Intuition Toolkit:
What is WWIT?
WWIT= What Would It Take… to overcome a problem, achieve your goals etc.
I learned WWIT from Christie Marie Sheldon a few years ago in her Unlimited Abundance course.
It is a way to:
★ Focus the mind away from the problem and onto solutions
★ Activates our intuition and subconscious to give big jump answers
The phasing of WWIT is interesting as it focuses on actions to achieve the goal in mind (the Take part) and the Would part focuses on the idea that solutions are possible.
Am I a problem- solver or problem-finder?
It is very easy to fall into the second category. One can criticize and find problems and obstacles everywhere. The transition you will make when adopting WWIT is that the problem is just a temporary thing. If you choose to use your energy on this part, you are most probably not a problem- solver.
Our energy levels are recharging very easy. But they get low even faster. Work on a little test- try to smile for 2 minutes, and compare it to when you are frowning; frown for one minute instead of two! You will notice how much energy just went down the drain!
One way to overcome this is to TLC. Learn how to open yourself to the positive vibes and to receive energy. (TLC= To The Light, Connect)
WWIT is powerful because instead of focusing on the problem and worrying about it, you are now focusing your brain on finding solutions.
If you ask, “what would it take to attract the ideal clients” or “what would it take to add ten percent to my income this year”, immediately you start thinking of things that will solve that. Now on a spiritual level; What Would It Take also clears anything that’s in the way of you getting what you want. It’s a clearing question as well.
You just ask WWIT. You get quiet and really tune in and then ask yourself, what would it take for me to find my ideal client? Either in your mind or out loud or write it down.
How didn’t I think of that earlier?
It just happens. The light bulb switches on all of the sudden. Well, think about it, is it like that, or there’s something behind it.
From the moment you turn away from the problem and start TLC, you reach the zone of big jump answers, and breakthrough solutions. You blocked yourself earlier just by overthinking your problem and giving it too much energy. Asking yourself What Would It Take is the way to jump over this problem- focussing on the problem- solving part.
I use WWIT in all parts of my business and life. Whenever I have a goal I ask WWIT to achieve this goal with ease and joy? (Or whatever modifying words I want to add to the goal.)
eg WWIT to win this proposal with ease and joy this week?
When I have a problem I ask WWIT to solve it with ease? (again add whatever modifiers to solving the problem that you want)
eg WWIT to have employee A work reliably in the future?
What are your problems and how do you solve them?
WWIT to do this?
*TLC=To the Light, Connect
*WWIT=What Would It Take