these thoughts, you know, running through her head and I was like, No, God is so loving God forgives everything, you know, that this was just a real, this was a glimpse, but it was a reorientation of my whole being. And, and then a lot of people say, Well, these are just, you know, in the Christian religion, agnostics fight and say it's a dream and the Christian religion, people say, Oh, that was just Satan tricking you. And I was like, oh, it's neither, you know, like, I know that I'm changed by the light, I know that I'm healed. By this experience. I know that I'm a different person and a better person. So it must be good. You know, it must be a gift and not a trick. And I think that at a soul level, we know the difference.
Michaela Light 24:34
Yeah, unfortunately, you know, some, some churches or mosques or whatever, have a lot of fear based messaging that goes on and you know, there is this fear of spiritual experience and no, I know churches. There are some churches where they talk in voices and charm snakes and do all kinds of and do hands on healings. You know, it depends on the group. But I think unfortunately, you know, to me, spirituality or religion is around love and that heart connection. But unfortunately a lot of lot of churches have turned into a more ego based mental type exercise. And it's hard to take in when someone has a genuine spiritual experience. It's hard for people to take it in and and then there's all the agnostics and atheists and they have even more trouble with it.
Unknown Speaker 25:33
Yeah, but at the end of the day, I think most people want to tell the actual story, their eyes light up, they imagine what it what is death, like, I mean, even agnostics, friends of mine, when they read my book, they were they said they spent an afternoon imagining what death is like, you know, and that's part of the Buddhist tradition is imagine your death, imagine how you want to leave your body. And so for those of us who have, we know it to be this joyous, you know, light filled, amazing, exhilarating experience. But for those who haven't, it's a really important part of the journey to just begin to imagine the energy outside of your body, Joe Dispenza, has meditations that kind of help you do that connecting with the space outside of you. And remembering that, you know, out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, these types of experiences are profound. And they also they cause a lot of people who have terminal illnesses to not fear death. So you know, there's value in getting outside of the body. And in these types of experiences.
Michaela Light 26:43
Well, and I'd say to people listening, you haven't had a near death experience, everyone, nearly everyone sleeps every night. I mean, I think there are a few humans are incapable of sleeping, but most people do go to sleep. And then they often have dreams, whether you remember them or not? What the heck do you think happens every night when you go to sleep? You know, I mean, you probably are at some point leaving your body and having other experiences. And then most people have had orgasms. And that's another kind of Quasar out of body experience that most people have had. Yeah, it's not as unusual as we might. And then many people have taken various psychedelic substances, whether it's DMT, or mushrooms, or whatever.
Unknown Speaker 27:27
And I can speak to that, you know, like, I think the first couple of years after my near death experience, I felt like I was on a two year mushroom trip. I mean, like life was, was that dramatic, you know, like, I felt so connected to nature. I felt like I had insights from trees from birds from, you know, human beings, you know, I just kind of felt like, I was so deeply alive. And that, to me, was a verification that something really profound had happened, that there was something way beyond, you know, just Anastasia and going under for surgery.
Michaela Light 28:09
Yeah, now, clearly from reading your book, you're a different person afterwards. I'm not sure how much I would have liked the previous Tricia.
Unknown Speaker 28:18
Oh, you might have hired me as a lawyer but liked me.
Michaela Light 28:24
Yeah, because well, I mean, who knows? She might have had changed as well if you'd gone in a different direction. But I don't have you ever seen the movie. I am Sam with Sean Penn and Michelle Pfeiffer. It's an interesting. It's quite an old movie as from, you know, 20 or 30 years ago, I forget the exact date. But the point was, Michelle plays a high powered attorney or has a new car and our fancy cell phone for the 90s. And, you know, is having a marriage that's falling apart and her son doesn't communicate with her. And she learned her transformation in the movie is to access more of a heart side and patience and love and she has a transformation. But she does kind of have this archetype. Attorney kind of in her left brain logical kind of thing. Running.
Unknown Speaker 29:16
Yeah, yeah, I think I vaguely remember that movie. And the heart of things is what transforms things. So yes, love generated from that heart and, and loving others, I think is what begins to transform this world. Sometimes people worry about, you know, the state of the world or, you know, is this new Earth emerging? You know, you hear this talk and the spiritual community and how much destruction that we have to see, you know, of old ways of being before A New Way emerges. And I often think it doesn't matter. It's the love that we give to ourselves and others through all the changes that society goes through. So no matter what society you're in, no matter what city you're in, no matter what situation, begin with love for the self and ask creator, to give you more of that unconditional love. And that's where the transformation begins. Because that was the most powerful part of my near death experiences, I didn't have very good childhood, there was a lot of emotional abuse, neglect. And in that presence of unconditional love, I felt all of it washing away. Like it was not me. It was just the situation. And I think that's, that's the healing journey that we're all on is leaving the past behind us and going, what do I want to generate? And what do I want to do? From this moment in time, this present moment in time?
Michaela Light 30:50
Hmm, yeah, they say that's the powerful fulcrum in time that we can easily it's easier to make changes in the present moment. I personally, we can make changes in the past, and in the future, but certainly for, for in the human experience, the present moment is when we can do 3d actions. So is easy, and I love that idea of letting go the past, you know, all that sunk cost that we may have had, yes, we invested in this thing, and we've been whatever, but let forget all that investment of time and money, and emotion. What's best for me now. So I think that's where, you know, I don't want to make this into an attorney episode. But a lot of business people who end up in lawsuits, they're forgetting that they could just let it all go, you know, I mean, if they let the ego part go, is it really worth spending hundreds of hours of emotionally laden time suing someone, someone else and all their attorney fees? Probably not truth be told, exactly better, even if they were an asshole and screwed you over? Probably better just to let it go and forgive them and then change how you behave in the future. So you don't attract that kind of person, or you have boundaries to keep them out of the way?
Unknown Speaker 32:12
Exactly, you know, not to say that justice doesn't need to occur in some situations, but I know of three family isn't. And two in particular, you know, where a lot of money was involved in a divorce. And, you know, one way is just horrifying, you know, one parent is alienated hundreds of 1000s of dollars are spent, you know, in court some another way, worked out really great for both of them financially, you know, like they both lost out in some ways, but the kids are pretty balanced. You know, you see, these vary, too, and lawyers weren't involved. Other than, you know, the final signing of, you know, this person gets this, this person gets that, you know, just putting it in legal writing, but at first it took it took a team, you know, of mediators, therapists, light workers, and I think that's who we should be employing in those moments is like, help the psyche of the grief help the the family really transition differently, and to live and living separately and not spend money wastefully that could go to kids and mortgages, you know, things that that matter a little more.
Michaela Light 33:24
Yeah. And I'd apply the same to any business dispute. You know, if you're letting someone go hasn't been performing well, how can it be done with grace and ease? And how can you help the people who are staying in the business and the person who's left, move forward? And also, how can you heal the business? So you don't hire idiots like that? Again, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say someone who wasn't an ideal fit.
Unknown Speaker 33:49
Right? And then believe that that person can grow and change from that moment, on that light, you know, forward. I know, I've heard you get a different one. Rockstar was really upset with this assistant, he had hired and wanted to sue her, you know, for you to do it messing up some things. And I just remember thinking, no, no, no, you really need to calm down and just let her go find a different job that she can handle and be appreciative of your life and all that you have. And really, you know, just let that one go.
Michaela Light 34:23
Yeah, well, and I would add, it takes two people to hire, hire someone who's not a good fit, it takes the applicant to accept the job and it takes the employer who offered the job, and probably the employer, ie me has the most ability and responsibility in that little exchange of power that went on there.
Unknown Speaker 34:43
Right? And if it's a deep trigger, that a lot of times that's a moment to look inside yourself and go wow, okay, is this coming up from something that I'm holding on to and I need to let go of, you know, in order to move forward, and that that, you know, even if it's A small thing, but I also believe in energy return as well. So some there are moments when people take our energy and we allow them to take our energy. And after any exchange, one of the most important things you can do is just as creator, to remove any energy that you're holding on from that person, send it back to them washed clean, and that unconditional love and ask that all of your energy that they have taken, be washed, clean and return back to you. And so that's kind of like universal court. Let let the light really figure out, you know how to give you the right return the right energy, the right positivity, moving forward, away from those situations.
Michaela Light 35:44
Now, I just want to come back to this new Earth thing you mentioned, because I interviewed someone else on the show earlier this month about what her view of the New Earth is. And I'll put the episode in the show notes name is Nikki Cote. What is your view about what the New Earth is? Because a lot of people in a lot of spiritual people see that we're shifting to a new earth, what or whatever you call it, I'm five d or love, or what is new earth? You? I'm curious?
Unknown Speaker 36:15
Yeah, that's a great question. And honestly, I do a little more listening to what others, others say, but I do tune in. And what I see is that as we personally shift into more love and connection, our worlds and our immediate worlds start changing. And so this can have an effect around those who are around us, it can have an effect in our neighborhoods, but you know, this interconnectedness is changing, there's a greater focus on nature. But, you know, we we don't control others, you know, simply all we can do is hope for the best is put out love and kind of hope that you know, that spreads. And then that follows, I don't claim to be someone who sees the future. Exactly, I see what's possible, you know, I see the direction the energies moving in, but it's up to every person to get on board, in a way with putting the needs of nature at a higher place, like one of the messages I heard in my near death experience is remind them to go to nature. And as we continue down this path that we are continuing to go down, I think it is all the more vital that we remember, one that were a part of nature, our bodies are a part of nature, you know, as as inflammation and autoimmune disorders are on the rise, we're aware, you know, that, that we have polluted nature, and this is affecting our bodies, we're part of it. And so just remembering that deep truth is the first beginning of change, you know, physically, you know, for the health of individuals, but for the greater planet. So that's one part of it is, and then the next part is remembering that love is all that we take with us. So this place sometimes seems kind of primitive, honestly, to, to a lot of people because it just seems like Oh, really, we are forgetting, you know that love is all that we take with us. So every exchange is either in exchange in a more beautiful way or in a degraded way, something we won't take with us. So, you know, the new earth, maybe we won't be around unnecessarily to see it. Like in this generation for the next 20 years or so, the next 50 years, next 100 years, I don't, I can't claim to have a date or a moment, I just know that there is a shift that I'm seeing in young people more of a language for spirituality, more of a language for this. So I know there is a cumulative mass of people who are beginning to understand, Oh, hey, you know, we are all energetically connected. And this is not a bad thing. So let's make choices that make all of our experiences more light filled, and less painful.
Michaela Light 39:17
I think that's great advice. I mean, I've certainly set a theme word of the year, which I've done before, and this year is divine love, or just love. And that I've shared that with my staff and my clients. I've started sharing on social media. And I try and phrase it in ways that people could hear maybe rephrase it as kindness. I run a software company and so I like how could you be kind to your code and your customers, your co workers. And here are some practical ideas. So I think that is true. I also personally believe there's more than one reality running at once. So the reality I have is not the same as other people's realities, and it's possible paths Have the human race to have shifted to the new earth, and other parts have not. So I don't think it's an all or nothing kind of thing. And I also think when, you know, I think when people incarnate they, they sign up to have certain experiences and certain spiritual lessons. And not everyone has signed up to go to the new earth, in my view.
Unknown Speaker 40:22
I don't know how to put it into words, but sometimes I just see visuals that I like, I see pockets of great light and beauty, you know, communities or individuals that seem to be vibrating in a different space amidst chaos. And so that, you know, maybe they've shifted, like, maybe there's that shift? Well, for some people.
Michaela Light 40:43
Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's the inspiring message here. Yes, we're going through a lot of shifts. In our 3d reality. There's a lot of, you know, the rewards here and there and plagues and I'm expecting the frogs to appear and a plague of
Unknown Speaker 40:59
locusts and spiders.
Michaela Light 41:01
Yes. Yes, there you go. But the point is, we can be in a space of love, and we can be kind and loving and conscious and listen to our customers and our staff. And we can act from a space of love in our businesses and in our family and our home life. And that can make all the difference. And I'm reminded of trying to remember his name now. I think he wrote the book man's Did you write it? Was it called Man's Search for Meaning he was in a concentration camp in World War
Unknown Speaker 41:33
Two. Yes. What was his name? Viktor Frankl,
Michaela Light 41:37
Viktor Frankl, so he had his physical reality for two or three years, or however long he was, there was not nice. I mean, if you think you're having a bad hair day, at home, listening to this, or your business is having a crisis to Sure. Just imagine you were forced at gunpoint to go and live in a concentration camp and around you people have terrible diseases and are dying and are being executed or whatever. And he managed to say loving and positive is the point I'm trying to put here. Not. So how about all of us listening while the world has another COVID? Or monkey pox or high inflation? Or our businesses having issues? How about we just stay in that positivity and space of love, and be as kind as we can to others as we go through the shift?
Unknown Speaker 42:24
Yeah, because one single instant is what changed everything. You know, like I had it all I was, in many ways I was about to graduate in 1994, from a great college, you know, I was in peak physical health and bout to run this race had been two weeks later, I was in bed and learning to walk again. But I promise you, I was so much happier, and so much more connected in that body cast and this, you know, hair that I can barely wash because I was in this Mani cast, you know, just you had to like look terrible wearing these big oversized, back, they can scratch my back, could barely walk to the mailbox and eventually learn to walk again. But I was connected to everything and every one. And I knew that from that point forward. And I also knew that I could ask for healing. So you know, whether it's your business, whether it's your body, whether whatever it is, you're going through meditation, and taking some time to ask for healing in a space where you really allow your brain to relax your body to relax. That's when you're receptive to healing because a lot of people ask, but they're not receptive. And I think in this technological age, we pick up our phones, we're so easily distracted, you have to take time to let things integrate, to let things align to let things vibrate in a new way, and let that healing emerge in a different way.
Michaela Light 43:59
I think loads of great things and it's so easy in modern American life and particularly business life to be just always on and feel you have to have this almost pride point in entrepreneurs if you've come across this. Oh, I worked 16 hours yesterday. I did a I don't hear so often people saying well, I took the afternoon off I had a siesta. Right. I slept extra last night. So I'm making I'm having a better business meeting today or I'm having more creative ideas.
Unknown Speaker 44:32
Yeah, I brag I started a new thing of bragging about how much sleep I get and I want my friends do the same like eight hours, eight and a half hours. I think we need to switch that because creative people I tell my creative writing students all the time. Look if you are working double shifts and taking care of kids and taking care of sick family members. You can't you I mean you might be able to be here radios might be on the back of receipt at a grocery store line where you're reading school ideas. But you're going to do much better if you sit in a hammock if you daydream for a while, because maybe dreaming is co creation. With reality. What do you want to bring here? What What would you like to see? So I'd say give your time, give yourself time to daydream, and give yourself time to rest. Give yourself time to meditate. And really switch that and watch the quality of your work change when you invite in help from the other side. And when you really take care of yourself. Like we you can think there's a lot of burnout and a lot of exhaustion. And I think there's seven types of exhaustion. I won't list them all, you know, you can Google it. There's a TED talk, you know, out there on this, but one of the ways is overstimulation. And nature is the best shift away from that when you're overstimulated by all the things you have to do your computer, your phone, your visit, everything that's going on grounding. And just looking at a tree, looking at a night sky, does shift you into a different reality.
Michaela Light 46:06
Yeah, I mean, that's something we can all do, we can take a break from the computer, go for a walk around the block, you know, look at nature, hopefully there's a park or some tree or some flowers. I like to have flowers on my desk, too. That's another reminder to me of connection with nature. And I just want to come back to that point you made about how, you know, we're part of nature, I would almost take that further and say we all nature, I've started doing a meditation of gratitude to Mother Earth for you know, all things I realized. And I know, I know, rationally, I knew this before, but everything in my life, you know, my body, my hair, the hair color, I put in my thing, my glasses, the computer in front of me, the building, all of it is made from stuff that came from Mother Earth. Yeah. And it's kind of mind blowing that Mother Earth would be this generous. And even, you know, even when people get up to things are not quite so nice to Mother Earth. They all still come from effing Mother Earth. Yeah, even the chemicals that are poisoning it are part of Mother Earth, too. Yeah, it's quite mind blowing. So it was for me.
Unknown Speaker 47:17
It is it is. And that's that's part of like that deeper connection to the all that we are. A lot of people want to make a big difference, you know, a huge and they put a lot of pressure on themselves, and their business and their personal lives and their sole mission. And I think what I'm hearing from angels right now, maybe for this podcast, and for others is, it's okay, if the red carpet is rolling out slowly, like, take some time to let it all integrate and make sure that your steps are in tune with what's best for you what's best for others and, and really just allow that generosity of Mother Earth of the universe to roll out for you, at the right time in the right way. And really think that allowing and that receiving, and feeling worthy of it is, is a big thing. For a lot of people it's like they think that their worth as determined by it. But what they actually need to feel is just worthy of blessings worthy of generosity from the earth, from the universe, from, from everything around them.
Michaela Light 48:32
I'm probably going to make a total pig's ear of trying to misquote Marianne Williamson, but I'm sure she had this quote about who am I not to feel worthy. I'll try and dig up the quotes to get in the show notes. But basically, we all spiritual beings, of course, we're all worthy for all the wonderful spiritual gifts that life provides. Every human is worthy of their own version of their red carpet. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 48:59
and I think that's part of the New Earth to come back to that as we can all win. You know, it's not so much competition. I mean, even in spiritual communities, sometimes I feel like there's competition, you know, whether it's numbers or whatever it may be, but I'm always, you know, like, coming from this place. And that's the, the near death experience oriented me differently. Like, if someone wins big, you can win one of my students got accepted to Oxford. I didn't get to go to Oxford. I mean, I won through her going to Oxford, you know, like, I'm like, Yeah, someone you know, like, that's a win for all of us. You know, and I think we need to look at really celebrating each other and our small piece and other people's miraculous journey at times like we can all win you know, it's not one person's win is not detracting from from our win.
Michaela Light 49:53
Yeah, absolutely not. That's a abundance mindset. I would call it or Cooperation versus competition. And I have a friend who was very driven. He's working 16 hour days, and he feels he should be doing a zillion different things to improve himself, which is all very nice. But I, we I talked to him a moment, I grew up with him. And we were talking about, well, why, you know, why don't you rest some more like, you know, Trisha was saying, and he felt he had to do so much extra because and what it came down to is afraid of dying, because he's an atheist. And he thinks when he dies, that's it, he's gone. And so he has to like pile on all the business things to do it. And for me, that's not true. Yeah, it's
Unknown Speaker 50:41
interesting, I've come across people like that, who are atheists, agnostics, or maybe even spiritual, but they just feel like they have a short amount of time here. And they feel really driven to do a lot. And, you know, there's, there's moments, I think we, we can do that, but we can't ask it from ourselves. Until we burn out, you know, like, just just realize, like, burnout is inevitable if you keep that pace. And so it's better to integrate at least two to 10 minutes of meditation a day, even if it's not your thing, you know, like, it's just vital to incorporate meditation exercise, things that orient you differently, you know, from that, that work mindset, that overdrive. And there's a lot of disappointment that can come from it, because we all know that cheering, you know, the great big goal looks different, when you get to the other side of it, it's not quite to, it's not, it's not quite as glistening, you know, there's, there's a lot to it, usually. And so, remembering the journey, I think, as part as of changing that mindset be,
Michaela Light 51:53
I would take it further and say immerse yourself in the journey and make sure you're enjoying the journey to whatever you're if you're going to write a book or publish, you know, make a movie or whatever, make sure you enjoy the actual process. Or if you have, you know, you're gonna get wins three new clients this month, or whatever, enjoy the outreach and talking to people and what have you. And Why suffer,
Unknown Speaker 52:18
we forget that some of the most successful people, you know, who have done amazing things, I've had such astronomical failures, like, you know, just absolute let downs and, you know, horrific moments of failure on that journey to that. So, you know, part of it, I think, is, is also just going, you know, what, I'm never losing my vision of what I'm bringing here, we each came in as these huge lights, and our families or societies started beginning to change that, and that's, you know, the near death experience, kind of expose some of that for me and reminded me of the life that I am and the life that I was before family before society, you know that and we're all that, you know, we are these great big lights. And it doesn't matter if one idea fails, or does it reach the potential you thought it would, because we're just dealing in this realm where we're trying to bring as much light as possible to each story, each business idea, each possibility. And so I think, congratulate yourself. So I mean, that's what I will tell your listeners is, congratulate yourselves for all the work that you have done, the journey that you are on, and then just keep adding lights and joy to each moment a bit.
Michaela Light 53:38
Well, and the interesting thing is when we have a, quote, bad business experience, often in hindsight, we look back and say, Oh, I'm so glad I had that experience. Let me shift my business differently, or now I behave differently, or I can see the silver lining in that cloud. And I just encourage everyone, you know, to move that instead of waiting five years before you like, oh, yeah, having that divorce from the terrible spouse was a great thing. Maybe you can see the gratitude now. In the moment. Maybe you express it to the other person, maybe you don't, depending on where they are in 3d. World, you certainly can feel that gratitude to someone. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 54:21
You know, and I have to say, you know, on my journey, I've never felt like any teaching experience has been negative because I've always been guided by the other side, but in doing things outside of that sometimes, like writing the book, for instance. It wasn't everything that I hoped it would be. I'm an English major, you know, I hoped that the book would be received differently. I hope that, you know, my compensation would be better but my publisher kind of squashed me and took a lot of that money. And you know, there's there were disappointments along the way But you know, what I found is I love talking to other writers and helping them evolve their book and learn from some of my mistakes. And so, you know, creator and angels, and people keep saying, Hey, you really are meant to do more, right writing coaching, you know, like, especially people who want to get their spiritual stories out there. And it's so much fun to be around people who are in those beginning stages, who have a great idea, who have that, that joy for writing. And so, you know, that's how that shifted into perhaps a better business model than actually writing a book. And a lot of times, you know, people hear it all the time, they're like, there's very few New York Times bestsellers, and even if they are, you know, it might be a day, and that's not as much fun as you think it's not gonna set you for life. Like most business models that have a book, the book is kind of like a business card. And it's really the speaking events, or the coaching or the one on one or the other things that you do, but, but people can certainly get their mindset on one thing, you know, like a book that I want, I'm gonna be a best seller, you know, and that can be a disappointment, instead of shifting and saying, look, it introduced you to the world now. Now you have, you know, an opportunity to speak to people differently to, you know, engage in the world differently. So I think sometimes what's right in front of us, you know, we want so badly, and we're missing out on the gifts and other areas.
Michaela Light 56:34
Hmm, I love that way of looking at things. And of course, that applies to everything in our businesses, whether it's making videos or launching a new product, or hiring someone else to join the business. They're all opportunities for growth, yourself and the business.
Unknown Speaker 56:52
And even setbacks can be like major changes for people. You know, I've heard all these stories of a setback being the way that someone launched something new.
Michaela Light 57:05
That sounds like a title of a new book, The setback is the way
Unknown Speaker 57:09
I like it. Yes,
Michaela Light 57:13
the guy who did the dirt does do Dilbert cartoons. I'm spacing on his name, but he wrote a book about how his success in business was due to all his failures. I'll dig up the name and put it in the shownotes. I did read it. But you know, I find as I go through these shifts, some shift more to a space of love. I kind of start forgetting stuff in my mind. Fortunately, we have I get it. Yeah. Scott Adams is his name. And the book will come to me. Now how I'm kind of curious, I've asked many guests this, you obviously get spiritual messages, from your intuition, from angels from ancestors from God? How do you quotes hear these messages? Because not everyone hears things in their head? What's the process for you?
Unknown Speaker 58:04
Right, so after my near death experience, I only had my grandfather on the other side. And in the book I wrote,
Michaela Light 58:13
how do you see him? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 58:16
I saw him on the other side, he was young and handsome looking. And you know, very that place was a reminder of all that decays and dies here is made whole in heaven, it's so he looks beautiful, his skin was glowing. And I would still hear him from the other side after my near death experience. And he helped me out of a couple of jams and I would hear his voice come through in my head. And he would say, Dr. Here, do this, you know, I need you to call your dad I need you to do you. So he would give me literal instructions that would end up working out for my benefit. And so sometimes it comes in the sound of a voice for that, you know, on the other side, other people have heard you know, their intuition. I was interviewed by someone who wrote came up with the Film A film about fear and intuition and and I'll His name will come to me in a moment as well. But the whole point was he heard stop at this intersection. And there was no cars around and then a semi float blew through a red light and he went oh my god had he not stopped and he was late to you know, for the airport and all this but it was just this moment where he interviewed people around the world about intuition and and actually that that journey is initiated from a lot of people who hear something you know, they don't know why they saved their kids alive for this moment, their own life, but it just happened. So I think our ancestors are around in moments of danger are angels around but in just daily Life. So how do you know some people are more visual. And so you can play around with this, you know, you can trade readings with people who who want to develop their intuition. I always say it's great, you know, spiritual groups are wonderful, whatever group you join, because maybe you'll find a Powell and trade readings and see what comes through and just always ask for the highest good, you know, to come through to help someone. And then a lot of times people are amazed, I get, I've been a part of a lot of groups like this, and some people are more visual, some people are more auditory, some people are sent pictures, when I am giving medium readings, a lot of times I'll see an actual picture of something from the past of that person. And so no family member will understand what the picture is, because they'll go get it, you know, maybe it's somewhere in the room, they're like, Oh, you mean this one. And so there's that, you know, like an image, a word. You know, things are kind of implanted in your brain, a lot of times, it helps to just tune into the energy or the feeling of something, you know, that a lot of times, we can just feel into it energetically. And that's another way of listening to it. But I would say, one way to trust it is to work with someone you know, is to have a partner and let them verify you know, what you're picking up on, and a friend that you trust, if you want to open it up a little bit more. And then of course, there are people like Susan Kaseman, you know, well known mediums who teach courses. And this, I would also say, Turn off your phone at bedtime, and spend a few moments making an intention to have a lucid dream or to connect with a loved one in that space. Because sometimes in your waking mind, you're not able to but a lot of people have felt a mom or a dad or someone or grandparent or friends when they're very close to come through in a dream. And it's usually just simple like a hug, or, you know, this kind of grief image that I'm fine, I love you all as well here and you wake up feeling better. Those are definitely contexts from the other side. You know, that is not your imagination, that is a direct contact. And, and I know this because as my father was dying, his parents came to me in a dream, and I was trying to stay at hospice, and be awake for him at every moment, but But I went home, went to sleep, and I had a dream. And both my grandparents showed up and they're like, it's okay, we're with him. We're helping him transition. And as soon as I woke up, I knew he was gone. And I had this seven calls from hospice. And I was like, oh, yeah, so I know that these moments are true and real.
Michaela Light 1:02:54
Yeah, so beautiful chapter in your book, where you talk about your father's dying process over several months. That story as well. And he was very joyful guy, you know, he knew he was going to die. And he was so joyful. He wanted to spread joy for you and other people.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:14
And himself. Yeah, he died. Well, you know, that. It's interesting in there, like a lot of people have seen people die with fear. And that makes them fear death. And I felt very lucky to see someone die joyfully, you know, and to die without that fear of death, and that kind of certainty, joy for life and joy for the transition. And it is, you know, nature is kinder than we think with that transition. And that's what I can say around pain, and around everything that I went through. Yes, the pain was enormous and overwhelming at times. But luckily, you don't process at all and you're not aware of all of it. And and that's part of the Yeah, the release.
Michaela Light 1:04:05
And also, how you're now in a space of trusting your what you hear and your intuitive messages. How long did it take you to get to that place of trusting what you're hearing was really your guides or intuition?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:18
Here's what I will say to people. I'm not 100% Sometimes I can go wrong. I'm a very intuitive person, like say, say, here's a mistake, I'll be just real with you. I made like, my partner, I tuned in, I was like, I really need to talk to him. And I rarely call you know, we tend to text and I couldn't reach him and I was like, there's someone in the car with him. Is this a wine? You know, is this always he cheating on me? You know, like, but I knew that there was someone in the car with him. And that was like, spot on. 100% intuition. I was like, Well, maybe it's a friend and they're talking and he doesn't, you know, want to pick up the phone. And so like, you know, here's this woman has to like me Well, I come back home about what's for dinner. But he had picked up a couple of Uber rides. And he had just started doing that, because his business was slumping a little. And he felt a little prideful to not tell me what he was doing, but he definitely couldn't answer because he was crying. And I think our fears can fill in the details, like, you can be right about something, you know, you can write, like, Okay, someone isn't answering, because they're with someone else. But you may be your past trauma of being lied to slips in, or maybe, you know, you start filling in the details, which is fear based, and imagination. So, tuning in, a lot of times, psychics and intuitives, are really bad at their own life, because their own trauma gets messed up, it's a lot easier to look at someone else's, you know, experience and see for them, because you're divorced from your own trauma. And that moment, you know, you're just seeing the energy that's moving for other people. So I wouldn't.
Michaela Light 1:06:03
It's not personal, when you're when you're reading for someone else, or intuitive reading or it's not personal, it's not your trauma, and you know, you don't have a million dollar deal that may or may not come through, so you're not emotionally attached. Right. So it's easy to get clear. And then coming back to my, my view is our physical and emotional bodies, sort of covering up our life in different places, you know, some places are light comes through, clearly, you know, maybe in family area, we're very clear with the light, but maybe with hiring people, we have some past hiring traumas, and it's harder for us to see the truth. So that can affect that for me as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:46
Yeah, and that's why it's great to have intuitive friends or to get help and those matters, where, where, you know, your own experiences may be interfering with your intuition, but, but I would say that it will come through intuition and trust it, you know, in times of trauma in times of helping others who are in traumatic situation, it's there's a lot of support, energetically, yeah, in this moment. So anytime a friend is in the hospital, visit them know that you are bringing your team to help them as much as as they have a team around them.
Michaela Light 1:07:24
I think come back to that analogy of like my light shines through, but it's blocked by my traumas and fears and what have you. There are two ways I can see to deal with that. One is to clear out as many past traumas as I can identify, or even the ones I can't identify, but I can sense and get help from healers, like yourself or other people to do that. Do that proactively to clean up stuff before it creates an issue. And then the other thing I found helps me the more light I can run through me, like if I, when I go in nature, and I journal about my business, I get so much clearer messages, because I'm more filled with love and light. So it can shine through even if I do have little bits of trauma lurking around. So those are two. Yeah, I could suggest,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
I love that, you know that when you clear out as much as you can. And I'm often working on myself, hey, you know, in yoga and other places where I'm just letting go of things from the past, you can use exercise as a way to really just say, hey, creator, I give you this pattern, it is no longer useful to me, give me a pattern of abundance, give me a pattern of, you know, healthy, happy relationships, you know, I, I, whatever it is that you're working on, just give this to a higher power, perhaps in nature, perhaps exercising, perhaps doing, you know, anything that is repetitive, even pleading like some people who hate cleaning. That's a good opportunity. You know, as I sweep these floors, I'm sweeping out the immaturity in my life.
Michaela Light 1:09:00
I love that imagery. I will say that cleaning house or whatever is a way to clear the energy in the house and cleaning up, you know, file folders in a computer drive for your business is another way to clean stuff. So that is a way and I've certainly made one of the techniques I've done is I've made a list of all the ex current employees, I've had all the current or ex clients vendors, and then just felt the energy of each one were sticky energy in this list that I need to do some cleaning on trauma I had with this ex employee or ex client. So that's an example of how to proactively go about things. So let me turn to you do energy remote energy healings Trisha and I've experienced one it was very powerful. With you How did how do you think that works? Because like you're in Texas, I'm in Peru. How could you possibly do healing? I'm just playing devil's advocate, right, per se.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:07
I know, you know, I, it took me a long time. So accident happened in 94, it took me until 2016, to be a medium and people pulled me out and forced me to give medium readings, and I gave them away for free first, and then I was like, okay, you know, there's enough people wanting this connection to the other side. And it's very healing for them when they've lost someone, especially a kid, or teenager to suicide and other, you know, traumatic moments, it took me a long time to embrace a healing modality as well, I knew that the angels assisted me. And so I always told people ask your angels to assist you with physical healing, you know, set an intention and meditation that they will be working on you. And it was it took me really the last few years to find data healing. And to me, this just makes so much sense data healing, and data healing is a form of energy work, but it's also kind of consciously working on different parts of ourselves. Why it made sense to me is, you're there in Peru, I'm here in Texas, but you have a collection of things that you hold, you know, just at an ancestral level, from all of your ancestors, I do too. Why can't the light just work on this and clear out this pattern, and we said, you know, just so much love to all that these ancestors survived to bring us to this moment in time, but some of their programs are just not needed anymore. Like, the world is different. You know, like, Thank you for surviving, thank you for bringing us here. But how about you, on the other side experience some of the bliss that we're experiencing now, on a soul level, and of course, they embrace it, you know, in that afterlife and embrace it for you, and embrace it for me. And then on a soul level when it comes to past lives. Most of the time, you know, people clear this up, you know, in the in between moments, but sometimes some trauma is just so deep, you know, there are people who lost I know, one man, and I interviewed him, Kevin Wooding, who does past life regressions, and he saw his mother burn at the stake as a witch in a past life. And she turned away from him hoping that he would go into that society and not, you know, think the way she did, but he felt this abandonment from a parent. And that was a theme throughout his life. And he talks about it in an interview. So it's not just telling his story. But sometimes soul healing is required, like Wait, hold on to some peace from a life that was particularly traumatic. And so they the healing works on that level. But it also works on society's levels of, of all the programming that we have. So it's really a deprogramming with energy healing, we can't necessarily get to the bottom of a deep, you know, like, I've had deep work with my theta healer, you know, around abuse and childhood, because it comes up a lot. And you know, just like in therapy or anything, I'd like for some things to be instantly healing. But maybe we're just peeling away at some issues for some time until there's a bigger shift. And but how it works, I think is, you know, when two people are gathered together and tune in to the light, that just kind of amplifies all of your ancestors, all of your guides, all of mine. And together, we just become more powerful. So spiritual communities that work together with that intention, people that work together with that intention, can shift in great ways.
Michaela Light 1:13:50
Absolutely, I mean, to me what it comes down to, at a spiritual level, we are all one, we're all connected. at a spiritual level, we're just physically separate bodies and separate locations. And then also my personal belief is I don't know how to say this in English, but like, there's only one time there is no past, present, and future. It's all one big circle. And it's all accessible at once. And so with healing, we're stepping in to that. And just to give an example of group, I think group healing is very important. And if you have a business and you have staff or maybe customers, you know, being in a group and doing group prayer or setting group intention or meditating together can be very powerful for achieving goals in your business and aligning people. And the example I was going to give that was from that movie, What the Bleep Do We Know? And there was a meditation group in Washington DC. And they meditated on reducing the crime rate and increasing peace in the city and the actual Chief of Police signed on to this study saying was stats went down by so much when they should have got up because the temperature was going up. And that usually causes a crime wave. But they went down during this meditation period. And as the number of people meditating increased, the shift became bigger. So it was very interesting evidence that, you know, intent and meditation and prayer can shift things
Unknown Speaker 1:15:24
now and to people who say, you know, you know, it's better to get out there and do the work. I think there are times when we can actively get out there, and you know, counsel people and be activist and there, but you shouldn't poopoo energy work, you know, because it Transcendental Meditation. For one, I was a part of the TM for many years after the near death experience. And that's been proven. You know, when groups of people get together, just like in What the Bleep Do We Know, you know, and send energy to locations, that great healing occurs. I've even I did this, I think it was last summer, the summer before, there was a friend of mine who lived in, in a kind of rough part of LA, he's a near death experience, or Chris bats. And a young man was lynched in the park where he meditates. So the very tree that he sits next to and meditates a young black man was hung. And he's a young black man. And so I was so like, kind of shocked and horrified. Like, I'm sticking in my own meditation tree. And it was like, How in the world, you know, could I go meditate that that tree, I asked my spiritual community for all of us to pray for that park, that area, Chris went there on that day, a couple of documentary makers hooked up with him that day, you know, like, featured his story called me, you know, spread light about, you know, what we're doing there. And that, I was like, in some ways, that's verification. That's, you know, these documentary makers showed up on that very day, to bring more healing to this area, and to bring more healing, you know, to to him to this park. And so, don't discredit, sending light sending light as a group or getting together, you know, I think I'd love to see more people get together. There's a lot of issues that can make people angry. But what if we got together and meditated together publicly? You know, and around an issue instead of protesting? I would love to see that organized, because it's hard to hate someone in the lotus position who might make fun of them. You know, you don't hate them. Innocence.
Michaela Light 1:17:41
Yeah, I think cating and, you know, aggressive protesting, versus peaceful protests or meditation or, you know, met, you know, sit in type of thing. It makes a difference energetically, and that whole aggressive protest stuff is so last century, or whatever the right phrase is. And it's not the way to shift things. You know, great to you, you know, if you feel anger, great to take action and have passion, and then take it to the next level and take it to some something like you're saying is a better way to shift things and sets a better example. And it's very hard to to, you know, if you think of it as a feminist thing, I don't think we aren't, there is a damn with us. But even if you do believe, Oh, well, I believe in this thing, and other people are against me. When you do violent or angry protests, or write angry stuff on social media, it's so much easier for people to dismiss you or to come back angry and attack you. When when you come from a place of love and peace. It's very difficult. It's like a jujitsu kind of move. And they can't really attack because there's nothing for them to hang on to.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:03
Right. And nonviolent communication has I love Marshall Rosenberg, and he has helped warring nations and other places find solutions. So how in the world can we not find solutions in the United States and other places? If if people who have found solutions have been, you know, that committed to violence and to anger and often it's just about listening and going, okay, this person needs this. And they have, this is their request, and this is what they want. And then being willing to hear what someone else needs and wants and with empathy for self and others. And that's the I think the crucial piece is sometimes we don't give empathy to ourselves, but sometimes we don't have empathy to others and their journey. And I've always believed in the power of stories and maybe that's why I teach English I just think that walking a mile in someone else's shoes, listening to someone else's story certainly widens our capacity for empathy.
Michaela Light 1:20:10
Yes, I know we're running short on time. So do you want to wrap up now? Or should we talk about a few more things? What's your where are you?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:22
Yeah, I have about five minutes before I have to get going. So
Michaela Light 1:20:25
yeah, so do energy healings work for everyone?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:31
That's a great question. You know, I can speak more to medium readings first. And what I can say is that they work better when the participant has also asking their ancestor to show up, you know, when the participant says, Hey, mom, dad, I'd love to hear from you. I want to feel this energy, and then it's a co creation. So I think energy healings can work better, when you are receptive and NOT. NOT critical, you know, just like kind of like, hey, let's see what what can happen here. So let's be receptive to that energy. And, you know, does it work on just one layer of healing sometimes, and there's much deeper things to get through? Certainly. Can it be like miraculous at times and really make big shifts? Certainly, like, I don't know why, you know, but I always hold out, let's hold out the possibility for the miraculous at all times, let's hold out that possibility of a big possible shift. Now, if someone is not open, can you pray for someone or say, you know, a friend or loved one is going through something difficult, and they don't believe, you know, the energy of love? is never wrong to send. So it's never wrong to send unconditional love? Can you work out a pattern for someone if they're not receptive? Probably not. I mean, that's, that's up to creator in that person. Can you ask an angel, you know, to intervene and really help. And here's, here's, here's two examples. So, one, one time, when I first got a Kindle, a book was just downloaded out of nowhere, and you know, like, a stone cold, sober, yeah, that I didn't do this. No, did this to my Kindle. Like, you know, my Kindle was sitting there, out of nowhere, a book was downloaded. And I was meant to read this book. Wow, I really felt like there was an intervention in my life, you know, at that point, you know, and I think that there's these magical moments and interventions can happen from people, but will they be open and ready to accept it? So you can pray for a coincidence for someone, you can pray for an opening of their heart, you can ask your angels to talk to their angels and give them a synchronicity that will help them get I don't know, you know, get the message. But will they be receptive at the end of the day, it's kind of up to that person. And I am a strange actually, from my mother. And I have prayed many times about this. And I have heard from angels and her angels, they said, look where you're trying, we're doing our best, but this is your brother. Kind of reminding me that? You know, maybe, but maybe not, you know, so, you know, maybe we have to wait for the right time, or when that person is receptive?
Michaela Light 1:23:37
Well, and I'd given analogy, you know, you could ask us physical massage always work to relieve body pain and tension, it certainly helps when the patient receiving the massage is prepared to believe that massage could help them and is prepared to relax instead of punching out at the massage therapist every time they touch something painful, you know? So, same with remote healing, you know, it's go so much easier when the person steps if but it still can work. You know, I believe it just requires more light and love to be flowed through for it. And then yes, it may not be the right divine time, it also may be that for this person to heal, that particular issue may be so energy traumatic, it would be life threatening to them. And they have to do it in little pieces or layers. So I mean, that's another Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:28
And you know, on that note to around healing, it comes not only at the right time, but through the right person. So certainly say to every practitioner, you know, ask if they're angels work through them, because you don't have to have you don't have to think that they're the coolest person in the world. Like maybe they just really have great angels working through them. Maybe so you have to try a lot of different people and find the one that works for you. So I always tell people don't give up on healing, you know, keep searching. Because I have had miraculous shifts and physical healing from unlikely situations and so have other people. I mean, we could all sit around and talk about, you know, our miraculous healings if we'd been on that healing journey. So, to anyone who's just starting it, don't give up, you know, don't say, oh, all Reiki healers are the same. All massage therapists are the same. I'll say no, you know, like, we're all. We're all resonating differently. We're all using different techniques.
Michaela Light 1:25:31
Is there a message you'd like to leave people with is the most important thing you've learned from your near death experience?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:39
Yeah, there's so much and if you if you want to hear the full story of the Near Death Experience is the first video I made on my channel. And I was afraid to put my voice out there into the world, to be honest, you know, to be public in that way. And so I encourage you, to speak your truth to know that it's an amazing journey, whether you're birthing a business into this world, whether you're expanding something to really just believe in yourself, and your own power to effect change, but also know that you are guided by something much greater than you that light is working through you, that you can be assisted on that other side and that it can be an absolutely beautiful journey for you.
Michaela Light 1:26:28
Hmm, so very inspiring message if people want to find you online. What are the best ways to do that? Trisha,
Unknown Speaker 1:26:36
my website is Trisha T, or ici, a Barker var K er in the And I have a contact page there. Really, if you just Google me on our if you just type my name in YouTube, you'll find my story out there. If you'd like Sherman Oaks he did a really short version of just the story and animated it and so that's kind of interesting, but But yeah, the first time I told the story publicly on YouTube, I was not you know, professional YouTuber even held the camera the wrong way. And I cried because like, you know, just talking about God was so overwhelming. So it's an authentic, you know, telling of that that story to people. But I think these near death experiences for anyone who's afraid of dying, it is worth checking out, you know, the different near death experiences, they do bring peace to people.
Michaela Light 1:27:30
Happiness. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show today.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:33
Thank you. Thanks for the life that you spread and the work that you do. It's it's been a pleasure.
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