Here are some notes on the call format to help both of us have an easy, joyful and successful podcast.
- We will be on a Zoom video call. You should already have the Zoom URL from email and the google calendar for the interview. If not email me.
- Have a headset microphone for the best sound quality. Or use a quality podcasting mic such as the ATR-2100 or Blue Yeti together with earbuds or headset for audio. Make sure your recording room is quiet and that others in your space will know not to disturb you during our recording session.
Tip: Good sound quality is the number one foundation for a great listener experience!
If you have not used Zoom before you might want to try out the URL ahead of time and test your audio quality. FYI there is a short download the first time you use Zoom.
- Here is the format of our call
- Pre-recording
- Get to know you and discuss questions/talking points related to business intuition that are good for you.
- We will type the questions into a google doc that I will share with you tomorrow. So we can both edit/review
- This doc will be the basis of the show notes page we create for your episode
- We will set some intentions for our recorded interview
- Recording starts
- I tell the listeners a summary of what is coming up in the podcast and give you a brief introduction
- Then I ask you the first question
- We go with the flow.
- It is ok to go off on tangents if we have something interesting to say and if needed I will gently bring us back to the talking points
- When we reach a natural ending point or we have reached our hard time limit I will ask you how listeners can find you online. That is where you can give out your links (website, social media)
- Recording ends
- We wrap up and exchange any feedback on the interview
Key points
- Headset mic
- Quiet room
- Good quality internet connection
- Close any bandwidth hogs such as Dropbox, Chrome tabs e
- Have fun!
It is all easier and simpler than that comprehensive list looks. Don’t worry I will guide you through every step of the process to create an amazing interview.
WWIT to easily and joyfully co-create an amazing interview?
(*WWIT = What Would It Take - one of the key tools from my biz intuition book)