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In this episode, I spoke with Anita Strittmatter.
Michael Light: All right.
Anita: It’s a pleasure to connect with you.
Michael Light: Yeah, it’s good to connect with you, too. Thanks for doing all the dancing in your channel.
Anita: My pleasure, totally.
Michael Light: Let me make sure I can pronounce your name right; Anita, I think I have down, but your last name is Strittmatter, or …?
Anita: Yes, perfect.
Michael Light: All right, I must have-
Anita: I know, that’s pretty impressive, yeah.
Michael Light: I want to talk to you about business intuition, for the book I’m writing on that. I don’t know if there’s any particular topics in that, that you’re interested in or you have experience in?
Anita: I would just say that … It’s funny, I was writing my hero’s journey today, a little bit more of that story, and I realized that the intuition was coming in about 20-some years ago, and I didn’t know what it … I just didn’t know. I wasn’t in that realm at that time, so I didn’t think twice about it, like I knew I was going to get this one job, for example, but then-
Michael Light: How did you get the knowing? How did you receive your intuition?
Anita: Mostly, at that time, that was clear conscience. I quit-
Michael Light: It just came to your mind?
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), but I have quite a bit of the kinetics. Once I started learning energy medicine techniques, and that opened the channels, of course then I started feeling a lot more. Then, at one point, I’m going to say about eight or nine years ago, I started realizing … I was starting to become aware of applied kinesiology. I didn’t want to be out … I’m private, so I didn’t want to be in the store doing the sway test, or doing the finger test or anything like that. I just wanted to know. At that point, I asked spirit, I said, “Give me a way to know that’s private and internal, for me.” After that request, I felt the energy flow up my body from the roots up.
Michael Light: To your crown, right.
Anita: I was like, “Oh,” yeah. It just very much became an energetic, kinesiological conversation, the “yes/nos.” Sometimes-
Michael Light: Just to help people who are listening to this and haven’t heard of kinesiology before, and our wondering what that is, what is it, in one sentence?
Anita: Your ability to … Hold on, let me think, because I have a degree in kinesiology too, and that’s the study of the motion of the body. From an energetic application of it, it’s the energetic movements, internal energetic movements.
Michael Light: That give you answers to your intuitive questions.
Anita: Yes, so when I ask a question, if it’s a yes, it will flow up, and if it’s a no, I don’t get a flow. Sometimes there’s maybe some confusion, and then I just know it’s not clear at that moment, or I’m not asking … Maybe ask the question a little differently.
Michael Light: Yep, that’s a great thing, to ask a better question.
Anita: Yeah, right? Ask a better question.
Michael Light: You feel energy moving up your body when you get a yes, and when you’re having a no, you don’t feel the energy flow. Then, I wasn’t quite sure what you get when you … The question isn’t right, or you’re confused.
Anita: Yeah, I don’t get a lot of that. It’s usually … I’m asking stuff all day long usually, different things, it’s-
Michael Light: Really, like what are things you’ve asked today?
Anita: Oh my gosh, it’s so normal to me, it’s not like a big deal. Wow, I don’t know, but I’ll be more aware of it, and I could IM you tomorrow.
Michael Light: Do you ask if this task is good to work on in your business right now, or …?
Anita: Yeah, stuff like that.
Michael Light: Okay, or “Should I …?”
Anita: In my life; not just business, but in my life.
Michael Light: Should you-
Anita: I know, I thought of something. This is more personal, but I met someone this weekend, and I’ve had the clear consciousness of, “Someone’s coming, someone is coming, I can feel it.” The little bread crumbs were being dropped, like someone would have a-
Michael Light: When you said “bread crumbs are being dropped,” what was that for you? You were getting a message in your head, you were seeing signs?
Anita: No, this was more seeing the outward sign of it. One gentleman started reaching out to me. It was a lot of Facebook gentlemen stuff happening, but he started reaching out to me and was just what I wanted as far as what someone would say to me. It was so beautiful, but then some things transpired and it just sounded like some things he were involved in were really a scam, and I don’t want to be involved in that and stuff.
Instead of going, “Oh man, that’s a bummer,” I just absolutely had the clear conscience that this was a bread crumb. This is like, “You’ve been asking about this. You’ve been opening up to this process, and here’s a little nibble.” I knew immediately, I wasn’t necessarily going to be sad or anything anyway, but I’m emotional, and I can lean towards that like, “Oh, bummer.” It was just, “Nope, this has just been a little gift so you get ready and prepared, because there’s some good stuff coming.”
There was another person. I said, “Oh great, same thing; it really must be getting close now.” Sure enough, then I met him this weekend.
Michael Light: Oh, wow.
Anita: The person, yeah, I think that it has great potential anyway, and it’s being reciprocated. I did ask on a walk today, “Does this person have potential to be a boyfriend?” I’ve been really not going there for a long time. About five years ago I had a huge break-up, and I’ve had play, little things, little itsy-bitsy things happening throughout, but no one really deep, so that’s an example of a personal scenario that’s happening recently.
Michael Light: Yeah, so that’s great. Do you have similar things in your business, like if you have a new client coming to you, you sense they’re coming ahead of time and you know for sure when you connect with them that yes, this is going to be a good client for me?
Anita: If a new client were … Pretty much, it’s rare that a client isn’t good for me, so I haven’t asked that in particular.
Michael Light: How do you-?
Anita: I think it’s good … Oh, go ahead.
Michael Light: How do you achieve that in your business, that nearly all the clients are ideal clients and good for you? That’s not an experience every business owner has.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), I think I’m just a vibrational alignment for it. There’s been-
Michael Light: Can you say even more on that, because some people listening may have no clue on how they could become a vibrational alignment for their ideal client? Let’s dig into that in more detail.
Anita: Okay, so I will say I probably need to use this more to get more clients right now. I think that … Here’s some clear conscience. I’m going to circle back, but some of the clear consciousness coming through for me right now is more, I know this looks thin at the moment. There’s not a lot of, in my hand financial abundance going on, but I’ve been being given this … It’s almost like the bread crumbs with the personal relationship, like you’re doing your inner work right now. Don’t spin out and worry, at the end of the month. It’s happening.
Sure enough, it’s been coming each month, but it’s like, you’re being given the time at the moment to study. Do the experience product homework. Do other internal mindset healing and things of that nature. I haven’t been as focused on the clients. I’ve been working more with trust, and in that it will be fine, and in fact it’s been a beautiful unfolding of that.
Michael Light: When you said the word “trust,” you mean trusting the spirit will provide, trusting your intuition knows what he’s doing?
Anita: Absolutely; trusting that the dreams I have for myself will be unfolding, and trust … I did have a … I worked with somebody, a reader and an energy worker, who is … First time, and it was quite beautiful. This idea came up through that session too, of trust. She’s essentially saying, “No, go into feminine … Full, harder, much harder …” I don’t want to say that word, that’s not the right … Full, more completely going into the feminine energy of reception, and like literally …
I was saying, “I’m having trouble sometimes focusing, and if I could just focus really great for three hours a day, I would get so much done. That’s all I would have to work.” She started, “Get up in the morning and just start moving your hips. Just start dancing,” and that’s why I did the [5J 00:11:12] dance. It wasn’t a morning … That wasn’t a morning application of it, but it was like, I usually try to bring what I’m doing through my business. It did, it resonated with some people beautifully, and I think it’s just seeds being planted right now.
Not everyone was into that. Some people were more into when I was doing the poses, but it’s like reaching to different people, planting seeds for when … For like an unveiling, it almost feels like, that’s coming. Ironically, tonight, I saw a raccoon. I live in the heart of the city, downtown Baltimore, and I saw a raccoon when I parked my car tonight. I was reading about that, and the masks, like sometimes … I found it very interesting.
Michael Light: When you say you were reading about it, just help people understand what you mean by that. You saw a raccoon, that you’re interpreting it to mean something.
Anita: Yes, so there is an application of animal totems, and you can … Excuse me, you can … They all have like the medicine meaning, like the medicine man’s meaning in Native American cultures. An animal that keeps coming, or an insect maybe that even keeps coming into your realm, there’s something for you to look at in it.
There’s a book actually called animal totems, and I went and looked up raccoon tonight because … Then, on Facebook, someone sent me a picture and it had more raccoon-looking animals. I was like, “Okay, this is …” First of all, I knew it on one shot anyway, because you don’t see raccoons in the middle of the city. I looked it up, and how the mask can be important. Sometimes we need to hide.
Michael Light: A raccoon’s face looks like a mask, and part of the symbolism being given here is that it is a mask being used in your life or business.
Anita: In fact, yeah, that’s … It was almost like hide; to hide behind something, in a sense, until you’ve fully developed it, yeah, so not hiding. It’s not like, not being who you are, but sometimes … This was a good analogy, too. Sometimes when you go out for Halloween … You’ve played in Halloween before, right?
Michael Light: Sure.
Anita: Sometimes, it’s quite often that people will put on a mask and go out for Halloween, and they act like totally different than they normally would, because they feel like they’re not as vulnerable. They’re behind this mask, people can’t tell. It was kind of like that, like go be, go develop and build more of you through hiding a little bit, and then reveal.
Michael Light: That sounds interesting.
Anita: Yeah, it was … I know, right? Especially for me, I’m an “out there” girl. I’m an open book. I’m like, “Hmm.”
Michael Light: Right, I’ve seen that in you.
Anita: I know.
Michael Light: You’re saying, animals, birds, insects, things that come to you unusually, or you see them several times, you’re using that to get messages about your life and business.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Michael Light: From your intuition.
Anita: Yeah, last week it was a praying mantis, and that was about having deeper meditations, and going into the silence and marinating in that. You can get the signs from many different ways if you’re open to it, and this is … Through animals is one that will come to me relatively frequently as well. You want-
Michael Light: Yeah, me too. I get a lot of animal signs. I just have to be aware of them. I remember at one point a few years ago, this three foot long snake was across the path. Usually, snakes are pretty shy, but there it was, just right in front of me. I wasn’t afraid. It was clearly … I know snakes are a symbol of transformation, because they shed their skin. I got a message from that in my life and business. It was time to transform.
Anita: Yeah.
Michael Light: I haven’t seen snakes cross my path any other time.
Anita: That’s funny. I had one this year too, do the exact same thing, about the same size.
Michael Light: Wow.
Anita: That’s funny.
Michael Light: Great, so I just want to loop back to, you were talking about how in your business you don’t get many bad clients, or hardly any, and you said that’s because you were a vibrational match. I wanted to just dig into that, because I’m sure there’s some people listening who would love to not have crappy clients anymore.
Anita: Yeah, it’s funny, I don’t think about it that much, because I guess it just is. I’ve said this before to people. I know a lot of people feel the need to conjure protection around themselves, right?
Michael Light: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Anita: You’re familiar with that, and so-
Michael Light: You’re talking about energetic protection, to keep energy vampires away from them?
Anita: Yeah.
Michael Light: They have like a ball of light around them, or whatever they do.
Anita: Yeah, something that doesn’t let what they don’t want in, in.
Michael Light: Right.
Anita: Whatever that is for them, and the ball of light is a common way for many people. Really, if you just are developing yourself and coming into the resonance with this spirit that you are already, and you release things from you that are not what you want to experience, or maybe you’ve already figured out the learning of that, that you can … You don’t carry that baggage around now, which releases a heaviness about you. Your frequency, your vibration, will expand.
There’s a strength that comes with that, and the strength becomes its own … I’ve never said this before like this … It becomes its own walking barrier. I don’t know if I like to say it that way, because I don’t like … You know, it’s not a bad thing. That’s really a judgment. For example, we have skin, and the skin’s job is to keep things out that don’t belong in, and then keep things in that belong in. It is a very highly adaptable barrier, and it works perfectly.
It’s just, a lot of people tend to have negative connotations to barriers, so I was kind of a little hesitant with that, but we don’t have to think of it that way. Your energy raises in frequency, and it precedes you, because it’s walking out, it’s around you and in front of you, wherever you’re going. It is who you are being, and so there’s a strength to that, which then allows for the experiences you choose to have, to happen for you.
Michael Light: What I’m hearing is, you’re bringing in so much light, and you’re shining so much light of your truth and who you are, that it creates effectively a protective aura around you. It is your aura, that repels people who wouldn’t be a good fit, attracts people who are a good fit, and goes out into your reality, bringing in your ideal people for you to meet.
Anita: Yeah.
Michael Light: This is both for your personal life, but also in your business. Let’s take that back into business. Yes, you are the leader of your business, but many people have other staff involved in their business. How do we do that in a business, that we bring more light into our business, and we are shining the truth of the business out into the world, and it’s attracting great clients to us?
Anita: I’m going to answer that. One thing that was coming to me as you were speaking was, it’s like a fort. These things, it does a fortification. It’s like fortifying you. It’s strengthening you, it’s fortifying you, and it comes through daily rituals. For me, daily, I try to be daily about them. I haven’t always been daily, and sometimes, by all means, I mean yesterday I-
Michael Light: Day to day, it’s just a tool to have the vibration that you want to create in your daily ritual, whether it’s peace or connection of spirit or who is to be there the whole time, throughout the day. Daily, just for being in a human body on this planet, is an easy way to keep on reminding ourselves, but it’s kind of arbitrary. It could be every hour. Some people set a little reminder on their phone to ding every hour, and it reminds them to be present, or whatever reminder they’re working on.
Anita: Yeah, I’m sure. In my yoga world, it’s really the becoming of it. It’s not like you need a ding to remind you, you’re living it. Some people are literally … I’m not, but I have practiced this a little bit, but the mantra is constantly going on in the back of the brain, or in the back of the mind, right?
Michael Light: Yeah.
Anita: You’re living it, but I think that how I-
Michael Light: In this case, the mantra would be something about what you’re creating, like I don’t know, it might be an affirmation you have, or a belief you have about yourself or your business, as opposed to a spirit mantra.
Anita: Yeah, to me it’s one and the same, because it’s like I am spirit. I can’t separate myself from that, and my business is related to that. I am calling on spirit every day to bring me the things that I call out for, and that or something better, because I do believe-
Michael Light: That, I just want to … Sorry to interrupt you, Anita, but-
Anita: Sure, no, it’s okay.
Michael Light: You said something very interesting there. You said, “Bring me what I want, or something better.” I think a lot of people forget to put in the “or something better,” and I’d like to … Let’s just talk about that for a moment, when we want to create stuff in our business.
Anita: Sure.
Michael Light: Here’s an example. I want an ideal client to come … I want to meet an ideal client in this week, or something better. What do we mean by “or something better” there?
Anita: For me, this is like spirit to me, which is me, but I’m not always fully connected to that, the infiniteness of that. Spirit having the birds’ eye view of everything, knows that if I’m asking for something, but he knows … I’m just using the word “he” because I don’t know what else to say here, right?
Michael Light: “She” works, too.
Anita: All of it; “she” works, “she,” “all,” it’s the rhetoric that you grow up with that comes through so easily. Anyway, because I believe the spirit of me, of you, of all of us, that pervades us, sees the bigger picture and knows what’s in our heart, and wants for us what we ask for because we’re the child of our spirit. Oops, my battery is going dead. I still have 20%. Here, let me move over here and plug in. Hold on.
Michael Light: Let’s just turn off the video of the call, because that uses battery.
Anita: I’m plugging in too, it’s fine, unless you want to. It doesn’t matter. The plug was right here.
Michael Light: We were talking about asking for what you want, or something better.
Anita: Yeah, so you … Being as I might not have the gorgeousness of the whole picture, and therefore limiting myself by my own consciousness, then I ask for spirit to carry it forth through the “or something better” aspect of this, so that I can experience the grandeur that spirit wants to live through me.
Michael Light: What the “or something better” is saying, you don’t know everything that’s possible, and you might be asking for something in your business, and that might show up, or you might get something even better showing up.
Anita: Yeah, and then the clear consciousness comes in, and I’ll recognize it. I gave you the personal example, of these suitors or whatever. I knew that the “or something better” was coming. Right now, I’m being given the message, “Stay out of concern, worry, anxiety over not being lean in the financial department at the moment, so that your vibration stays high.” That was the understanding, and it was like “You have been here a million times with me before. You know this is going to be okay.” I said, “It is, so make it happen.”
Michael Light: It’s somewhat-
Anita: I will do my studying, in the meantime.
Michael Light: It’s somewhat analogous to when we’re breathing. We don’t say, “Oh my goodness, there’s a shortage of air.” We just breathe in and we breathe out, and when we’re breathing out we’re not worried about, “Is there going to be another breath in?”
Anita: Totally, so this is the trust that’s developing through me right now, which I’m sure will … It’s already happening, but I’m sure it will even more make my intuition even more keen. That’s the essence of trust, right?
Michael Light: Yeah, because part of the-
Anita: You hear the message, and you believe it.
Michael Light: Right, part of the … Yes, hear the message and believe it, so several steps there in getting intuitive messages about your business. First of all, you have to hear the messages or see the messages, or recognize the knowing of them or feel them in your body, whatever way you get the messages. Then, you have to trust that yes, this is my intuition speaking. I think one of the early mistakes people do when first learning to use intuition in their life and body, is that they’re getting these messages all the time, but they don’t trust them.
Anita: Yeah, totally.
Michael Light: The thing that happens if you don’t trust the messages is that you tend to start tuning them out. Then, in effect, the messages are not coming as often. If you do it enough, if you’re distrustful enough, you just don’t get any intuition.
Anita: Yeah, and your muscle, that intuition muscle atrophies. If you get them and you trust, and in addition show … My opinion, I practice gratitude daily, so I go, “Thank you, I got it. Thank you, thank you.”
Michael Light: That’s another aspect. That’s not just trusting that the message will come, it’s feeling grateful for the message coming, and that also amplifies the messages coming, and makes them come more frequently and more easily.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Michael Light: By you training your brain to feel gratitude when you get an intuitive message, instead of being worried about it or being in lack, you get more of them.
Anita: Yeah, I don’t think personally me, I’ve ever been not grateful for it. It was like a natural aspect, like maybe I didn’t understand I was getting a message before, so then I wouldn’t give thanks, because I didn’t know. If someone gives you information that helps you, like if I helped you with something, Michael, you would say “Thank you.” It’s just natural, right?
Michael Light: Yeah, and then-
Anita: And so, same here.
Michael Light: You’ll more likely get more of them.
Anita: Yeah, and then … Exactly, and then our relationship grows, and I’ll give you more, something else, something more, or you give me something, and we’re both, “Oh, thank you.” It’s just normal human interaction.
Michael Light: Yeah, so the same thing in the spirit realm, with your guides and angels and your own higher self and intuition, when you pay attention to them and you’re grateful to them, they give you more information, more help.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Michael Light: I just want to loop this back into something I’ve been suggesting to people, which is keeping a decision journal or an intuition journal, where you just record these things in writing as well, because that just helps solidify it for a lot of people.
Anita: Yeah, I’m not a big journaler. This year, in working with my coach, I have done a lot more journaling than ever, and I’m actually starting to … I just kind of noticed this past week that I’m kind of enjoying it more. I know people do do the gratitude, or I like how you said that, decision journal, when they need proof. I’m not in a place where I need proof of any of this. For a while-
Michael Light: No, it’s not so much needing proof, but it gives … When people are learning to ride a bicycle, they often put training wheels on. When people are learning to use intuition in their business, it’s helpful to have some written evidence that, “Yeah, this stuff works. I can write down my gratitude about it, and by writing it down and journaling, I can get extra insights and consciousness.” Or, if you’re not into journaling, talk about it with an intuition coach or someone else, a friend that has intuition, so you can get extra insight.
I know for me, when I talk through, “Oh, these are the messages I’m getting, this is what’s going on, here’s where I feel there’s a path that’s stuck that needs clearing,” and I get help from someone else, I get a lot more. I get deeper into it, and can move ahead faster.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah, definitely. There’s very good reasons to do it, for sure. I just wasn’t into journaling when this started happening, and I didn’t have … I’ve since learned about it. I’m past what seems to be the need for it, so maybe I would have done it had it been shared with me when I was learning. I already had so much tutelage, from energy workers or my teachers, and then I had already had so many years of I’ll say sitting at the foot of my guru, going to a service and hearing him speak on a weekly or biweekly basis. I already had so much, I’m more understanding of the spiritual realm, I guess, that it was just like, “Oh, of course. It’s just, more is coming now.”
Michael Light: That’s great. That’s a great thing to be able to apply to relationships, to boyfriends or girlfriends coming, but also to employees that you want to hire, if you have staff, that the right person is coming, or the right client is coming. Also, I love how you’ve got this awareness that even though the bank account is feeling low, that’s not … The money is coming, and that you’re supposed to be focusing on something else to grow yourself and your business right now, and all will come.
Anita: Yeah, I heard someone say, and I thought this was very cool, a couple few months ago like, “If I had known when I was in my lean moment,” like sometimes people will lose their job or something for six months or whatever, and meanwhile, if they had known that they would get the job in six months, they would have just played and had fun. They wouldn’t have worked, that kind of thing.
It’s kind of like, you can use your intuition to work with your mind, that wants to go down the wrong route, so that I can enjoy my studies better now, and I will ask, “Should I work with this mentor?” I will ask … It’s funny, because I was just writing my hero’s story today, a business I had-
Michael Light: When you said “your hero’s story,” are you talking about the different archetypes, and your hero’s journey, from Joseph Campbell?
Anita: Actually, I’m not … I haven’t read that one, what you’re referring to, but the hero’s journey is your life story, like how your life trajectory goes up and down.
Michael Light: This is like the hero in a movie, right? This is Anita, going through her challenges and adventures and coming out successful.
Anita: Yeah, so some of the things that have happened to you that were highly unpleasant in life, or you wouldn’t have with your conscious mind have asked to experience that until you get more, I will say, spiritually involved with it, and you realize, “Oh, this …” What I learned today is that I cannot … I really have a very low tolerance … I have no tolerance, really, for a lack of integrity. I can’t … Yuck, I just don’t want to be around that. I don’t want to be involved with that, that kind of thing. In past businesses, I have run into people I had to collaborate with that had lack of integrity. In one case, it actually cost me one of my businesses.
Michael Light: Ouch.
Anita: That person didn’t do what they were supposed to do. It was very … In fact, it almost cost me my life, because-
Michael Light: Oh, my goodness.
Anita: The stress of trying not to lose that business for a year was like immense, and I got sick and I went to have surgery for that, and then I almost went septic.
Michael Light: Wow.
Anita: I literally almost killed myself, so yeah, I ask questions in business all the time.
Michael Light: Now, you’re more aware of this issue so you don’t get involved with people out of integrity.
Anita: Yes, but in the … Hold on, the whole story is … I guess this was the major “a-ha” today, in writing this about this story, and seeing that I’ve had two situations with lack of integrity that pushed me in new directions. The first one pushed me into being an entrepreneur, which I never would have probably done before. My parents, one worked for the government and one was a blue collar worker, and they were all about, “Go get a job, go get a job, go get a job.” They don’t understand what I’m doing still, probably. They would not have supported me in that realm, so I knew nothing about it.
It was a manager that was out of integrity with the decision they made regarding me, that affected my finances as well and made me not trust them, that pushed me into entrepreneurialism. I was like, “Holy moly, here’s the gift.” Then, losing the other business eventually led me to get back to this realm, which I love, holistic health and healing, and my spiritual self, and this intuition, and the energy, and like everything, I am full-bore into. Integrity, as the gift that it was, was what I … A lack of it, is what I needed to push me to the place I needed to be, here.
Michael Light: Wow, what a gift that was, that you had that bad experience but you were able to see what the message was, and then change how you interacted in your business in life.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), and it was my intuition that let me; writing that out, and then spirit talking with me, “Do you see now, this is a gift? Everything is a gift.”
Michael Light: Everything is a gift, when we see it in the right light.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Michael Light: Hard to see sometimes, when the business is having an issue.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), but-
Michael Light: With extra insight and consciousness and help from your own intuition, and other people who are helping you in your journey, it is possible to do that.
Anita: Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah.
Michael Light: I really appreciate talking with you, Anita.
Anita: Likewise.
Michael Light: Yeah, this has been a deep investigation into using intuition in your business and life, for more joy.
Anita: Yes.
Michael Light: I look forward to seeing you more in the business intuition group, Conscious CEO Growth.
Anita: Awesome, is that your group, or is that-?
Michael Light: It’s my group, yes.
Anita: Oh, okay, and did you-?
Michael Light: It’s the group I set up to help CEOs like you and me discuss business intuition, and also to support me in the launching of my book.
Anita: That’s what I wanted to ask you. When are you anticipating your book coming out?
Michael Light: I anticipate … It’s more than anticipate, I know it comes out on Friday the 13th of January, 2017.
Anita: January 13, you said?
Michael Light: Yes, that’s right.
Anita: Oh, that’s awesome, Michael. I’m so glad.
Michael Light: Yeah, I got both a practical knowing … I’m working with an author coach, [Laura Hanley 00:39:48], and she thought the middle of January was better than the end of December for launching a book. Then, I looked at the energy of different days in January. I looked at an astrological reference guide, and Friday the 13th has good energy, and the week after has a lot of good money energy, so that’s why I picked that date.
Anita: Awesome, I love it.
Michael Light: Great.
Anita: I want to hear more about your intuition story, too.
Michael Light: Yeah, let’s have a call another day, and I’d be delighted to do that.