I stayed up until I got my 100 mins of Most Important Work in even though tired. Heading to bed before my 10 pm CT goal. WWIT to sleep great all night long tonight? (instead of waking at 1:30am wide awake like last night 🙂
If that happens again I am just going to get up and do my MIW and nap later!
I added 60 leads to my influencers list and filled in contact and social media info of the top ranked ones by fit, audience size, social distance from me. Plus I felt the list intuitively and marked ones that were sticky. Researched those too. Next outreach emails.
Another 600/600 points today on the pentathlon. I also helped one of my teammates with his sleep issues. Soln: turn off cell phone at night and use a manual alarm clock to wake up vs using cell phone alarm next to your head at night. ==> avoids calls/texts from friends late at night and any temptation to surf/FB on the phone in bed