I was a guest speaker in an episode of Freedom Lovin' podcast with Kevin Koskella.
Some of the topics we discussed in the podcast are:
- 1. A little background info, and how you went from Michael to Michaela.
- Female
- Intuition to change at DCBKK
- Mass email and Blog post to my clients
- 2. What is freedom to you?
- To do what I want when I want to
- Travel
- Sovereign freedom
- Free from Beliefs and my patterns
- Automatic re
- Consciousness = awareness + choice
- 3. Let’s talk a little about Intuitive Leadership and what you teach there, and why it’s so relevant right now.
- Intuition movement
- Pace of change and chaos
- 4. How can we be successful in business without being Gary V or Elon Musk? (these guys go a million miles an hour and it’s not healthy or doable for most). In other words, how do we avoid long hours, constant worry, and sacrificing health, but still remain productive?
- What does success mean to you
- Profit, peace, joy
- WWIT and TLC
- We create our reality
- The hustle pattern
- Align is the new hustle
- Hustle < purpose – Gabby
- 5. Let’s go a little broader. You see many of the world’s problems as I do. Do you have a bigger goal of changing the world? Where does that come from? How can we think bigger in a way that is motivating? (I sometimes struggle with the idea that it’s impossible to change the world, as most people don’t crave freedom like we do).
- Biz intuition revolution
- CF Alive revolution
- From my intuition, higher self, spirit unfolding
- Journey > destination. Hero’s journey
- Change comes from within
- Margaret Mead quote: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
- Biz intuition revolution
- 6. What tools keep you the most productive?
- Meditation and TLC
- WWIT and segment intent
- Sleep and naps
- Brain fm, Focus@Will
- Basecamp, google docs, email (Thunderbird)
- Delegate with clear vision
- Wim Hof breathing and ice bath
- Travel, change
- 7. Are you positive or negative about the future of humanity? (haha big topic I know)
- Positive
- Depends on your definition of humanity
- Spiritual beings having a human experience
- Android and AI
- Why are you proud to use your business intuition?
- WWIT to make business intuition more openly used this year?
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.
Mentioned in this episode
- Mass email and Blog post to my clients
- Sebastian Marshall’s Light Spreadsheet
- Ultraworking Pentathlon
- Margaret Mead quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence Kindle Edition by Ray Kurzweil
Listen to the podcast HERE.
Check out more of Kevin Koskella's podcasts on the Free Lovin' website.