How to be happy, healthy and not drained
For introverts, like me attending a conference can be totally draining. As over 50% of entrepreneurs are introverts this affects a lot of people! Avoiding conferences or networking events, or avoiding people at them, can hurt your business opportunities. So, how can you get the most out of such events and still stay happy, healthy and full of energy?
I’ve gathered together some practical advice from fellow introverts, on how to thrive and not just survive at business conferences.
1. Eat Well
When attending business events, our normal eating patterns are often replaced with over-indulgence and too much sugar. Watching what we eat is important to maintaining a positive mood and protecting energy levels.
Avoid sugar by packing some healthy snacks, fruit, nuts or protein bars. I often take supplements and vitamins to help keep my body and mind healthy. Lay off the alcohol and drink plenty of water!
2. Quality Over Quantity
Attending seminars or group sessions can demand a lot of energy for very little gain. Instead, create a shortlist of people you would like to meet. Contact them beforehand if you can to arrange a short one-on-one chat.
This way you don’t have to mingle and make small talk with lots of people, but maximise your time and have meaningful conversations.
3. Good Sleep Hygiene
Healthy sleeping habits make a big difference in your energy levels and the quality of your day. Here are a few good sleep practices to follow:
- Set a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same hour and get up at the same time.
- Go to bed before 11pm to get enough quality sleep.
- The room should be dark, cool and quiet.
- ‘Power down’ an hour before bed – try to turn off everything and let the mind wind down naturally.
- No electronics near the bed..
4. Give Yourself Permission to Skip Events
It’s not rude to skip and give yourself some space between seminars or miss a party. It’s self-care and sometimes, necessary. In an interview for the Harvard Business Review, Susan Cain, author of ‘Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking’, says,
“If we were more willing to go to a conference feeling entitled to take the recharge breaks we need, the entire experience would be more comfortable.”
Take moments by yourself, to go for a walk, have a nap, or a coffee by yourself and recharge your batteries.
5. Protect Your Energy Levels
We’ve all come across those people that just suck the life and soul out of us. These ‘energy vampires’ are draining and often depressing to be around. Dr Judith Orloff, author of ‘The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People’, describes energy vampires as people who,
“…exude negative energy that drains. Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect.”
If you find yourself in the company of such vampires, find ways to excuse yourself and protect your energy.
Also, don’t push yourself to do more than you are capable of. If you feel like skipping a seminar or social event, then do! Just check in with your intuition first to ensure that you’re doing so to protect your energy and not to be ‘socially lazy’ or letting your fear of social gatherings take control.
6. Clear your chakras
Connect to the light above and below and expand your heart energy. For instruction on how to TLC (To the Light, Connect) check out this instructional video.
Focus on each chakra in turn and intuit what condition it is in, color, size, mess. Also think about what shape and color it wants to be for you to be happy and healthy.
Here is how I clear my chakras:
- WWIT for it to be in that shape/color?
- Any stuck old emotions in it? Delete them.
- Any cords or other psychic objects or entities in it? Cut them/send to the light.
- Be sure to check both the front and back of chakra.
- Repeat for all chakras.
7. WWIT to Have Maximum Results After a Conference?
The general view is that in order to get the most from a conference you should engage to the maximum, attend all events, activities, parties, seminars, speak to everyone…
However, being more defensive of yourself and for yourself could produce much better results for your business. The problem then is, how to know ahead of time which events to attend, and which to miss?
Using the WWIT tool (What Would It Take), you can engage your intuition to discover which path will give you most profits, success and joy. For example,
- What Would It Take to know which three sessions will give me the most profits in the next year?
- WWIT to know which sessions will bring me the most joy this week? This year?
- WWIT to know who I should meet to bring me the most profit and joy?
8. Plan Downtime After the Event
Don’t book your flight home the moment the conference ends. Give yourself at least a day where you do nothing except maybe walk in nature or swim. Do something that helps you relax, unwind and makes you happy!
Or, schedule a day for a “self debrief” where you can consider everything you have learned and think about the people you’ve met. It’s a great opportunity to reflect and absorb.
9. Treat Yourself
Why not order some room service for dinner? It might seem like an indulgent or expensive thing to do, but when you feel totally wiped out after a busy day, it’s perfectly acceptable. It can give you a little needed quiet time to recharge, rather than more socializing over dinner.
Alternatively, make use of hotel facilities. If they have a spa, swimming pool or gym – take advantage of the well-being suites.
10. Ground Yourself Each Day
Grounding ourselves allows us to be centered and connected to the physical, mental and emotional space that of the present. Literally it means being connected to the energy of the Earth.
“As we practice being fully present and grounded to the earth, we will notice that we deal with things with a far calmer and more rational mind…” (Alex Myles, A Survival Guide For Highly Sensitive People, Introverts & Empaths)
How do we go about grounding ourselves?
- Practice yoga
- Grounding guided meditation
- Go for a swim
- Take a long shower or bath
- Spend some time in nature
- Walk barefoot in the grass
- Use crystals
For more tips on how to lead your business to greater success with less stress and more joy, check out this handy WWIT cheat sheet.
Join the conversation below and let us know how you achieve clarity. As always, great advice is appreciated. Thanks!
If you want to double your profits and half your stress, check out the Biz Intuition Profit Doubler. It is a free course for you to use intuition in your business.