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Michaela: Welcome back to the show. I'm here with Anna Rover the host of ‘Girl Scale’. And she's gonna talk about how she decided to start a podcast using her intuition. And intuition and branding challenges she's had and a quite controversial story that she's gonna tell us. And how she trusts her intuition and goes with it even when she doubts. And how she makes decisions when there's no data. So welcome Anna.
Anna: Hi Michaela, thanks for having me. I'm really excited to be here. It's an honor.
Michaela: It is and in case you don't know Anna, she is a writer, a podcaster, she's a yoga instructor, and she is a location independent entrepreneur together with husband. So both of them have their own businesses, and travel around the world; pretty amazing.
Anna: whoo!
Michaela: So tell us about how you decided to start a podcast using your intuition.
Anna: Oh yeah, it's a great question. So as you Michaela know, but probably the listeners don't, this is my second podcast ‘Girl Scale’. My first podcast was ‘Men Inside Show’. So I was interviewing for about two years men about women and relationships. Those have been a really interesting experience, and so this is my second one. And now the whole side flipped, and I'm interviewing women about female success, and what it means to them; femininity, womanhood, and so on. So in both of these cases, it was intuitive for sure. So the first one I was constantly wanting to work for myself, and I was entrepreneur all my life. And so… and I was looking for it. You know like this desperate looking for it feeling that a lot of us sometimes have. And what I realized how it worked for me is that I just got tired of looking for it, and it wasn't coming, it wasn't coming, and then as soon as I let go, the idea came to me. And I just trusted, and I went with the flow, and it was great. The results were amazing, everything. Unfortunately… already unfortunately the podcast is close now. You can still listen to it and i Tunes so but it was just I grew out of it so to say you know I was like and mature and out of it I learned everything I needed to learn and I let go and so the second one I was really missing podcasting I was really missing having you know powerful deep conversations being on stage being the channel gin my own thing and when I quit my job I started writing. I worked in a line marketing before I started writing and then I was talking to my husband about how I miss it and how I'm still so passionate about the subject of femininity masculinity the flair to between genders and all of that your psych once you start a podcast again it's like oh my god it was just it's a coup was a question that I wasn't prepared for and I never thought about it and it took me a while. Actually say yes but then when I listen to my intuition and I ask myself Is this the right decision do I want to do it again and then I remembered how I loved it how a lobby on full costs on one side or the other and I was like yeah let's do it I think it's going to be amazing and here we are here we are with today Mr I released my twenty second episode and I'm releasing two episodes a week which is intense but it's been such an amazing journey much more than I expected and the learnings from it and then just two months in but I'm very happy in yeah I'm getting some great great feedback and lists from listeners from everyone for about branding and everything so I can talk about that too yeah yeah that's great so when you said that you you know you were looking using your logic or mine to see what Paul cost to do but then you you decided to get quiet and you you heard what to do from your intuition I'm curious how did you hear that you actually hear a voice in your head do you see it did you have a dream something else happen.
I actually yeah it was a voice in my head so I remember very I remember that moment actually so I think that time I was working in a company I was living in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur I was looking and I was listening to a lot of what cots I just found out that medium and it was amazing like it was such a revelation to me so this into a lot of pop concerts and yes I let go of that need to find my thing because I was also working a company where everybody had their side project and I didn't want to be a lists or I didn't want to be on the sides and but then I said OK let's go and so listen to podcasts every single day was in the back of my mind and then I was an event it was a tech event and there was a guy on stage talking about I don't know just in the vacation and the technology moving forward and and everything it's so so the idea of the pot cross came in a totally unrelated event and then I was a sitting there and I remember there was a voice inside that said. Why don't you start a podcast where you interview men and I was at the time also my personal life I just broke up with my boyfriend we were to go for five years and I needed to start dating again and I just I didn't know how to do that I did I realize I didn't know anything about men there's a lot of controversy between men and women would talk to each other but we don't talk you know women talk to each other men talk to each other and there's so much that we don't know about each other you know and so I saw that gap in my life I saw the need in it I was listening to a lot of parts cost when I was in this tech event and everything kind of combined I guess it was just the environment and the energy like this kind of exciting energy interpret your vibe and it just came to me I don't know why I don't know how I listen to it.
Now I'm interested that you say as a part cost host you are being a channel to tell me more about what you mean by that oh yeah.
This time around so with men when I was interviewing men it was a very different I am emic to what is going on now right so I kind of flipped the side and you know what I was interviewing men I was I was a girl still a girl and everything I will woman that was hosting meant to come until their stories and I think the dynamics are very different there because the men are coming and you know they're very they were very respectable that wanted to share you know there was a bit of flair go non So it was actually tough for me that period I think that those conversation really taught me how to talk Currently I can enter any room and I can talk to any guy so as it was a personal experience for me I can talk to anyone you know it was really a great exercise. But then when it's wished you know I didn't expect and didn't realize that girl skill will become a channel where so many women will come to share their stories and some of these stories are quite intense and. They personal so I've had you know McHale I had you on the podcast which for me was was an intense experience was very new in who was there was yeah I was out of my comfort zone for sure that I had women you know they. They they talk about you know they're like rape situations and chronic. Women who you know have five children I was breastfeeding for six years in a row you know birthing babies one of their another there was a woman in the U.S. Navy who's a helicopter pilot that I completely didn't expect that she's going to say this is not for me and it's really hard and I cry every day and so. And I'm you know I'm getting goosebumps from the so I did I just thought oh you know I'm going to be a women about success in their lives and they need to be great I'm still great but I didn't expect that I I will need to be to be holding that space for them because it is going public it is them coming and sharing their story and I am the one and I feel you know so has the owner and I'm blessed to be the person who is there holding that space for them and it's not an easy job you know I had to do some energy clearing and I was crying after a couple of episodes it was just really really intense and the jet equally motional me because you know women are so rich in their men as well but we go through so much in the lot of the stuff is getting on expressed and especially with everything is going on in the world now a lot of women are just confused in like what do I say and how do I like you know my ass all women on the show the question of what is femininity for you that in itself is such a powerful conversation because that a lot of them never thought about it so so yeah it's really like a really intense interest to get serious so that's why I say you know it's been a channel pretty much for me and for them.
So I am curious were you ever afraid of what people might think of you when you asked these about these difficult topics or you write about stuff was controversial.
I yes the question then it's a very very expensive to visit Yes I am I am of. Although you know the fear there are different there are different shades of fear you can be scared physically scared of different things. For me I am afraid of conference not afraid of say I say I'm desisting confrontation you know because by default I'm a person that is like has her pin glasses super positive you know I don't have situations in my life much anymore that are conflict based you know I don't like conflict in the sense that number I want to avoid did but I just I just don't see the need for it I think that we as humans can come to a certain conclusion either it's a debate intellectual conversation where we don't need to offend each other we don't need to insult each other there's no need for conflict but unfortunately. That we live in the world where this is not always possible and so for me I think that it's really hard to get to the place where I know this will create controversy I know this will create.
You know just a lot of negative emotions but I deep down inside I know I have to do it I know this is my message and I know that mind tension is good so as long as I don't want to hurt anyone as long as I intend to share my voice and just share my experience and sometimes like my own very recent article. It's called I've been hurt your sister let's move on it's really interesting because this is my so I am asking myself why are you scared and then I said all you know all these women are going to comment and then just you know conflict confrontation call me names forever but then I tell myself but this is you this is what you're experiencing in your own life these are your thoughts and it's not only you and so you deserve you deserve and you have the right to show. They're just like anyone else it's a voice you're a female it's a voice like just do it and so I I do it but it's hard like when I press the publish button it's hard and I'm always nervous like where people can say in everything you know based on that article there was a woman on media called me a psychopath and a sociopath and you know I should be sharing this view not only this article but many others and you know to me I feel I don't I don't know why because I know that a lot so I had a girlfriend before.
That I know that some women especially Conti with it very much like there's something that really hurts them inside and then they take it very personally so I try not to do that you know I understand that the person comes from their own place of maybe anger hurt so it's not me it's like my article is a place that triggers them and they respond to it you know it's not me and they don't know me although they attack me directly but it's not me. And so what I do is I politely reply so I'm very good with boundaries actually something that I realized I'm very good by an interest if somebody insults me like she did I reply and I say this is not OK like I protect myself and I say I don't want to be called that this is not correct please don't do that anymore and then if she basically she continued and then I just blocked her from my medium it's as simple as that and I always tell when.
As I said before I believe in transparency and having a good conversation even though we don't agree I believe that there is a lot of place for that and this is where truth actually arises but when someone is insulting me it's calling me names is being disrespectful I say I'm sorry but I want to engage in the conversation like that and that's it either I block them or I stop and this is where it stops for me and I don't go there but if I feel that the intention is good in the sense that I don't agree with it I think this is bullshit we're all well I don't know how I feel about that word but still I think tension is there saying I know this is OK let's talk about this if they say let's talk about this and I talk about this if they're being disrespectful and crossing my barn trees that I say I'm sorry you can find another place the ranch to call me a sociopath or whatever I'm not going to engage with it so yes. That's great so do you find you're actually drawn to write about something when you're scared about it or.
Well you know it's really interesting because
not really. I don't know I don't know how to explain it all so I don't have an answer to why default because I'm in the need of let's say quote unquote feminism or this movement of feminism in today's world a lot of the things are controversial by default my thoughts things that I write because I have a contrarian view to a lot of everything to a lot of stuff that's going on in the world right now so by default it would be controversial and kind of scary because I know the majority of women will not agree.
And so yeah but I still enjoy it because I know that they're women who will understand quickly who lived their lives and they're happy so then it transformed my life and so that's why I do it but I wouldn't say I'm drawn to controversial subjects as I said my nature is so that I I don't want conflict because conflict is not productive I think you know so no no but more drawn if you're scared of doing something then that's what you need to share Yeah I'm still working on it it's a work in progress I can say yes I'm scared let's do that it's always important and I know people who go on stage for years and years talk about this it never goes away what makes us human I think if I if I wouldn't have that emotion then I think it would just be ruthless you know what point. Yeah I think those of us Reiss.
So let's let's talk about how you picked your brand for girl school scale using your intuition because you've got quite an interesting brand there and I think you had a bit of controversy with that too so tell us how you picked your brand how you how you do that sure yes I'm getting a lot of compliments on the branding side of things from you know the law go itself and I mean the branding journey for girl skill was quite an interesting one the same thing with men inside show if you go to men's I showed of course.
You'll see me you know in a dress that's I have naked shoulders and I sit and I stand like in the between four men that appear to be naked and there is a black. Like a black line along their eyes and so there was a really powerful image and I worked with a couple of friends I'm good at making people do things for me and I'm good I'm good at actually motivating and inspiring them so when I was working in Malaysia I have a lot of creative friends around and I love working with creative people and the whole creative production process is actually what I love doing and be forced starting girl skill and my second part cause I was thinking of getting a master's degree you know in the movie industry I wanted to be in the movie producer. And so I was really discovering myself and so with a girl skill that idea just came to me I read the women who run with the bulls by Clarice up in Calista which I which I highly recommend to anyone out there it's basically a Bible into womanhood and femininity and because I was reading a lot of stuff into many womanhood that image of a woman who are on who. Runs with wolves and the way she describes how females are so similar to two to wolves to the she will and I found that so powerful and so inspired by it and I said all right girl skill is going to be that.
And yes the really interesting so I've worked with a couple of designers you know choosing the logo the phones the colors like it was a whole blend of it was a whole journey but particularly what you're talking about so my brain is based on wolves and women and you can see on the wall of the brain pictures of me staring at a wolf or me running like physically running with the wolves either you know face I face in you or to the side and I'm like in winter and they did supposedly covered with fur and wolves and everything and. Yes so so so everything is based on that if you go to my IS the Graham or website or anywhere and like everyone dolls the Girl Scouts all about wolves and women which I'm actually a proud of because I get image messages now from different girls around the world sending me these images with wolves and saying This reminded me of you a song like Yeah I've done my branding job right you know but I never had like professional training or anything this is this is all coming from inside of me.
So you have to answer the question yes so there was an interesting story where. So those images where I'm running with a wolf or like staring at a wolf in my pockets cover actually so I was in Brazil.
And I said I I knew that this requires a photo shoot and that I had a guy I had a very good friend who's a photo when you later and I knew he was born but he could manipulate different things to look you know except fantasy.
And so I was a recording session there was a photographer there. Can hear in Cale Yeah yeah I can you know.
There was a photographer in the co-working space and you know I didn't know how good she was I didn't know like I looked at her work it appeared OK and I approached her and I said this is my idea of you want to do this with me and then she looked at him she says you have the interesting and then she had some creative projects before but as I said like this is the first. Well not the first one the one example of my intuition that you know I didn't go out there and search for. Hers and who can do this for me and I was in war about it much because I trusted and by now I know that all of my ideas that are coming to me I don't have to control and I just trust the bin result is going to me it is extraordinary in an amazing and so it is and so it is that you know in my personal life in my in my business life and everything I just have to trust it because time and time again in his throat and so and so engraved on the photo show and it was in a Saturday morning I was really nervous and was you know a professional for a studio a photographer she actually called the makeup artist as well that in itself is that was an amazing experience for me so I highly recommend to every woman should be a professional for should because the dust something to your self-esteem and I was afraid in the service of actually I was really awkward and they had to give me bring alcohol to like loosen down the B. C. and I'm not I'm a confident woman like I love myself and everything good as such is weird experience because all this feelings come up like I don't deserve to be here like why am I here Why's this woman putting makeup on me and so anyways and so to prepare for the father should I have an image in my mind of how I would look like running with the wolves who was a wild woman who was a woman of the forest was a woman connected to nature and so inside of me I had this idea that I want to so I went and bought this brown kind of dress that is where wildish like a cavewoman sort of a thing and I still have by the way. And then I one of the accessories and I saw you know if I'm going to run like I want excess or so I bought earrings I bought things to go on my own I actually bought like crazy earrings everything and then I said Oh but I need something in my hair as well because just. You know and then the last and I want to feathers in my hair and I was so wanting to have been I one of those too. To kind of be closer to nature or you know K. form and wild woman for stuff like that and so I bought it I bought the feathers which were actually on a dream catcher and I didn't want the dream catcher but the woman wouldn't sell it to me and so it's like OK whatever I'll take the dreamcatcher.
Yes I can to the photo should I put that all by myself in my head and they curled my hair and whatever and. So I did the photo shoot so everything that you can see now like running I actually Iran fake Iran so she could take some pictures and everything and I was lying around and I was literally I literally had to imagine that I was looking at a wall. That will so all around me so it's a really cool creative experience and so I send the pictures to the manipulator did them there was a lot of back and forth you know obviously because like he doesn't know what I want everything but we got to the final result and the photos are amazing it's like a crime of also because like the real wolf and as you said looks real and so on a Friday night I did not know so so I was getting Rachel is the focus is on there was a cover where I am looking at a wolf still some side from my profile and their feathers my hearing everything and I posted four different options even just the same and all of the options there was just the colors that were different and I posed in two like female into groups of what cover should I choose one two three four What do you think is better in terms of colors or whatever and so I went to bed and Saturday morning I will stop and in one group it was more than one hundred comments actually the admin has turned off commenting and said the last comment I saw was Ana I think you have what you want I'm turning this soft because this is this is out of hand something like that and then the second group the comments were not to. But there was a lot of common sense like what is going on because help me here and so what I what I found that was what I was confronted with is cultural procreation I didn't know what was cultural appropriation of the time but I quickly learned so I started reading sifting through this common foes like one of those going on so apparently of the main issue and there was a comment exactly like that in the call the one woman says I'm very uncomfortable with the feathers in your hair.
And so they really just Rafa's. Yeah yeah exactly but the whole idea was that the image that I've put together for the fortune the feathers my hair and everything it's cultural appropriating Native Americans and their cultural tradition is a big big thing in the U.S..
So the idea was like I'm taking their image so to say to use it in my branding and and that also puts them together aligns them with a whole wild case people and all of that so basically it would be disrespectful to the Native American people although I can say that there were two Native American women in the group they didn't have a problem with they were like do whatever the hell you want doesn't bother me so anyways long story short Genser question I was faced with a decision what I do now because it was so true to me and also I have to admit that now I see that all of my ideas about branding and wild woman everything probably came from a stereotype right that I had of things that I saw in movies as a little girl and stuff like that that a wild woman who had feathers in her hair I mean all a sin to this day I don't see a problem with it but.
The decision was what I do do I stay with this renting or do I change it and I didn't want to change it because it was me and I was like why am I why I am why my doing this and. When I had to make the decision and the decision was first of all I mean the main the main thing was that do I want to have this conversation time and time again with a lot of women around the world as my branding and that's my business grows Do I want to have the cultural procreation discussion or I would rather have a discussion about what my business is actually about you know womanhood femininity what it is to be in Wonder Woman how to lead in a family way and so I say yes this cultural procreation thing is not that important the feathers in my hair are not that important although there may be and I said Yes I don't want to deal with that you know I don't want to part of the discussion and so I changed the feathers to the flowers and so I went back to the manipulator paid him money again and said I'm sorry and this is what happened can you please change the feathers in my fair to the flowers he gave me a weird look but eventually we were to die and yet lives good now and I am I still I feel like it's more feminine vibe to it I suppose.
But yes so my interation I listen to it when I did it and then I listened to it again where sight it was actually really really hard to sit and I couldn't I could decide I rember sitting there and I was going to consult and say what should I do which I do and I realize that the part of me that wanted to stay on brand and one of the feathers was actually more of an ego think where it was oh I'm going to show everyone I'm going to prove everyone wrong but the true me is this necessary is this really really important is that is that really your value and then and then it wasn't because it wasn't connected to my mission the feathers are just you know like I'm. Going to let it go yeah that's great so I'm curious how you tell the difference between the voice in your head that's the you ego and the voice in your head that you know you know knowing.
And that's a really interesting question and I don't have the perfect answer to it because I don't have this kind of decisions they don't happen often in my life.
But as a business owners you know sometimes are faced with with like we don't want to offend anyone and you know we've got to think about not only ourselves but also as customers in our image and I've actually talked to Mark Mensa and. You know who wrote the book The Art of the subtle art of money giving a fuck because I'm on his list and I actually sent him this question which was really interesting because I really didn't know what to do and then he he answered me in a very interesting way he said you know in the past I was pissing off a lot of people who were my customers and I left and then I worked really hard to get them back so what what is the most important are your customers and what do they feel like which is still has to align with your truck or and your mission so there was a range six zero chance or a question for the ego and I think it's all about the intention and the Bible around it if you feeling angry you know also I think the ego would be the one who is going to be like No you can prove everyone wrong and you're going to show them and there's anger and possibly hate and there's a lot of resistance in there which sometimes is useful in also this.
What dry the black slip on the face do it but from another side the true Weis announce it will be asked the question is this Syrian port is necessary and do you feel good about it and I said if I'm going to the yeah it's a bit tricky right because you don't know whether you're say yes or no to yourself.
Well yeah for me it wasn't important and then my inner voice which was my true intuition I suppose was just telling me that. Yeah well what are what is what is the most important thank you what is your mission steered towards what makes you feel good if you don't win Wimbledon as conversations don't and a lot of women actually a lot of people want to be involved in that and I just don't see the point of arguing about something that's that's not my main Like why why we're arguing about feathers in the year.
Old I mean it's like there's no point to it so let's are let's if we if we are to argue about a comb controversial subject let's argue about what really matters how you how are you working with your femininity are you discovering the woman what it is to be a woman for you so that's my main question not why am I wearing fathers in the hair because that's that's not important Yeah I don't know if it's a good question but I tried my best yes so it sounds like your intuition voice was the quieter of the two voices and the karma of the SUV way says you know the be angry voice was more loud. Want to get it right and the intuition was more like this is what makes sense yeah wanting to be right I think that that's exactly that eagle wanting to be right wanting to prove your point.
Although And I've done that before you know I have a lot of masculine energy and I've done that before many times where I didn't stop to actually ask myself is this important is this really worth my time my energy my effort or am I spreading love you know I my spreading positive good vibes and am I having a good conversation and then say dancers no then I just step back and I'm a want and that's really hard to do I know for a lot of people but it doesn't matter you know it's all about love and then.
Yes So if you always trust your intuition since you were a child or did you have to learn how to do that yet I always trusted my intuition and then it's a very good question because as we talked previously before I and I didn't know it was interesting or whatever but I had such a strong inner voice since I was a little girl I always knew what I wanted to do or.
I was the but well I'm a natural leader and I'm also very rebellious and that rebellion inside of me actually my inner voice my intuitions save me from a lot of different situations in my life I'm very intuitive and very sensitive but I'm not like I'm very strong like I have a strong character and lot of masculine energy but it almost has saved me from.
I can't even imagine how my life would be in an example I can give an example when I was seventeen I was living and you know I called my story a Cinderella story like a modern Cinderella story simply because I know you're probably going to ask them this but I lost my mother when I was eight. And my dad you know was looking for a new wife and a new mom for us and for me and my sister she was older than me for years and we were we were never against it in fact wanted to have a new mom and everything so it happened that my dad chose a wife. That turned out to be an evil stepmother so to say and I had a very hard time with her. And when I was seventeen.
I mean it was a constant fight it was a constant those years were so hard for me I you know I was a suicidal at some point.
And there was a lot of rebellion and drinking and alcohol and smoking cigarettes and you know people would tell me that I would either end up in jail or become a millionaire just like Richard Branson you know so I.
Think I Think I'm going towards the military so I hopefully.
WILL Yeah there was a point where my boundaries and my you know inner guidance.
Was so. Invaded in so there was someone in my life which was a stepmother or you know it might be she might be representing some some energy or something like that there was invading on my inner guidance so much. That I was already eighteen and I packed my bags and I said I'm down I can't I can't live here anymore I can't live with you anymore and whatever so I packed my bags and and I left and I was eighteen I didn't know where to go I didn't have a good relation with my dad. And he just I remember you know my suitcases were out of the door and he slipped the door in in front of my face and I was still in high school and I had to drag down these two suitcases from the fourth floor down and I had to drag them and I was lucky and fortunate enough to have an aunt that war had opened her doors and she didn't have any children so I ended up living with her for about six months until there was another conflict I had to leave her with my bags go and crush somewhere for we you know anyway so it's a long story but that moment you know that moment was a definitive one moment in my life because if I would have stayed in I know this for sure.
She would have crushed me should have crushed my spirit in my inner guidance that was so strong and then many may different life's like many different times I'd choose to go right or left you know there's many is this different like literally even though I go right or left and I just go left and I have a very strong sense of awareness direction space who to trust who to not trust.
And yet always knew what I wanted to don't call it she always knew what I wanted. To do with both my life with myself it's really interesting you know when I would back I always kind of was very clear bar what I wanted to do of course there are moments of on clarity here and there and I don't myself as well sometimes but not not as much anymore because I know that I'm in the right.
That's great so I think just using that deciding would just go right or left like if you're lost in a new town and instead of reaching for your G.P.S. on your phone just to follow your intuition and see if you can figure it out I mean what's the worst case you've got your phone out look at it.
I don't know if I have a G.P.S. I'd probably use a college G.P.S. a look at it. But simply because they're going to save me time I.
Do know what I mean but yes I don't have a phone or anything else like I don't sit there and being in panic or if I have to make a business decision or a decision about to go or not to go and it's been oh my God my God What I do were left to right and I'll start calling everyone or whatever I just go and if I make a mistake that's OK I just started wrong all the other way well it's a big deal you know so that's how we learn so yeah.
So you when did you leave the country were born in you you were born in Moldova we're going to go to people there that is where is that for people who don't know Moldova is between Romania crank it's a tiny country has four million people now less because a lot of people have don't receive to work it's allegedly the poorest country in Europe where income is between four and five hundred dollars a month yet economically it's not developed at all there's a lot of corruption and still politically the countries they divide it so I'm from there I left actually when I was seventeen seventeen or sixteen I won a competition and I went to the United States for a year what I wear I was an exchange student. Lived an American family in Virginia I went to high school that year was one of the best years of my life and really transformed me in many different ways. Yet I came back finished high school with all these you know drama with being out and living home and everything and then I went to college in actually went to an American university in Bulgaria and that's it so it's a bit more than more than ten years now was when I left and I Come come back every year I'm sick is my family's there and I've compared my relationship with my father.
And not with my stepmother though just with my father.
So yeah it was a long time ago and since then I'm just traveling around the world and for the last two and a half years I'm actually full time on the road as a digital moment or the question just.
So you know as an entrepreneur how do you make decisions when you don't have any data
yeah the that's a good question. And a lot of times you wouldn't have done or yeah so the.
You know I find especially today you know there's so much information out there and as my husband says and I absolutely agree with him it's like I don't need more information I don't need more education this point I need the implementation because that's I think that's that's one of the major.
Blocks that a lot of us interpreters have is there's so much out there and everybody wants to teach you something and.
You know there's there's always going to be someone or something that you can learn from or just learn or.
So for me yeah you're just feel like what's the right way to go about it I tend to analyze think so my mind and make a very quick decision like what is the right way to go about this is this right or is this wrong is this you know you just kind of for have your own thought process and signed and what what makes sense to me it's like what would make sense at this point right now if I didn't have. Anything any more time any more resources whatever what makes sense right now I said there are so rude maybe this maybe that OK let's go for it so once I once I make a decision I just go for that and a lot of the times of my view wrong actually and I've had these times and it's OK It's just the correction in your past. That you learn from it it's all it's all learnings right so you learn from it to turn back your value and you move forward like with my recent case and I was working with my virtual assistant that you know and I was was a really hard time to mean any was great and then something happened I was not sure should I hire her again full time or not and then I went for it because my intuition told me that I should and maybe that was the right decision at the time probably it was but then three months later.
Slowly slowly things were on veiling because there's a lot of things we don't know at this point here like I can't you can't know what's going to happen two more war in two days or two wants you just don't know and so you make the decision to make the best decision with the resources available this point in time you trust yourself then you do it and then if two more of the decision proves wrong then you correct it and then you say OK then didn't work out let me just move around and go and create more space more energy and make another decision it's kind of like what I do here in such a big deal you know it's yeah we will fail but we'll learn and we get up and then we'll go again it's just part of life there's beauty as well.
It's. So you have any practices that help you hear your intuition better.
Yeah I think so I am a certified yoga instructor and I do a lot of yoga yoga is something that I can't live without.
So and it's interesting you ask me this question I haven't thought about it much because I know that we're having this discussion thinking about it I think you're going to really keep me grounded.
First of all in my forty five my voyage and you know when they say it's like if you want to get in tune with your body you've got to move your body you gotta work with it I still have to work on my relationship with my got my vagina because I'm a woman but I'm getting there.
But yes your hips the ground of most my body it releases a lot of stress and water blocks it clears my mind which is really important soul yoga is a time where I meditate where I just sit in the pose and I breathe so breath so you are has done wonders for me that's why you know I did the structure course and all that but I also have like a morning routine. That really helps me clear clear all this chatter and then you know that the last chapter in your mind the clear you see or hear your own voice right so for example I stop scrolling Facebook maybe about a year ago social media for me though is this something that I don't want like Sarah and I don't hang out much fresh air I like to share so that's interesting at I like to share but I don't like to scroll there and common other people but I just share for myself express my voice I share my story so that's what I do so that the distraction of that has been eliminated from my life although I use it for business much more and I communicate with people via chat and what's up in the morning when I wake up I do morning pages by Julia Cameron from the artist's way I pull up the taro card every day which has been really interesting for me so that there was really cool I tracked my cycle so I tracked my days and my cycle in the connection to the mood I'm fascinated by all that stuff. I meditate I do yoga.
And yeah I just do work to make me happy recently I so I started writing again so I write a medium and I I recently took up drawing watercolor drawing and now drawing some like Creative mutations an art that I five super helpful for like Art Fair P. and getting all this chatter out of your mind and it somehow I feel like this creative activity is journaling meditation yoga it's kind of like clearing the way you know it's like removing all the Debra's and all the dirt around.
And yeah and sometimes it's good to stay still as well and not doing anything and I love this call by Alan Watts that says my do water clear something like something about why do water is best cleared by letting it sit still or something like that I found that's a great metaphor so yeah that's why I used shell the muddy muddy water would be a mind filled with glories and full. Of people stuff for clear water if you've done with these morning routines that you do yeah you're so you know like when you have sand or money water and if you keep stirring it constantly it's constantly muddy and there's a lot of chaos going on but if you let it sit still you know how the heavier particles edges drop down and then what was it always on the top is the clarity so I thought that was a very interesting metaphor. You know.
And the thing that we do in our lives.
Would be you know social be watching T.V. or having drama with other people at various addictions that we have.
And that whole food so yeah and these are ways you know I say that and I've done and I've done this multiple times there's a way. I think I think that we run from ourselves I think the biggest fear that we have is face ourselves and so for me was the case previously or I like when something was happening I just couldn't deal with it I I was going on and you know I was drinking alcohol all doing drugs having sex or riding my bike because it was just a special I started as digital moment Gerty you know it's really hard and so I've done a lot of work on myself and I've done a lot of self-love self healing self everything and once you do that work and you start understanding yourself a loving and you know that you are you you're you're you're just protecting yourself and once that relation face established I feel like the need for distractions and the need for you know running away from yourself is not there anymore because it's not necessary you know that you can and me OK Surely I do that sometimes as well so I'm not perfect in it sometimes I would go I would have an occasional cigarette you know or something like that I'm like hands down with this question when I'm tired or I finished a big project but less and less I have the need for even sugar cravings or something like that because I know who I am and then I love that part of me and yes that said.
So what's the biggest fear you have remaining in your life on a.
Oh man OK So on the on the surface level I'm afraid of waves so surfing and I'm afraid of insects so I hate cockcrow chills I hate spiders and the feeling of somebody crawling on top of me is a weird feeling thing but.
Like the more spiritual fear is fear of death. And I think this is related to my mother's death so I've done quite a bit of work in that area.
But yeah there's something about darkness and I remember as a little girl I was still a member of been always afraid of darkness and.
What is a fan terms and all these ghosts and stuff and you know I know that if I'm afraid of it that means I believe in it because if I if I thought that was all bullshit you know I would be.
So yeah I I cannot I don't watch horror movies I don't listen to this oris and because I know them the moment somebody is looking at me and telling me all of this is what happened to me I know this is true I believe people and then I started being all like you know so it really scares me that the world you know it's a program like my mother's death and all that but I feel like that's something that I know I'm yet to work with possibly a bit later in my life because I'm still in my twenty's.
And many want to become a mother.
That would be the next Yeah I feel like that that's something that I will come to an end you know the realization that we are mortal as well sometimes I think like sometimes there it is a shame that this boy kid's going to happen it's like it's unavoidable right. It's going to happen something.
Yeah you know we're here but you know to me like this boy did me. It's going to gone well not me but the Boise is going to be gone I'm going to be don't want point like so you know if you know that if you know your thirty years up you live a little longer.
If you know that your spirit continues after your body physical body.
Why you are afraid of other people spirits that continued after their bodies die
Well that's I think you said I know I'm not sure I know. I I don't think I do yet or maybe I'm not convinced a hundred percent in that Siri right I choose I believe in like different life and everything but I think there's a bit more to be done in the sense. Doesn't really happen you know it doesn't go anywhere I believe in spirit and everything but I guess not as much yet to be so convinced and then the second party a question is I think I'm some really sensitive to the outside stimuli and people telling me different stories and what's happening and all of that and so I think as a child I've been really scared then I've been bombarded with this world of ghosts and death and how scary everything is and then the dark side and.
And you know I'm interested in that as well as the money fast and then pyres that Holmes there is so so there is a little girl in me that still afraid as I think still believes in I don't know they don't exist really you know I don't know what happened and I'm scared of the dark sometimes yes a little thing in me that.
They're just still went through.
So let's end this interview by talking about why you're proud to use your business in tuition
group Francia use my business intuition because it leaves me because it's fun and because. It's based on me and not on some external factors on what other people tell me in you know in business I've come to the point where I have just won two three trusted advisors or maybe watch a group of people that I really trust and if I need advice I ask them but a lot of times I think I don't want in a sense that I trust of myself so much at this point where I don't and. As I said there are so many distractions right now I find they're actually hurting more than helping so I am very proud to use my business situation because I if something happens or whatever I don't panic and go on three hundred groups and post this question or star you know start Googling Oh yes the worst thing you can do is like the well depending on the situation right if this completely new area or whatever but I feel like I know everything I need to know because I wouldn't be faced with this specific situation.
If I didn't need to learn that specific thing for that specific if I didn't have to go through the specific experience of this point in time so right now at this point I'm here and I'm not going to be given a situation where it's like.
My going to lose a million dollars because I don't have them yet you know so it's a it's constant growth and I feel like the more you come from place of making decisions based on your own intuition because this is your business your business is a reflection of you I know that if something happens in my business it's me I always turn around and I ask what did I do wrong or how did my energy in this certain even with the girl with my virtual assistant you know I've asked myself multiple times and I'm only blaming well not blaming but I know it's my fault like I wasn't showing up and it's obvious I wasn't showing up therefore it wasn't working. It's my business it's not her business is not to you all this else's business.
So yeah it's and you know the business is a direct reflection of you and what's happening in your life if something's not working in your business. I mean is that something something is out of alignment in your life and. If so that's why I'm proud to use it because it gives me much more satisfying results probably not the best results in terms of data right so you can. You could I could have made another decision and I could have made money by not already or you know made thousands thousands of dollars but is that really the importance because interprete notion is all about I feel it's it's a personal growth you're really you know it's you finding yourself finding solutions.
Because that's what matters I feel we grow yes my bank account grows I'm a person a girl it's important.
I think that's a lot of the reason why people are entrepreneurs I mean you know they there are many reasons but the personal growth will come from having a business if if were open to it is enormous it yet is America in two and more areas we absolutely rate to grow us so absolutely great so given how important business situation isn't and I'm on a mission for all entrepreneurs to openly use their intuition because I think they'll make more money and be more happy doing that and also or less dumb ass decisions other people and planet.
And he actually a number of people still do those things. So what would it take to make business intuition more openly used in this year.
For mayor in general.
You take it either way OK Well I think going back to the metaphor which talked about of the mind the water. That it's let It's still.
The more we the more we stumble around and distract ourselves and the you know the doing where in the hostler.
Generation now in the doing doing doing and I feel like. It's really important to stop and let it be and I found myself in my business and in my life a lot of the times if I just let it be and don't do anything right it's going to solve itself on sleep. And then you realize. There's no need for all that stress you know because of the end of the day I think it will that to answer your question yeah I always remind myself that in the end of the day it's all a game we don't know no one knows what the hell we're doing you know even the most competent people the million years whatever yeah they look like they know what they're doing on us experience but everybody has their own fears everybody is asking themselves this is going to really work am I going to fail how is this going to look like. And yet it's all a game and we're just just playing our own part in it to go so it doesn't really matter it's like you know it's all terminal in a way it doesn't mean that like we don't have to try to take charge of our lives and all of that but if you look at it there and there's so many opportunities out there you know it just depends on what you want and if this doesn't work then those always another door and then yeah so I think that's that's the answer to you just using your intuition being true to yourself and to your values and how you interact with other people how you affect them is of bringing them joy in La Face your intention coming out of that place or you want to. Move something to someone or yourself which is really not the point so yeah Does that answer a question.
Yeah bronzes my question so if people want to find you online and how can they best do that yes I highly encourage you to subscribe and listen to my podcast girl skills if you go to i Tunes type girl skill you'll find me. And of course the website is girl skill dot com is a set of i Tunes and then if you're curious song about my writing it's song medium dot com flush with double and a row are over you can find it there and young girl skill is on a Stick around I want Instagram as well so if you want to fall in an Instagram is wonder a lot W A N D E R O V A there but you know in this day and age acts on it. People can find whatever they want if they really are looking for it in the right way so and the right channel See I just go well that's it.
So we'll put all those links in the show notes which you can find on Intuit if leadership mastery dot com Together with the other things you mention during the episode about the books various Paul costs you talked about yes thanks so much for coming on the show today thanks Mike a lot it was a pleasure thanks so much for having me it was a really interesting discussion.